Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles

Big Bad Wolf

by ukeueue 0 reviews

Careful, he'll gobble you all up.

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Ares, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-08-03 - Updated: 2006-08-04 - 239 words - Complete

7. Big Bad Wolf
6 May 2006
X/A-ish, gen

He didn't believe it at first when he heard that Xena had a son. Miss high and fucking mighty warrior mummy herself.

It wasn't hard to find the boy; all he had to do was threaten to knock over enough of Hera's temples, and the patron goddess of childbirth was more than biddable.

The kid looked up from the tiny frog he'd been chasing when Ares appeared directly in front of him. He shook his shock of blond hair from his eyes and his mouth dropped open. He almost stank of curiosity.

Ares squatted down and watched the boy solemnly, ignoring the smudges of dirt on his small round cheeks.

"You're Solan, right?"


"Do you want to come with me, Solan?"

Hesitate. Shake.

"Why not? Look, I'll give you this." Ares pulled out a small, decorated dagger. "I'll make you so strong that you can beat up all the big boys in the village."

Surprisingly quick hands latched onto a few of Ares' curls and gave a hard yank before the child turned and ran towards the village, where Kaleipus was calling Solan for dinner.

"OW! You little--"

Ares knew he should take the boy to gain the control he desired over Xena. He should blast the brat where he stood. As he straightened up, watching the small form recede, he knew that he couldn't do it, and he was terrified.
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