Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Lost Friend

Chapter 8

by USA_Tiger 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-05-20 - 4725 words

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, Pokemon to WB and Nintendo, and Ranma 1/2 to Rumiko Takahashi.

A Lost Friend

By: USA Tiger

Chapter 8

Ranma decided she just had a very strange hour just now. After visiting with Harry and getting to know the other teen's godfather for a bit, she had headed back downstairs to get the free food Shampoo had offered her.

What was strange about it was that Shampoo had sat down beside Ranma while she ate. Well... that wasn't that strange, Shampoo did that often to make sure she ate the food she made, usually when it was drugged with something. It would have made Ranma wary of finishing the meal if it hadn't been for what Shampoo did next. Shampoo... started talking. The purple hair girl said that she knew now that she made Ranma uncomfortable with everything she did and wanted to start over, to try to be friends instead.

Frankly, Ranma was shocked by the suggestion. Akane had offered to be her friend when she and Genma first showed up to the Tendo-dojo, but that ended as quickly as it started once Akane found out she was really a boy. She and Ukyo were sort of friends, but her old buddy wanted to marry her more which made Ranma a bit sad. She was iffy about accepting the offer, what if it was a trick? But in the end, Ranma was so tired of fighting everyone and all she wanted was for all of them to get along. She didn't know who she wanted to marry, right now she didn't want to marry /anyone/. What happen at the failed wedding had put her off the whole thing at this time and really her relationship or lack thereof, with Akane was going downhill more and more each day.

Ranma sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, her life was so complicated and she hated it.

"Ranma, what are you doing in Juban?" Ranma turned around and sighed.

"You're in Nerima you idiot," She said, shaking her head in mirth as Ryoga's face lit up.

"Oh good, which way to the Nekohanten then?" He asked.

"Going to see Harry?" Ranma asked, crossing her arms behind her head.

"Yeah, so?" Ryoga asked. "He's my best friend."

"You just spend a lot of time with him; I've never seen you like this. What does Akari think about you trying to get back here all the time?" Ranma asked.

"Ranma, I'm not dating Akari anymore, we broke up," Ryoga said with a shake of his head. Ranma's eyes widen a bit.

"What? When?" Ranma asked her brow crinkling. "Are you going to try for Akane again?"

"No, I think that ship has sailed," Ryoga said with a shake of his head.

"Oh... how about Harry then?" Ranma teased, clasping her hands behind her back and leaning toward Ryoga with a grin. Ryoga blushed and sputtered, making Ranma laugh as she turned and jumped to the nearest rooftop to head back to the Dojo.

"RANMA!!!" Ryoga yelled as she disappeared out of sight.


Harry slowly opened the window to his borrowed room, trying not to make too much noise. He leaned out, looking up into the sky and smiled as he saw it was clear.

"Ready girl?" He asked softly as he turned to Hedwig. The cursed owl eagerly nodded her head, making Harry smile as he poured the hot water over her head. In an instant the young woman was gone and a wiggling pile of clothes was in its place. Harry extracted his owl from the pile, Hedwig clacking her beak as she walked up Harry's arm. "There we are beautiful," Harry whispered as he gently petted her chest feathers. Hedwig leaned over and gently nibbled Harry's ear, making him laugh softly.

He carried her over to the window, sticking his arm out. Hedwig walked down to the end and launched herself into the air. Harry grinned and shifted into his Mew form, following her outside.

"Mewwww," Harry said happily as he spun and twisted in the air, giggling as he loop-de-looped around Hedwig as she flew past him. The mew Animagus and owl enjoyed the view from high above Nerima, dipping and weaving in the moonlight. Harry's more kittenish side came out as he played with Hedwig, wishing he had a ball or something to play with. He felt something build up in him and made a surprise "mew!" as a giant pink bubble appeared in front of time.

Harry flew around the bubble, tilting his head to the side before falling on top.

"Mew! Meeewwww," Harry laughed, his big green eyes closed in joy as he bounced on the bubble happily. Hedwig barked at her hatchling as he stopped bouncing, lying on the surprisingly soft bubble that he made. The owl gently landed on the bubble, the bubble holding together under her talons. "mew."

"Hohohoho," Harry blinked and turned over, looking over the edge of his bubble down below.

"Mew?" There was a girl wearing a leotard, laughing loudly as she hopped rooftops and spun around light poles. She had a ribbon in her hand and Harry could see people cringing when she laughed. It took a few seconds until Harry realized he had seen her before, she had attacked Ranma in her girl from a couple of times and Harry thought her name was Ko-something. "Mmeeww." The bubble popped, startling Hedwig as she rapidly flapped her wing to stay upright as she was air born again. Harry flew down to the black hair girl curious.


