Categories > Original > Poetry > Series of My Messed Up Poems


by totheark 1 review

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-07-09 - 143 words

I washed the dishes today.
Even though you told me not to.
I didn't mind.
No one minds when soap fogs their vision,
When flowery smells cover up the despair
And we let it because we're too scared to face it.
No one cares when they drown their lives in lemon-scented dishonesty,
Mostly when they themselves create the bubbles of bullshit
That pepper their lives and make everything seem better,
But only to other people who are too lazy to look below the surface.
No one minds that we all have to put on foamy covers to protect ourselves
From the truth that Dawn can't save you
from getting filthy after you work so hard to free yourself of grime.
But we all do this.
We all wash dishes.

I washed the dishes today.
I didn't mind.
I put aresnic in the detergent.
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