Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Overlord.

Chapter 4.

by ItsMyVendetta 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-06-03 - 356 words

Frank and Gerard flashed their stamps at the doorman and Gerard couldn't hide a grin when they entered. This was the first time he'd had this much excitement and gone to a club since he was 18. There was punk music blasting into the room and everyone was up on the floor with their wild colourful hair and piercings. There was a bar and Gerard eagerly pulled Frank along to it.

"How ya doin', Gee?" Frank yelled and ordered them drinks. Gerard had no idea what Frank had said to the muscly, blonde man but grinned and nodded at Frank when the drinks came. Frank had gotten them tequila shots. Gerard and Frank picked up a shot simultaneously and tipped the alcohol in to their mouth, swallowing quickly.

Gerard quickly downed the rest of the shots while Frank just ordered a bottle of beer. He was kind of shocked, he hadn't ever seen Gerard act like this. Gerard had gotten up a few minutes ago and had started dancing with a small, black hair man, who looked more emo than punk, in Frank's opinion.

When Gerard wrapped his arms around the man's waist and began kisding the man's neck, Frank felt a pang of jealousy.

Gerard began to pull on the man's hand and they both stumbled into the bathroom.

"Another round of shots, my good man."

"Sure thing, dude. Where's your date?" The man drawled out in a Chicago accent.

Frank sighed and downed his second shot of the night.

"He isn't my date, unfortunately." Frank shrugged as the barman held out his hand to him. Frank shook it quickly.

"Well, I'm Bob. I finish in an hour. You wanna wait here and talk to me and then we'll dance?"

"Sure, Bob. I'm Frank, and Frankie has to pee." He sighed and stood up, walking to the bathroom. He pushed open the door and-

And the sight he was met with was not what he expected.

Gerard was leaning over the sink, jeans and boxers by his ankles while the man thrust into him roughly. Gerard was cursing profusely in pleasure.

Frank really hadn't expected this.
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