~I shall get you tonight you pig-tailed harlot,~ Kodachi said in Japanese as she hopped on top of another roof, heading in the direction of the Tendo Dojo.

"Mew?" Kodachi slid to a stop in surprise as a little black and white appeared in front of her.

~What is this?~ She asked, blinking in shock, the cat was floating in mid-air!

"Mew? Meewww" The strange looking cat tilted its head as it looked back at her. "mewww mewmew," It did a mid-air black flip, seeming to giggle with little paws pressed up to its mouth. Kodachi blinked again then got all starry eyed, she might be a little crazy but she was still a girl.

~Oh how Kaawii!~ Kodachi cooed, clasping her hands under her chin. ~Your fur is as black as my lovely roses yet pure white as snow. Come to me my little darling, let Kuno Kodachi the Black Rose take you home.~ She took out her ribbon, spinning it around her then snapped it toward the cute little strange cat.

As the ribbon neared Harry, his form blurred as he teleported out of the way and appeared again behind Kodachi.

"Meeww. Mmeeewww," Harry laughed, porting away each time the ribbon tried to snag him. Finally, he appeared by Kodachi's hand and snagged the ribbon for himself, floating above the girl as he gave twirling it a try himself.

~Well, that just won't do,~ Kodachi said, reaching behind her back and pulling out a bouquets of her black roses packed with paralysis powder. ~Here little one, play with these,~ she tossed the bouquet at Harry-Mew, the roses exploding as they reached him.

As the bouquet flew at Harry, it seemed to slow to in his mind. Seeing the roses flying at him triggered his Transform ability, his form glowing and the rose petals hiding him from Kodachi as he changed shape. His new form landed on two dainty looking feet, holding out one arm at Kodachi while the ribbon landed on the ground with a thump.

Kodachi smirked as she waited for her soon to be new pet to land on the ground paralyzed so she could take it home. As the rose petals settled on the ground, the smirk fell from Kodachi's face.

"Roselia," Harry said, pointed a black rose-hand at Kodachi while his white rose-hand was held out to his side. His whole form was green with a lighter green face, chest and legs while his scar was a very pale green on his forehead, a yellow stripe ran down the middle of his chest and he had three spikes on his head like a crown. Kodachi said in shock, the paralysis powder hadn't seem to work on Harry's new from as Roselias are part poison creatures.

"Rose!" Harry thrust both of his roses in front of him, sending out a cloud of Stun Spore which coated Kodachi head to toe. The teenage girl errked as she stiffened up, falling over onto the rooftop paralyzed. "Rose Roselia," He walked over, nudging Kodachi with a foot, nodding in satisfaction when she made a groaning nose. As he headed back over to the ribbon lying on the roof, his form glowed white again and shifted back to a Mew. He floated the rest of the way, picked up his new prize and flew off into the night. Hedwig, who was sitting on top of a lamp post watching, took to the air following her master.

Needless to say, Kodachi never made it to the Tendo Dojo that night. In fact, it was morning before she was found by the family ninja Sasuke and taken home.


Harry flew above Nerima, twirling his new ribbon and putting the strange girl out of his mind. If he had been in human from, he might have felt bad that he just stole something and that he had somehow stunned Kodachi though she had attacked him first so it was self defense. But the Mew part of Harry was just having fun with a new toy.

Down below he caught a flash of light and was drawn to it to satisfy his curiosity again.

"Mew!" He called out happily as he saw it was Ryoga sitting next to a camp fire; he flew down and dropped into his lap.

"Nani?" Ryoga blinked as he was jerked out his thoughts as something landed into his lap. "Ha-Harry?" The older teen asked, blushing slightly. Ryoga had just been thinking about Harry, ever since Ranma made that joke about him and the other teen. At least Ryoga thought it was a joke but it didn't explain why his heart had sped up with the idea.

Ryoga was mostly honest with himself; while he liked girls he also developed crushes on boys as well. Even on male Ranma a couple of times though that never lasted long since the other teen pissed him off. So confronted with the idea of dating Harry hadn't disgusted him, it fact it made Ryoga stop and think which is why he was sitting in the middle of the woods, never mind it was just the park in Nerima, trying to sort out what he felt for his friend.

"Harry.... is that Kodachi's ribbon?" Ryoga blinked as he noticed the item in Harry's paws. The black and white cat-like creature seemed to blush before his form shifted and Ryoga had a lap full of human Harry.

"I couldn't help it, it looked like fun and I stole it," He admitted, his cheeks red. "As a Mew, I find myself wanting to play and have fun."

