Categories > Original > Humor > Screaming From The Outside On In -^Blood On The Dance Floor -^

Lazy Day

by ExstacyMonroeSGTC 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-04-17 - 241 words - Complete

Its all about the bend baby the bend!!! oh my gosh Bill is just a weirdo...hehee i thought

watching bill try and do a back bend/lean back as low as Jayy can do it but he's failing worse then bad....

"oh my bill stop before you hurt yourself!" i smiled when he listened to the glories

of being feared!! umm no i hate being feared it hurts my feelings..and i guess what i did to

Andy was a little to mean but he did deserve it...right?? i mean i don't swim i really cant

swim i don't know how..and your wondering where ivy has been well lets just say her and Dahvie

are getting close lately....hehe..

"USE PROTECTION!!!! YOU WHORES!!!" i screamed throwing a line of "LIFE SAVIOR"(?) condoms at

the door making a loud slapping noise seeing the door open and a hand pop out grabbing them

and shutting the door back causing us all to bust up laughing our assess off at them but soon

hot warm softness captured my lips and my eyes closed having my arms circle around Jayys neck

as he picked me up sitting me back down on his lap still kissing me

"OOOH GIT IT GIRL!!!" was being yelled around the bus today was just a lazy do what ever the

fuck we want day it actually passed quickly soon sleep over took me....
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