Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Author's Note About Somewhere I Belong (my TeenTitans story)

Author's Note About Somewhere I Belong (my TeenTitans story)

by Banesraver666 0 reviews

Just like the title says y'all. This also will be for future chapters :) review if you have any questions. K? Thanks! :)

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-09 - 90 words

Hey guys & my readers (thank you guys for reading by the way) just wanted to clear some things before I start wiriting chapter three of the story.

Mia is Raven's younger sister & she is like her & she's like Terra in a way. Mia's going to make mistakes like both them but, Mia's going to learn from them (hopefully).


Slade does not love her!! He's just using her like Terra & Robin because, he's a selfish man & a prick.

I just wanted to clear that up. Thanks for reading this :)
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