Categories > Original > Drama > The Chat Room

The Chat Room

by cremated_love 3 reviews

Adrian is moving to a new town, new school, new people to get acustumed to. It wasn't as if he hadn't moved before but this time it was different. He had to leave behind the person he valued most. ...

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Erotica, Romance - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-08-03 - Updated: 2006-08-04 - 873 words

"We're moving" I looked at my father with disbelief and somehow I managed to still get angry. I was eating stale cereal my dad had once again forgotten that me and my brother ate. After I heard him say such words I dropped my spoon and spilled little droplets of milk in my shirt. I couldn't help but to start an argument.
"What do you mean we're moving? Haven't we moved enough times already."
"Yeah, but this time we're moving because I finally found you guys a mom" A mom?! We already have a mom. I mean just because she's dead doesn't mean she doesn't exist.
"Yes, I met her in a chat room. We've been talking for a few months and she and I are going out."
"How can you go out with someone you've never met?" asked Richard, my little brother. He might only be nine years old be he's really smart. I mean he just made the smartest question anyone could ask at a moment like this.
"Rickey, sometimes people don't need to see each other all the time to love one another."
"So your in love with someone you've never met?"
"Yes Adrian, and she loves me for who I am. I'm sorry to say this but not everyone gets the girl they want because of their looks. And now I have to go or I'll be late for work." He gave a pat on the back and scratched Richard's head then left. Richard's bus arrived a few minutes later. He left too. I grabbed my bag and my car keys, locked the door and left for school.
How was I supposed to tell Rachel that I was moving to, who knows where. And unlike my dad she and I had a real relationship. I can even say I loved her. I never loved anyone like I love her in my life I don't know what I'll do if I have to leave her.
"Adrian!" I heard her sweet voice calling me from the other side of the hall. Just thinking of not having her made me almost cry. Something I couldn't do when my mom died.
"I finally caught up to you, I've been trying to catch up with you from downstairs.''
"Sorry, I was lost I thought." I couldn't say it. I couldn't bear the though of it.
"What's wrong you look pale. Did you eat something bad?"
"Umm, yeah. I'll be fine don't worry"
"Oh ok." she didn't believe me I could see it in her eyes, she knew me too well. The bell rang and she was walking to her classroom.
"Rachel, wait."
"What is it?"
"Umm I gotta tell you something. Can we talk during lunch?" she nodded her head.
"Yeah, of course."
I sat in class lost in my own universe, first period passed, then second...third...fourth. All classes passed by so quickly was it my imagination or was I just trying to avoid talking to her. Finally lunch. Why did I tell her I wanted to talk, I wasn't even sure I was moving I hadn't even attempted to talk my dad into not moving. I walked to the lunch room and looked for Rachel, she was talking to her friend like always. She looked at me, she said something to her friend then she walked towards me.
"Hey, so what's wrong?"
"Umm can we talk somewhere else I don't think this is the right place." she nodded her head and waved at her friend. We walked outside of the cafeteria towards the courtyard. I opened the door for her and walked right behind. We sat on a bench.
"So tell me."
"You remember I told you once when I was I kid I moved a lot."
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Well I, uh, think we're gonna--" I paused and looked at her eyes, was it just me or did she look clueless? "I think we're gonna move." she tuned her head just a little and didn't seem surprised or even upset, was it that she didn't care or she didn't love me anymore?
"So you need help to pack?" I lifted my eyebrows in surprise was she really that dumb.
"You know what, I'm not even sure if we are moving maybe I just jumped into conclusions." The bell rang, it was time to got to class. I gave her a small peck in the lips and left. I didn't give her a chance to say goodbye.
The school day was over, I got in my car and I was about to leave when I heard Rachel yelling my name. I could pay attention to what she said, something about talking online. She backed away from my car and I left. When I got home I went straight to sleep. I wasn't tired, I just didn't have the energy to face my dad and find out if we were or weren't moving. I woke up about three hours later. I looked at the ceiling thinking of what to do next. Then I remembered what Rachel said, or at least what I paid attention to. I turned on my computer, and opened my messeger. She was logged in. I IM'd her.
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