Categories > Original > Poetry

She's gone

by Polka-Dotted-Sock 0 reviews

Happens to often. Rate and review c:

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2013-06-07 - 246 words - Complete

She’s a bright eyed smiling girl
Love’s to see you laugh and smile
She has a big heart
and will listen to your every need

Everyday she go’s to school
Talk’s with friends
attends her classes
and does her work

Everyday she’s slowly fadeing
Those bright eye’s shine a little less
and the smile diminishes 
Her loud voice can barely be heard

Grades quickly drop
and her new phrase is “I dont care”
She’ll say she’s fine
but she’s less than that

Everyone around her is leaveing
Loving her isn’t a feeling
care isn’t portrayed 
All hope becomes so lost in her

She doesn’t expect a hello
or anyone to stop and listen to her day
She could crack a joke
but not one chuckle emerges

Everyday she wonder’s
“Would anyone notice if i was gone?”
“Would anyone care if I died”
Everyday she comes closer to losing herself

Tomorrow she may not be here
Tonight she may break down
Yesterday could had been soon enough
but now is too late

She used to shine brighter than the stars
but now all she want’s is to go beyond them
Why does her world have to change?
Why cant you just care?

She’s used to be a bright eyed smiling girl
You couldn’t pay to see her laugh
Her heart is broken beyond repair
and can’t listen to you anymore
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