Categories > Original > Poetry


by IsolabellaFae 1 review

The motivation to do anything to be beautiful.Just to feel it for a second.To know what it's like.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-22 - 133 words

I won't stop.
I can't stop.
She won't let me stop.
Every time I try I get closer and closer.
Then I remember.
People say it's just a number.
They don't think it matters.
It does to me.115
I want it. More than anything.
I like to see it. To feel it.
But I don't anymore.
Does that mean it's getting worse? Or better?
I lack the motivation.115
It's what I need.115
It's been my goal.
The one I can never meet.
Please, I only ask this one thing.115
I try and try again.115
I work so hard.115
I can't get it out of my head.115
I think I would rather be dead.115
Can't anyone see?115


I don't want to stop.
Screw 115. I play to win.
I won't stop 'til I'm thin.
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