Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Distance Can't Haunt Us Anymore.

Chapter 2.

by Fronk-EyeEarOh 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-08-06 - 604 words

A/N: Sorry I've not been on for ages to update this, I've been super busy and I got my exam results today; I failed music. I'm pretty bummed out by that.

Chapter 2. - Frank's POV.

I hurried home from school; taking a longer but more safe route home, I only wanted to talk to the mysterious Mr Way. He was genuinely nice and if I ever met him, we could possibly even become friends. I found out that he was the same age as me and from New Jersey. Just from a different part of NJ. I lived in Belleville, whilst he lived in Newark. I felt happy talking to him, we just laughed and joked about things all the time. He seemed really nice. He told me that he wanted to dye his hair red.

I walked into the house and quickly greeted my mom, and then ran upstairs, flopped on my bed and loaded up my laptop. It felt as if it was running solely on Internet Explorer; so as you can imagine, it felt dreadfully slow. Once it had finally loaded up, I signed into Facebook, to find a new message. I smiled automatically, knowing it was from him, and checked it.

Gerard Way: Hey, Frank. How was school? Kicked any asses or burnt down any cooking departments today?

Frank Iero: School was shit, obviously Geetard, but no. I didn't kick butt or burn any area of the school down. That was one time and I was a freshman. How was your day?

Gerard Way: My day was fabulous. I got beaten up because I had to bleach my hair and now it's white, y'know? Apparently I look like an old emo fag. People are honestly so charming these days. Why are girls allowed white-blonde hair but dudes aren't? I thought people were all about equality and such.

Frank Iero: Well, people are hypocrites. Let's be serious, they're all about popularity nowadays and stereotypes. It's like when a girl posts a picture of her in her underwear, it's all praise and then if it's an unpopular girl, she gets branded a slut. Not fair, hm?

Gerard Way: You have a point there. I shouldn't let it get me down, hm? Well, I actually had an ulterior motive for messaging you while I was at school. I'm visiting my grandmother this weekend, and surprise, surprise, she lives in Belleville. Wanna hang?

Frank Iero: DO I? Of course I do, that'd be pretty awesome Geefreak.

Gerard Way: Wow, enthusiastic much? Anyway, stop with the lame nicknames. Gimme a cool nickname.

Frank Iero: What about GeeSoup?

Gerard Way: I'm not a flavour of soup, Frankie-Boy.

Frank Iero: You could be GeeBear!!

Gerard Way: Because I'm just so in touch with my feminine side. Anyway, when and where we gonna meet up?

Frank Iero: You are. You're gay, remember? And my house at 4 am.

Gerard Way: I'm not camp. And hell naaaaw. Plus, I don't even know where you live.

Frank Iero: How do I know if you're camp or not? And awww, shucks man. Get me at Belleville HS? Assuming you know where that is.

Gerard Way: You give me so little credit, Frank. Sure, then.

Frank Iero: Well, how am I meant to know? You're a foreigner. Can we get drunk? I've never been drunk before..

Gerard Way: I'm not a foreigner. And you've never been drunk before? Dude, I do it like every night. I'm a bad influence on you, I swear. Anyway, see you then.

Frank Iero: See you then, Geebear. P.S we still have to arrange a time.
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