Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Time Warp


by Rockrockaerosmith 1 review

Steven, Joe, Joey, Tom amd Brad are driving home from dinner when a car flies off the road. They go to check on the passengers, and their face to face with themselves from 1978...

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-04-17 - Updated: 2013-04-20 - 786 words

It was a dark, stormy night. Wait, wait, no. That's too cheesy. It's true, but no. Lets try this again.

Rain drops hit the ground, making audible plopping sounds as they did. Lightening lit up the sky while the thunder boomed, as if to drown out the sound of the rain. Steven gripped the steering wheel as he kept the car on the lane, moving it left and right a few times.

Steven glanced back at Tom, Joey and Brad. The trio were happily talking away about whatever they were. He glanced at Joe in the passenger seat. The guitarist had his head against the window, and he was so still and silent that Steven was sure he was asleep. Until he heard Joe mumble "Keep your eyes on the road, Steven."

"Not like that would make much of a difference" Steven mumbled as he put his eyes back on the windshield wipers. After dinner, the aged rockers were just trying to go back to their respective homes.

Suddenly, a loud, blaring noise came from no where, followed by a small car, seemingly appearing out of thin air, running off the road and hitting a tree. Steven barely had time to react before his own car raced past them. He twisted his head to get a better look when Brad started yelling at him to stop. Steven slammed on the break just before hitting the guard railing.

There was a few seconds of silence while everyone got their bearings and let their heart rates slow down. And then Steven felt a fist hitting the side of his head. He turned at looked at Joe, the familiar scowl plastered on his face

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Joe growled "Don't you realize you could have just killed us?"

"Hey, I'm sorry!" Steven yelled back, rubbing his head

"What were you even looking at?" Joey asked as he looked put the back window

"You guys didn't see the car? It came out of nowhere and hot a damn tree!" The 65 year old rocker explained, pointing back to where he saw them

"I didn't see anything, Steven..." Brad said, craning his neck "Hell, who can with this storm?"

Steven started the car up and turned it around "Yeah well, we're going to look anyway and call for help" he said, obviously with no protests. He drove the car slowly around the area he saw the crash, and stopped the car again "This is where I saw them." He said and unbuckled, thrusting the door open and stepped out, hair blowing wildly as he forced the door closed.

Steven walked towards the trees, hearing car doors slam behind him and four pairs of footsteps joining him. He squinted his eyes against the rain, but didn't see the car. Did he imagine it? Was he losing the rest of his marbles?

"Over there!" Steven turned when he heard Tom yell, watching as he approached a car hidden by the bushes.

They quintet walked cautiously to the car, which was damaged yet right side up.

Joey took out his phone and looked for a signal to call for help. Brad went to see if there was any other cars coming by to help. Joe expected the area to figure out how exactly the car got there without the others seeing it. Tom walked a few feet away to make sure no one went flying during the accident. Steven circles the car, trying to see who was in there.

He counted five people. Steven frowned. Where the hell did they come from? He peeked in the drivers side window and examined the man with his long hair and his face smashed against the airbag. He was unmoving and Steven thought he could be dead, and nearly screamed when the drivers head snapped to look at him, eyes wide and alert.

Steven took a few steps back as the car slowly swing open, followed by the passenger and back doors. The bodies in the car stumbled out, looking around dazed, not quite registering Steven's presence.

"Guys! Get your asses over here!" Steven yelled, and the rest of the guys walked over confused.

"What's the matter?" Joe asked before noticing the group out of the car. A palpable silence fell over the rockers as they stared at the young men, who finally seemed to notice them.

Even in the blinding rain, they could make out the long hair, the skinny frames of all different heights, and their bewildered, dilated eyes. The older men looked at each other in a mix of uneasiness and confusion.

The men in the car accident had an uncanny similarity to what they looked like in the late seventies.
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