Categories > Original > Humor > Screaming From The Outside On In -^Blood On The Dance Floor -^

I'm Awake I'm Alive

by ExstacyMonroeSGTC 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-04-17 - 531 words - Complete

#~#~#~#~#~Pop Tart's Pov. #~#~#~#~#~#

It's dark here I'm scared i just want out of here i can't stand not hearing anything or seeing

anything stupid Andy!! why the fuck did he have to stab me like seriously?? what the fuck!!

that jack ass!!! ive done nothing but try to make amends with that jerk! for the past four

days but no he's just been hitting me and shit and today he pulled a knife out and now im all

in black god i hope im not dead if death is this plain then hell i might as well be insane in

a white padded room (not making fun of any one ive been in the fun house before it's not fun

at all!!) god and what is that Awe full beeping noise!!!!

"Please baby wake up i love you!! we all miss you baby!!" wait that's Jayy why is he talking

like that im not dead!!! where am i!! what day is it!!!" i screamed trying to get noticed but

nothing not even a sigh came out of me

"Doctor when is she going to wake up??" i heard a girl's voice say...Hey that's ivy why is she

saying Doctor??? and wake up i am awake!!!

"Where not sure Ivy....." i heard him say wait arnt they apposed to know!!!

"But Dr. Smith shes been like this for 2 months" Dahvie said with sadness in his voice as i

heard crying

"Baby Come on please wake up give me something to know you can here me baby i love you!"i

heard Jayy plead at me as i tried moving my fingers but it was like it was in cement and stiff

it hurt to move it as it was hard as well but i never give up so why give up now OH FUCK

NAW!!! i yelled at myself making myself use every once of my strength to move my hand around

who i believe was Jayy's

"Holey Fuck!!!!! She Moved!!!" i heard Jayy Scream and gasps erupt everywhere!!!

"Baby can you do it again!??!" he asked as i felt lips on my cheek as i willed myself to move

again wiggling my fingers it was getting easier but it was still very hard right now

"that's my baby girl!" i heard him mutter kissing my left ear as i tried opening my eyes but

failing as nothing happened

"Jayy i am Dr. Smith please try opening your eyes for me!" the person that was my doctor said

to me well no shit Sherlock if i could i would but i can't! i yelled out in my head as i felt

something prick my finger and sting like a bitch!

"MOTHER FUCKER BIT ME!!!" i screamed sitting up and wincing at the light and movement that i


"SHES UP GUYS!!!" i saw ivy yell out of the room and hearing a chorus of cheers before she

closed the door good lord today was going to be long as i watched the doctor un hook me from

everything as i waited patiently as i held Jayy's and Ivy's hand as one by one every one came

in and we caught up
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