Ryoga's face was a bit red as well, but it was because he had the boy he just might be getting a crush or something more on sitting comfortably in his lap. Harry epped a bit as he realized just where he was sitting and scrambled out of the other's lap, both of them feeling a bit disappointed at the lost of contact.

Hedwig made a laughing barking noise from where she was roosting, watching them with amusement.

"Is that your owl?" Ryoga asked, trying to get his racing heart to calm down.

"Yeah, after everything that happen I thought she might want to stretch her wings," Harry said, looking down as he twisted the ribbon around his hands. "She's not gonna get much of a chance to do that with that curse."

"How’s your godfather?" Ryoga asked.

"He's getting better, he called Ranma a babe when he visited as a girl," Harry said with a snicker.

"I bet that pissed him off." Ryoga said with a smirk as Harry laughed and nodded his head.

"I think Padfoot is having a bit of a problem wrapping his head around the curses without seeing them for himself," Harry said once his laughter was under control. "Oh, those ladies really did take Mousse with them. I think Shampoo is really happy about it."

"Good," Ryoga said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why are you so mad at Mousse? I mean, I know I don't like him because he keeps going after me but I thought you guys were friends," Harry asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Sorta friends, we both wanted to beat the crap out of Ranma so sometime we fought together," Ryoga explained. "But a lot of time we don't hang out together. And now I rather kick his ass than Ranma's."

"Why?" Harry pressed, wanting to know. Ryoga bowed his head and mumbled softly that Harry couldn't make out. Harry frowned, putting his ribbon to the side and crawled closer to Ryoga. "What?"

"I said because he keeps trying to hurt you," Ryoga said louder, blushing. "I don't care what his reason is, he shouldn't even touch you. I’d do the same to any of them, even Akane."

"Oh," Harry blushed, sitting back on his heels and looking down at his hands.

"You're my best friend Harry," Ryoga said softly. "I kept trying to get back to England for a long time after I got lost until I got caught up with my revenge against Ranma and look what that brought me, I turn into a pig and can't even change into my Animagus form."

"What was your form?" Harry asked curious.

"A wolf, a big black one. I was really close to finishing the change when I ended up at Jusenkyo and Ranma knocked me into the Heitowennichuan," Ryoga said as he pouted. "I was so proud of turning into a wolf, my great grandfather is a ookami hanyou and while it's not a demon form, I was still turning into a wolf like my ancestors. But this stupid curse blocks every attempt I make." (1)

"Did you ever talk to someone who's good at transfiguration?" Harry suggested. Ryoga shook his head.

"Once but I've never been able to stay around any place long enough to learn spells most of the magic I know I either taught myself or my kasan taught me when I was little. So I don't know who to talk to" Ryoga said, propping his chin in his hand. "I had to really study to learn enough to be able to do the Animagus spell. With my sense of direction, I never been around any school long enough to properly learn, magical or mundane. The all boys’ school was the last time I was in school; right after my Kasan enrolled me in home school so I could at least learn that way."

"Well, I can ask Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall," Harry offered, moving so he was sitting next to Ryoga. He yawned, it was really late now and he had been out most of the night.

"Tired?" Ryoga asked.

"A little," Harry admitted, absently leaning against Ryoga who's heart sped up as the warm body pressed against his side. After a few seconds, he wrapped his arm around the younger teen. Harry blushed but didn't move Ryoga's arm from around him, enjoying the warmth and comfort Ryoga was giving him.


Harry ended up falling asleep against Ryoga who couldn't find it in his heart to wake the younger boy up and ended up carrying his friend into his tent. Hedwig followed them into the tent where Ryoga pulled his bamboo umbrella out enough on the top of his pack so she could roost on the handle then laid down beside Harry.

The next morning found Ryoga spooned up behind Harry with his arm wrapped around the younger teen's waist and Harry having one of his hands resting on top of Ryoga's. This was how Ranma, who had come looking for Harry after Shampoo had come by the dojo hoping to find him.

'Don't they look cozy,' Ranma thought as he shook his head in amusement. He didn't want to wake them, but Shampoo had said Harry's crazy godfather was worried about him.

~Hey Ryoga,~ Ranma whispered, shaking the other boy's shoulder. ~Ryoga wake up.~ Ryoga grumbled, reaching up and trying to wave off whatever it was that was bothering him. Harry mewled softly in his sleep when Ryoga's arm left causing Ryoga to wrap his arm around the boy again which cause Harry to sigh happily in his sleep. Ranma shook his head and shook Ryoga's shoulder harder.

Ryoga grumbled and finally opened one green eye, looking up at Ranma annoyed.

