Categories > Movies > Newsies > "Belle" Of the Ball

Da Girls of the World

by twistedchick32 0 reviews

Some of the newer newsies girls show their slight dislike for Belle.

Category: Newsies - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Kid Blink,Mush,Skittery,Snitch - Published: 2013-07-12 - 863 words

hapter 2
Chapter 2: Da Girls of The World

Once all the newsies reached the gates of the Distribution Office, the gates opened, and everyone went through. They got on the line, immediately spotting some of the other girl newsies from Manhattan.

Belle watched as Skittery waked over to a girl who wore the same clothes as all of them, but had this insanely long brown hair down to her back. Belle then saw them exchange 'Hello's', and then she saw him give the girl a kiss on the lips. Whatever ideas she had about moving onto Skittery just flew out the window.

"Dat's Catty...she's a newsie from the Bowery. She's been Skittery's girl a long time. According to the story I heard. They grew up together until they were separated at the age of 6. They got reunited at a party at Irving Hall 3 months ago." Snitch said to her.

Belle looked impressed "Wow, she's beautiful... So which ones your girl?" She asked Snitch.

Snitch shook his head "None of 'em. I ain't got no girl." He said with a sad sigh.

Belle hung her head "Oh.. I'm sorry." She said in a low tone.

Snitch shrugged "Don't be sorry. Its no one's fault but my own. I just haven't found the right girl yet." He explained.

"Oh... Do you think you will find the right girl?" Belle asked him.

"Maybe... Who knows? She could be right under my nose the whole time. I just gotta see for sure." Snitch said.

Belle didn't know what Snitch meant by that last part.. She didn't have time to protest, when Jack came over to her.

"Hey, Belle... Listen, do youse wanna come ta Brooklyn wit' us tonight? There's a party out there, and you can meet Spot." Jack explained.

"Who's Spot?" Belle asked, a look of confusion crossing her face.

All of the Newsies around her dropped their jaws. "Who's Spot?" Skittery's girl, and a blond girl next to her asked in unison.

"Oh, God! We'se got 'nother rookie 'ere." Catty yelled.

"Fuck off, Catty!" Snitch yelled.

Skittery shot a cold glare at Snitch, but said nothing. He was also a little angry at Catty, cause her mouth usually got her into trouble. He turned to Catty "Catty... Shut ya trap!" He yelled to his girlfriend.

Snitch then put his arm around Belle's shoulder. "Hey, don' worry 'bout those girls. After tonight, you will know almost everyone in this city." He assured her.

Belle looked at Snitch's arm, which was around her shoulder. She then looked up at him, and for a moment, her eyes locked with his. Damn! How is he single? He's so sweet. she thought to herself.

"Why're they so mean?" Belle asked Snitch, looking back at the girls.

"They don't know you that well yet." Mush chimed in suddenly.

"Yeah, pay no mind ta them. Besides, Catty's always been a bit of a bitch." Blink said.

Belle chuckled then looked around "Ah, I see. Okay, so answer me this you two. Where are your girls?" she asked.

"Brooklyn!" Blink and Mush answered in unison.

Belle made a face "That must be difficult having your girls living in another borough." she said in a sad voice.

Mush shrugged "Not really. We still see them a lot, but Blink's girl has a child comin', so she can't travel 'ere all the time." he said.

Belle looked shocked when Mush mentioned that Blink was about to become a father. He looked no more than about 16 or 17 years old to her. But Belle was never the type to judge people.

"Well then, Blink. Looks like you've got your work cut out for ya then, lad. Do ya love 'er?" She asked Blink.

"More than life itself, Belle." Blink said.

"Then congratulations to ya, lad." Belle said, patting Blink on the back.

As Snitch watched Belle converse with Blink and Mush, he smiled as several things came to his mind. He had gotten to know her pretty well over the last week or so, and he had begun to like her a lot. But he couldn't get the nerve to tell her how he felt yet.

Just then the line began to move quicker towards the distribution window. Soon, it was Belle's turn on line.

"How many?" The Distributor asked her.

"50 papes please, sir." Belle said, slapping her money on the counter.

The man handed her the papers, and Belle walked off the line to wait for Snitch. Finally, she saw him come off the line.

"Hey Snitch, where to today? Where do I get my first experience as a newsie?" Belle asked him with a smile.

Snitch put his arm around Belle's shoulders "I think 'dat Central Park is a good place for ya ta start, sweetheart." he said, as he began to lead her away from the crowd.

Belle laughed "Well then, lead the way, love." she said.

Belle had a feeling that this long day was going to turn into an even longer night...She also wondered what awaited her in Brooklyn at this party tonight...little did she know, lots of things were about to change her for in her life.

(End Chapter 2)
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