Categories > Original > Humor

Shut Up

by Sam41 1 review

Another song, because I like to write like gah

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-26 - 159 words

Another day,
Another lie,
Another day,
Another guy,
Another day,
Another goodbye

Fuck you!
You're only a liar,
A cheat,
A scam,
A fraud,
A fucking poser

Quit this act
You're fooling nobody
Lies spilling from lips
Sinking ships
You're a fucking liar

Loose lips,
Sink ships
Loose lips,
Sink ships
Loose lips,
Sink ships,
Loose lips,
Sunk your ship

Well I see now,
You're a liar
A fake
A fraud
A fucking poser
A cheap little bitch

Good to see you gone,
Get out,
There's the door,
Don't let it hit you
Glad to see you gone,

A weight lifted off my shoulders,
A block pushing down on my chest,
A joy,
Watching you make your way out of that door

Another day,
Another lie,
Another day,
Another guy,
Another day,
Another goodbye.

Get the fuck out!

Just years of being lied to. Whatever; I am still going to write/post songs because I actually enjoy writing them
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