~What the hell do you want?~ He asked sleepily. ~I'll kick your ass later.~

~Like you could,~ Ranma said with a smirk then pointed at Harry. ~Look, Shampoo came looking for him this morning so you need to wake your little boyfriend up cause his godfather is worried about him.~

~Huh?~ Ryoga asked, looking at where Ranma was pointing. He eeped in surprise as he realized that Harry was all curled up in his arms and carefully detangled himself from the younger wizard blushing hotly. Harry mewled again in his sleep, making Ranma shiver, he hated that noise!

"Harry-chan, wake up," Ryoga said, getting to the other side of the sleeping bag then shaking Harry's shoulder. Hedwig barked in irritation, she was trying to sleep.

"Ryoga?" Harry asked, blinking up at Ryoga then squinting in his and Ranma's direction. He reached around blindly until he found his glasses and slipped them on. "Where are we?"

"You fell asleep last night, you're in my tent," Ryoga explained. "He came looking for you for Shampoo and your godfather."

"Oh Merlin... Sirius has got to be so worried," Harry said as he scrambled to get up, grabbing his wand and his stolen ribbon. "Come on Hedwig," he held out his arm for his owl who flew over and landed on the offered perch.

He waved goodbye to Ranma and Ryoga then took off to get back to the Nekohanten.

~Soooo... what happen with you two last night?~ Ranma asked, smirking as he poked Ryoga in the arm. Ryoga growled and hit Ranma on the top of the head.


Hedwig took to the air as soon as they were outside, flying low enough to keep up with her master as he ran through the streets. His wand was in a holster he bought and his new treasure was in his pocket, ducking and weaving his way to get back to where he was staying.

As the wizard and his owl passed through an alley as a short cut, someone dumped a bucket of cold water out the window.

~Oh, don't dump the water out the window you might spill it on someone,~ a girl said to her boyfriend inside the apartment it came from.

~Oh come on, no one would in the alley,~ the boy said. The water had hit Hedwig, triggering her change and dropping the few feet out of the air to the ground with a startled scream.

"Hedwig!" Harry yelled, running over and helping her to sit up. Her long black spackled white hair was covering her breasts as she held out her pale arms to her master. "It's ok, just a few cuts," he said after checking her over. He sighed and dug into his pocket, taking out a handkerchief and transfiguring it into a simple dress. He helped his owl-turn-human to dress then looking down at her feet. "I don't think I can make you any shoes Hed."

Hedwig cooed and touched Harry's face to let him know it was ok.

"Thanks. Let’s get back so I can bandage you up," He said, pulling her along.

They pair turned out onto the street, weaving their way through the crowds. As Harry turned another corner onto the street where the Nekohanten was located on, he ran into another warm body.

"Offfmmm," Harry fell back onto his rump with a grunt. 'Why does this keep happening to me?' he wondered as he looked up at whoever he ran into this time.

~Watch were you are going simpleton!~ Tatewaki Kuno said, decked out in his usual gear, as he glared down at Harry.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry," Harry said as Hedwig reached down to help him back up. Kuno gasped as he saw the human Hedwig who was paying no attention to him, busy making sure her chick was alright.

~A Yuki-onna from the snows. Nay, not a demon but a goddess who graced we un-humble morals,~ Kuno said. ~Who are you goddess?~

Harry and Hedwig frowned in at the strange boy, wondering what the hell he was going on about.

"Ummm.... what?" Harry asked. Why was he going on about goddesses and demons? "Look, we need to be somewhere," Kuno frowned at the boy that keep interrupting him and was standing too close to his new goddess and kept speaking in English.

"Knave, what business do you have with this goddess of the snows?" Kuno asked switching to English and pointing his bokken at Harry. "What is your name?" Harry opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by Kuno. "Nay, but is it not customary to give one's name first. I am the shooting star of the Furinkan High School kendo team. I am the Blue Thunder! Kuno Tatewaki, age 17."

"O-k," Harry said with a frown. "My name is Harry and this is Hedwig and we really need to get going."

"Cur, I did not tell you that you could leave," Kuno said, pressing the bokken closer to Harry who quickly backed up. Hedwig hissed at the teen, wrapping her arms around her master. Behind Kuno, something began to growl. He blinked and turned, seeing a large black dog with its fangs bare at him and growling loudly. "What is this? A black beast from beyond? You are in leagues with that black sorcerer Saotome! I strike!" Kuno yelled, turning back around to brink his bokken down on Harry. The dog barked loudly as it jumped onto Kuno's back, knocking onto his front and clamping its teeth around the wooden weapon, tearing it out of the teen's hands.

