Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.


by MCR-99 2 reviews


Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-04-27 - 151 words

Hey, guys, I finished This Blood Evacuation today.

Because, you can't see it now, I'm putting the link here:

also, I wrote a poem today too, called Morning Glory And The Tales Of The Afternoon. All truth. Could you read, rate and review it for me please?

There. That's it.

Also, I'm a month and four days clean.. I'm doing well..

So, just read, rate and review. I want Morning Glory And The Tales Of The Afternoon rated green by the end of today okay? I'm checking my profile at 5PM my time, so I want reviews and rates, because I worked hard on it, and I made it all truthful. So, just take like 2 minutes or so of your time to rate and review my poem, and 2 minutes of your time to rate and review This Blood Evacuation. So, four minutes in total.

Please? For me?
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