Categories > Original > Humor

Jazzy The Killer

by NothingToProve 3 reviews

A not-so-creepy creepypasta for Jazzy. Enjoy :3

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-22 - 707 words

This will be weird, mainly because whenever I'm sad and somebody writes me weird things I laugh while still crying
It looks fucked up XD

One day,
No. No cheesy beginnings. FUCK IT
-clears throat-

Thunder rolled in the backround, lightning lit up the sky, sending flashes of blinding light in every which direction.

Crawling out of his comfortable, warm bed. Jack crawled his way over to the window, watching as the wind, being as powerful as it was began gently ripping the leaves off various trees scattered around his house, as lightning continued to flash, brightening his back yard for a few seconds each time.

"Yeah lightning. You better stay outside! Or I'll whoop you a new one." Jack mumbled, obviously scared of what was happening. Taking in a few deep breaths, Jack began to relax; until a loud rumble shook his window with the sound, causing the boy to yelp in surprise and fear, curling into a ball under his dark blue sheets.

"I wish Alex was here." Alex, being Jack's boyfriend, and quite possibly the only person alive who could calm the boy during storms like this.

"Shhh, you might awaken them." A soft voice cooed to the shaking, fear filled boy.

"Who's them?" Jack asked, totally ignoring the fact that someone was suddenly in his room.

"The lost, the reckless, the brave, and of course...the dead." This last statement cause Jack to bolt up into a sitting position, whipping the blankets down to around his waist and glare in the direction where the voice had been speaking from.

"You're very pretty; but shut the fuck up!" Jack screamed at a girl, no older than 13 or 14, dirty blonde hair hanging around her shoulders, as she gently fixed her My Chemical Romance shirt, a smile spreading along her face.

"Why thank you Jack, and the dead part was only a joke. Good humor if you understand how to take it." She spoke softy and slowly, in attempts not to frighten the boy further.

"You know my name, can I know yours?" Jack asked, watching as the girl stood, slowly making her way over to the boy's bed; until her face was inches from his.

"I'll give you a hint; Go to sleep." She whispered the last part in a sing song voice; as Jack stared at her with a blank expression. "You have never heard of Jeff The Killer?" She laughed, as Jack shrugged. "You need to get more up to date on your creepypastas boy!" She backed away, smacking her hands together to further prove her point.

"You like Jeff The Killer, okay. Who are you though" Jack mumbled, watching the girl pace through his room.

"Me? Why I am no other than.." She jumped over towards Jack. "JAZZY THE KILLER!" The girl flailed around, causing Jack to squeal in fear. Grabbing his phone and calling his boyfriend.

"Uh, Jack...what?" Alex groaned, obviously tired.


"What?" Alex let his head flop back down onto the pillow, convinced his boyfriend was experimenting with drugs.

"NO JAZZY! I DO NOT HAVE NICE GAZELLE LEGS! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! I HAVE NICE JACK LEGS." After hearing this fit of anger, and fear. Alex hung up, vowing never to get high in his life.

"But Jack...your gazelle legs, so nice, so soft. Do you shave?" The girl looked up, watching as lightning lit the room up enough to reveal Jack's reddened cheeks.

"Uh, no?"

"Uh-huh. Come with me boy!" With this, JTK grabbed Jack's hand; pulling him towards the closet.

"NO! I WILL NOT GO BACK INTO THE CLOSET!" Jack fought, pulling his hand away, and grabbing a hold of the doorframe as Jazzy pulled viciously on his ankles.

"Jack! COME ON!" With this, she pulled one last time. Only to drag the boy into the dark unknown she called home.

Jazzy The Killer only comes during thunderstorms
You must act hipster and like a swagfag for her to come
She is on a quest to Save Rock N' Roll

Hope this made you smile XD
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