Categories > Original > Romance > This Blood Evacuation Is Telling Me To Cave In

Chapter Three.

by MCR-99 2 reviews

Hanging out with Vic.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-04-13 - 1124 words - Complete

Chapter Three.

The bell went for the end of Group Therapy, and I sped from the room,so I didn't get crushed in all the hustle and bustle for everyone trying to get outside. I went back to our room, and looked around for my sketchbook, as I thought I'd left it here. I nearly tore the room apart looking for it. I then tryed to remember if I took it with me this morning. I think I did have it with me at breakfast, and I'm sure I took it to Group Therapy. That must be where I left it. I was just leaving the room, when I bumped into Vic, making me fall to the floor because I'm so clumsy.

"Hey," Vic helped me up, man he was strong. "You okay?"

"Fine." I say, rubbing my shoulder, then I noticed he had my sketchbook. "Hey, is that my sketchbook?" I pointed at the book, and Vic looked down and spotted my pointing.

"Oh, yeah. I was just giving it back." I snatched the book from him quickly. "You're a really good drawer, y'know."

"You looked in my sketchbook?!" I snapped, my second shouting of the day, to him at least.

"Yeah, I, uh, hope you don't mind." He trailed off, and I grabbed my iPod and pens.

"Well, I don't now, do I?" I mutter, storming away from him.

I made my way outside, and looked around for Missy and Mia. I saw Missy was making out with Gabe, again. Jeez, do they ever not do that? I then saw Mia was being all cute and cuddly with Frankie, and I scowled. I hated when couples did that, really. Made me sick. Well, I haven't had a boyfriend for ages so that's probably why I hate couples in general. I sighed, and slugged my way over to the oak tree in the corner of the yard, where I sat in the shade and began to draw, with Green Day pouring into my ears and sparking imagination. I heard the rustle of grass and looked up to see Gerard sat beside me, looking over my shoulder and breathing down my neck. I stared at him for a few seconds, and turned away from him.

"Sorry," He said, embarrassed. "It's just, I never thought I'd be the only drawer here. The only good one anyway."

I didn't decide to talk to him, I just continued to draw, and wait until he left. I heard more rustles of grass, and saw that Vic was sat the other side of me, they were cornering me.

"Hey, Gerard," Vic said to him. "Leave her, will ya? She doesn't seem to particularly like you."

I stopped drawing for a second, more intrested in this verbal argument between the two of them.

"Well, she soon will." Gerard smiled, he looked like a flirty type. I needed to fucking run, but I was trapped. "She'll really like me."

"Don't fucking touch her, Way." Vic said, gritting his teeth. "Or else."

"Or else what?" Gerard smirked.

"Or else I'll get Mike and Jaime on you."

I saw Gerard's eyes widen suddenly, and he backed away. "S-Sorry, I'll g-go." With that, Gerard ran.

Vic chuckled, and I put my music away. I guess I should at least talk to Vic, since he did just save me from a violent throw up.

"So, who're Mike and Jaime?" I ask.

"Oh, Mike's my brother, and Jaime's my best friend." He says. "They go here too."

"What for?"

"Mike's in here for anger problems and Jaime's in here for Emotional Distress."

"I see." I nod my head, understanding.

"Sorry, about looking in your sketchbook." Vic mumbled.

"It's okay." I say. "I don't really mind as much."

"You are a good drawer though, I'll give you that."

"Thanks." I smile. "What about you? Do you draw?"

"No." Vic laughed. "No, I sing. And play guitar."

"Cool." I smiled again. "I sing too. I just don't know guitar."

"I can teach you one day."

"I'd like that." I was pretty much smiling widely. After a while some guys came over, and Vic introduced them to me.

"This is Mike, my brother." Vic adressed a guy in a grey beanie. Mike did a small wave in response. "And, this goofball is Jaime."

"Hey." I say to the both of them.

"So, you're here for.." Jaime trailed off, and I knew what he was gonna say.

"Yeah." I mumble.

"Anyway, this quiet guy here is Tony." Vic smiled, lightening the mood. "Tony the Turtle, since he's so shy."

"Hi." I say, quietly. Another mute. After a while, a girl with red hair skipped over, sitting with us.

"Hey Reno." Vic was the first to spot her, and then everyone else spoke up.

"Hey." She smiled, then noticed me. "Hey, Sadie." She was in Group Therapy with me.

"Hey." I waved to her.

"Um, Kellin and the guys wanted to know if you wanted any pizza.." Reno said, pointing over to Kellin and Gabe, who were stood with Missy and three other guys.

"Sure, if they're paying."

"Yeah, Missy got some money from Masterson's office, and she'll pay with that." Reno smiled.

"Cool, we'll have some pizza." Jaime mused.

"I'll have pepperoni!" Mike yelled, as if Reno was taking his order.

"Same!" Tony spoke up.

"Yeah, pepperoni!" Jaime smiled.

"Alright, what about you guys?" Reno asked us.

"Um.. I'll have cheese and tomato." I say.

"Same." Vic ordered the same as me.

"Right, so a pepperoni pizza and a cheese and tomato pizza. Got it." Reno pretended to write it down, giggled, and ran back to her group, telling them. The group she was at eventually looked at us, waving. I didn't wave back, although they did end up walking over. They introduced themselves. Kellin, Justin, Jack, Jesse and Gabe, who I knew. We all got to know eachother, and I made a few friends, over pizza. Soon, it was time for me to go to Arts & Crafts, which I had with Gerard, and Vic stopped me in my tracks.

"I was just wondering if.. maybe.. you wanted to go to the disco with me?" He mumbled awkwardly.

"Like a date?" I smiled.

"No, unless you want it to be a date."

"Well, we barely know eachother.." I say.

"So, not a date." Vic said. "Just two friends hanging out, together."

"Exactly." I nod, and turn to go back inside.

"Hey, watch out for Gerard!" Vic warned. "He's trouble."

"Okay, Vic!" I giggled, and ran back inside.

So, what did ya think guys? I think it was cool.
I think I like this story, it sounds cool.

Rate and Review, and expect an update later on today okay!

xoxo Sadie
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