"Padfoot!" Harry said, kneeling down as Padfoot happily pranced over to Harry, his tail wagging as he gave a doggy grin around his 'stick'. Harry laughed and wrapped his arms around his godfather. Kuno groaned and pushed himself to his knees, shaking his fist.

"I will not let you get away from with this," He said. Hedwig walked over and pushed her foot into Kuno's face, pushing him onto his back.

"You... not... touch... my... chick!" the human-owl said, carefully hissing out each word as she leaned over the surprised Kuno. He gulped at the murderous look in the woman's golden color eyes as she glared down at him before she sniffed at him and turned back to Harry and Padfoot. Harry was laughing softly, not bothering to get Sirius to let go of the bokken as they walked past the shocked Kuno and toward the Nekohanten.


"Sirius, I can't believe you did that," Harry scolded his godfather. "You shouldn't even be out of bed right now!"

"I think Mr. Tao protest too much. Mr. Padfoot had to save Mr. Tao from that idiot with the stick," Sirius said with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face. Harry sighed and shook his head.

"I'm amazed you were even able to get up at all to help him," Cologne said as she pogoed over on her cane, setting bowls of ramen in front of both of them. Sirius, Harry and Hedwig were sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant after the incident with Kuno outside.

"Hey, I saw my pup was in trouble, I wasn't about to let that boy hurt him," Sirius said, defending himself. "And just where were you young man? I was worried when they said you were missing this morning!" He added, turning on Harry.

"I went flying with Hedwig last night, it's something I've wanted to do since I first found out I could fly in my other form," Harry said, blushing as he gazed down at his breakfast. "I kinda got sidetracked by this crazy girl that lives around here then I found Ryoga later and I... sorta fell asleep."

Sirius sighed and reached over, pulling Harry into a hug.

"Just tell me before you do something like that again," He murmured into Harry's messy hair. Harry smiled and wrapped his arms back around his godfather. ".... you smell like that Ryoga kid," Sirius said with a chuckle, causing Harry to sputter and blush hotly again.

"So, you took your owl out flying in her true form even after my warnings?" Cologne asked once Harry was sitting in his chair again.

"I checked the weather and made sure I was nearby her all the time," Harry said with a scowl. "She didn't get splashed at all last night, it was went we were trying to get back here, someone dumped water out of the window on top of her."

"Hmmm," Cologne watched Harry then nodded. "I suppose I can't fault you too much, you are a teenager after all and you managed to come back mostly undamaged."

"Yeah, but what was with that creep with the wooden sword?" Sirius asked, trying to get his chopsticks to work correctly. "He keep trying to impress Hedwig or something, and badly at that."

"That reminds me, what is a 'Yuki-onna?'" Harry asked, he wanted to know what Kuno was calling his owl.

"It's a type of killer ghost cub." Sirius said. "Some old Japanese legend, it means 'snow woman' or something."

"I suppose your owl does look similar to a Yuki-onna, I would suggest not letting anyone see her on a snowy mountain," Cologne said with a chuckle. Shampoo came bounding in at that time, running up to Harry.

"Is true? You defeat crazy ribbon girl?" She asked, her big purple eyes looking up at Harry all starry.

"Wait, how did you hear about that?" Harry asked.

"Aiyah, is true! Shampoo found Ranma and pig boy when looking for you," Shampoo explained. "Ryoga telling Ranma how Harry defeat crazy girl Kodachi and took her ribbon."

"All I did was sorta sprinkle her with this weird dust and she fell over not moving," Harry said. "She wouldn't even know it was me, I wasn't human at the time. But I did take that ribbon thing of hers." he reached into his pocket and took out the gymnastic ribbon, laying it on the table. Shampoo laughed when she saw the ribbon, any of her rivals for her Ranma, not that she really saw Kodachi as a threat since Ranma didn't seem to want her at all, who got their asses handed to them made Shampoo feel good. It would have made her feel better if it was her that had done it but why spoil a good laugh.


Author Notes: And now the Kuno siblings have shown up. I hope I managed to nail Kuno's personaltiy and speech pattern. And we got to see even more Mew powers, the movie mews were able to make gaint bubbles that they could touch and bounce on.

(1) Ok, so over the years I've seen fan theories that Ryoga may be part demon, it's something I've always believed as well. Ryoga also looks like another one of Rumiko Takahashi characters Koga (Kouga?) from Inuyasha so I've always thought they could be related. I'm not saying Ryoga is Koga's grandson or anything but Ryoga could have some wolf demon in him which is the case here. Ryoga just reminds me of a wolf. I want to let him have his wolf Animagus but at the same time I'm not sure if it would wolf with him cursed like he is.

Edit 6-29-14: Just more of the usual fixing.
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