Categories > Original > Humor > High School Never Ends

Chapter Four: Pretty Much The Same As I Was Back Then

by MCR-99 6 reviews

Lunch time, and yet again, more drama..

Category: Humor - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-05-06 - 946 words

Chapter Four: Pretty Much The Same As I Was Back Then

Lunch arrived quite slow for my first day, and me and Skye made our way out of our English class with Mrs. Hall. In English, Vic and Jaime were in my class as well, so basically it looked as if I'd be seeing Mr. Tan most of my lessons. Ash was in English too, and partway through Skye was pretty much drooling all over her, onto me. When I told her that she was producing a fucking waterfall onto me, she giggled and said sorry, yet still drooled, all over the book we were studying in English, which was Of Mice And Men.

Anyway, back to lunch. Me and Skye made our way into the cafeteria, and Skye told me about every single clique that surrounded me.

"Over there are the Populars." She pointed to the huddled group of Wotsits in the corner. Suprisingly, to me, Kellin was sat with them. "Basically, they're the queen bees and high rollers of the school, I'd steer clear of them."

"But, Kellin's there though." I say.

"You've met Kellin?" Skye asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I kinda knocked him over this morning, when I went to get my schedule." Skye laughed. "It's not funny, Skye."

"Sorry, it's just better than when I met him." She tried to stop laughing yet that failed.

"What happened then?" I ask.

"Well, last year, Kellin was in my Chemistry class, and we were lab partners and I may have spilt acid on his jeans, which burned right through them, and his jeans were literally wrecked." I then laughed.

"Seems painful."

"It was." Skye giggled. "He went bright red in front of the whole class, and he had to be taken to hospital, for only a few days, for acid burns."

"Has he forgiven you yet?" I ask.

"I haven't had a chance to say sorry, since Destiny's with him half the time." Skye scowled, another person who didn't like Destiny then, it seemed. "But, anyway, let me tell you about the rest of the cliques." Then Skye blabbed on and on about all the cliques, who to interact with, and who not to interact with. We then headed over to the Rocker table, and sat to eat lunch, and then a guy with pink and brown hair and a guy with blonde and brown hair appeared and sat down.

"Hey, Skye." The pink-brown haired guy greeted, giving her a fist bump.

"Hey, Alex. Hey, Jack." She greeted to the both of them. "This is Sadie, she's new here."

"Oh, yeah, the transfer from England!" The guy with the pink-brown hair said. "I'm Alex, and this guy right here's my boyfriend, Jack."

"Hi." I wave, a little shy, and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on." He laughed. "We won't bite!"

"Fine." I released my tension, and then Vic, Jaime and Ash walked on over and sat down, and I automatically tensed up again.

"Hey." Vic greeted, same with the rest of them.

"H-Hi." I stammered, and I noticed Destiny stand up and cross to our table, Kellin following her.

"Oh shit, trouble at two-o-clock." Alex warned, and I froze. Great, she looked pissed.

"Why are you staring at me?!" Destiny shouted to me randomly, taking me off guard.

"I wasn't!" I say back, regaining a small shred of confidence.

"You were, don't fucking lie!" Destiny spat.

"Destiny, calm it." Kellin told her.

"No, Kellin, she's bothering me!" Destiny said, angered.

"She clearly isn't, she was just enjoying her lunch, that's it." Kellin defended me, and Destiny's jaw dropped.

"You're taking her side?!" Destiny screamed.

"No!" Kellin fired back at her, this was like vocal tennis. "I was just saying, you're making this up."

Destiny then took a deep breath, and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder, before snapping at him again, and it suddenly turned into an episode of Eastenders.

"Do you like her? Would you rather have this little freak than me?!" Destiny pointed to me with the name of Freak. Fuck, that hurt.

"No, I love you!" Kellin told her, and my heart sank just that tiny bit.

"Then why were you defending her?!"

"Because!" I shout this time. "Because you were screaming at me for something I didn't do!" Destiny scoffs.

"Oh look, the little Freak speaks up!"

"Act suprised, but believe me, I've never seen a walking and talking milk chocolate bar before." I laugh, then instantly regret it. The entire hall turns to face us, and there's a couple 'ooh's in there, along with murmurs and whispers.

"What did you fucking call me?" Destiny screamed again, man this girl had the vocals for it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you had ears, you fucking milk chocolate bar." That fucking did it. Destiny grabbed the nearest plate of food she could, a fucking pie, and threw it at me, and it hit me square in the face. Then, the laughter ensued, and Destiny stood there triumphantly, and I wiped the whipped cream from my face.

"That is it, you little bitch!" I pounce onto her, shoving her to the floor. I then proceed to hit her as hard as I could, hoping she'd crumble under my fingers like the chocolate bar she is. I then felt arms around my waist, and I was lifted off her by Vic, fucking hell he was strong. Kellin managed to get Destiny up, and we both scowled at each other.

"Come on, Sadie." He said, leading me away from the fucker. "Let's get you cleaned up." We then headed towards the locker rooms, nice going for my first day huh?
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