Categories > TV > Doctor Who > A Companion's Diary: My Adventures With the Doctor

Chapter Three

by sydney14911 0 reviews

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: G - Genres: Romance,Sci-fi - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2013-05-30 - 1047 words

As I awoke, a piercing light blinded me. I blinked a few times and my vision cleared up. I was in a completely white room, and I was restrained on a surgical table. Just as soon as I took that in, a door opened that I hadn’t seen. Out stepped something that made my blood run cold. It was a cyberman.
I was still so confused. This wasn’t how they normally operated. “What do you want from me?” I asked it. “I’ll have you know that I am under the Doctor’s protection and he will be here to rescue me.” It didn’t respond. It just marched mechanically over to my bed side.
“You will be injected with a serum”
“Oh hell no you’re not injecting me with anything!” I started writhing around and struggling in my very sturdy bonds.
“It is not fatal. It is a truth serum. You know everything about the man known as the Doctor. We need information.”
“I’d rather die than help you.”
“Then you will be deleted.”
“I’d like to see you try,” said someone that wasn’t me.
The next thing I heard was the whirring of the sonic screwdriver and my bindings were released. I rubbed the feeling back into my wrists and got on my feet. The Doctor had come to rescue me just like I knew he would.

I turned around to thank him but noticed a glint of silver behind him. “Doctor look out!” He whipped around and soniced the cyberman right in the face. The cyberman collapsed and the Doctor grabbed my hand and said “RUN!” My inner fangirl was screaming but I didn’t have time to think.
He dragged me back to the TARDIS and tried to get me inside. I refused and stood my ground. “Doctor, we can’t just leave! We need to see what’s going on. People might be depending on us. Who knows who else they took hostage,”
“I told you back at your house that I would not put your life in danger. I’m standing by that.”
“How can you stand there and tell me what to do when you don’t even know my name?”
“What’s your name then?”
“Gemma Ryan.”
“Nice to meet you Gemma. Now get in the TARDIS so I can take you home!”
“No. There are people that need to be saved. You’re the one who named yourself Doctor. You’re supposed to help people, not condemn them. Start living up to your name.”
“I suppose you’re right, but there’s nothing I can do without putting you in danger. I won’t….I can’t lose another person.”
“Well you’re just going to have to risk it.”
“How about I take you home, safe and sound, and come back and take care of this cyberman infestation.”
“I don’t think so. Then there won’t be anyone to stop you. A universe without the Doctor is no universe at all. At least no universe I want to live in.” I said softly. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing him after only just having him in my life. “Besides, how do I know you would come back for me?”
“Gemma, I give you my word that I will come back for you in about four years from your point of view. But you need to go now, otherwise I won’t be back. I can’t take you travelling with me if you won’t listen. That’s how I lost…nevermind.”
“Alright, I’ll get in the TARDIS. But only because you promised me. And you better be back for me Doctor. I don’t know what I will do if you aren’t” And with that, we dematerialized and arrived back in my basement. “Now you get your skinny butt back there and rescue those innocent people.”
“Gemma?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yes?” I replied.
“I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. If it weren’t for you I probably would’ve given up on saving people. That little speech you gave me back there gave me one thing. Hope.”
“No problem Doctor. Anytime you need someone to knock some sense into you, let me know. I’ll be where you left me.”
“I’ll be there.”
It was months, even years, until I saw signs of the Doctor again. And when I did, it was very slight. There were times I could’ve sworn I heard the TARDIS, only to whip my head around and there be nothing. More often, there were strange things going on in the city, that were foolishly covered up as people being drugged, or something equally unbelievable. Still, the Doctor didn’t come in contact with me. I always knew when he was there, though. He was waiting for the most opportune time to take me away.
As it drew closer and closer to my 18th birthday, I grew more and more excited. This was when the Doctor would make me his official companion. That was something I had dreamt about for years. Subconsciously, I had started to emotionally distance myself from my family and friends. On the outside I seemed the same outgoing and stubborn Gemma, but inwardly I was already saying my goodbyes.
I thought about all the places that I wanted to see, everything I wanted to do. I wanted to be in danger, to be running on adrenaline. I wanted to see amazing and unbelievable things. Most of all, I wanted to fall in love with the Doctor all over again. This time, it would be the real man, not just some character in a television show.
My heart yearned for him to grab my hand and tell me to run. I knew once I started, I would never stop running. Even if he decided he didn’t want me as his companion anymore, I would still be running. There’s no way to stop after you’ve seen what’s out there. You have this craving to find trouble.
I was getting ahead of myself. Although He did give me his word, I remembered what River Song once said. Rule one: The Doctor lies.
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