Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Trust Your Instincts

Don't Trust Your Instincts

by tmbfucks 4 reviews

I've always had my hair too long, and it's always annoyed me. I guess now I know why.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-08-03 - 1389 words

Any time I do anything exciting is ruined the next time I go to school. I clicked the pen continuously in Catherine's office. I had these sessions with her daily. Everyone at this place does. It's so boring and repetitive, a bit like her. Don't get me wrong, though. She is lovely. You know, in the way that a counsellor who's bored of their job and doesn't see the point is nice to their patient. I guess that's kind of what she was though. The school counsellor. She did that awful fake smile she always did, making her horrible breath float up my nostrils.

'So, how was it?' She asked in her agonizingly shrill voice of hers. I smiled back though. I have to be nice. Set an example for the rest of the misguided kids in this place. Although, I still hated most of them. There were only two people I actually liked, and one teacher I liked too. That, however, was it.

'It was great. I got a hug from lots of the cast, had a picture with my friend, Hozzie, and the angel, Misha. I had a picture with a few members of the cast, and autographs too. I got some merchandise. That was cool. To be honest, I think Osric was fascinated with my hair.' I rambled. I hated talking too long, but the more I talked, the less she did. That was what mattered.

'That's fantastic!' She squealed. I kept in my urge to tape her mouth shut and run to the ICT suite.

That was were Kitty was, and she was being taught by Mat. I love them both. Kitty is my best friend in the entire world. I'm 16, and until I met her, I never thought it was possible to have a friend I cared about so much. We go to a school for people on the autistic spectrum. We call it the asylum, and people laugh when they think we're saying it as a joke. It was an awful school. The only teacher you could really confide in is Mat. He's about 10 years older than me, and he's like a kid himself. One with our sense of humour. He was awesome. However, I couldn't go there yet. I had to stay and endure her asking about my weekend.

I went to Asylum 10. It's where fans of Supernatural go in England to meet the cast. It was amazing. I met my friend, Hozzie, for the first time since I met her online. She was always so lovely to me, and she was awesome in real life too. I bought her a necklace, and she insisted on paying me back the £6 it cost, but it was still awesome to meet her. As it was to meet the rest of the cast members. Except from Jared and Jensen who weren't there. It was a shame, but they had really important things to do elsewhere. Jensen's wife was pregnant, and Jared's wife's sister was in a car accident. After a long and boring talk with Cathy, I got to go to the ICT suite. It was lovely in that room. Mainly because it had air conditioning and a heater. All the other rooms were just awful. Kitty ran up to me and hugged me.

'Hi, Kitty.' I greeted, hugging her back.

'Dani, you know the rules. If you're in here, you have to do work.' Mat ordered, however, I could tell he was joking, and I giggled a bit.

'Yeah right, Mat. Minecraft is very hard work for these gremlins. I understand. I mean, I did a functional skills test recently, and I passed. So, my brain clearly isn't a match to these guys.' I said sarcastically. Mat smiled and continued with his work. He just wanted us to have fun. We were the only 3 people in the room.

'So, how was Misha? I know you were dying to meet Satan until you found out he wasn't going, but how was the angel?' She asked, sitting in her seat.

'Oh god, Mia, I’m the biggest twat ever. So, I was clearly very red after being in a room with loads of people, and he noticed, so he was all “Have you been running?” and I was like, “No, it's just hot in here... because of you.” and I swear he was so cool about it which made things about a billion times worse. He was so nice as well. He shook Hozzie's hand and it was amazing. I just wanted to hug him and tell him I wanted to be his co-star. That never happened because I'm an idiot. Apart from that, how was your weekend?' I asked. Mia giggled. She liked to be called Kitty, but I occasionally use Mia when I'm telling her some big news.

'Girls, who are you talking about?' Mat asked.

'Misha Collins. He plays Castiel on Supernatural. He was born Misha Dmitri Tippens Krushnic, and he can crush my knickers any time.' I said. But even as I was saying it, I knew how awful it sounded. That's just one of the many downsides to being Danielle Theler. You can't stop yourself even when you know you have to.

'Jesus Christ, Dani!' Kitty said, taking the occasional break to breathe through her laughter. Most people would find it weird to talk to people like that. Especially in front of their teachers. But, like I said, this isn't a normal school, and these aren't normal people.

'You know, sometimes I regret coming to this place.' Mat laughed, rubbing his temples. I love his laugh. Okay, so it may be slightly weird to have a crush on a teacher who's 10 years older than you, but it doesn't mean I couldn't fantasize about him. I imagine him laughing like that while we're play fighting in his flat before pecking each other on the lips. However, I haven't even had a boyfriend my age yet. I haven't been kissed at all. No guys are interested in me. I guess I'm okay with that, though. I mean, it's unlikely you'll stay with your first boyfriend anyway. The door opened, interrupting my thoughts.

'Penina, I need you to come to my office. Now.' Cathy ordered. She sounded slightly stressed and panicky. She ran to her office, and I had no choice but to follow suit. I sat down in her chair, giving her a glare. What the hell did she want from me?

'What's up?' I asked casually. The chances are one of the idiots who love annoying me made a complaint that I called them a failed abortion. I mean, sure, maybe it's a little over the top, but they rile me up to a point where I can't help but explode. They're some of the worst people to be around, and they won't ever get in trouble. They're angels plopped on earth to some of the staff, and I hated it.

'Your father's on his way here.' She answered. What the hell? What could I have possibly done in this place to make them call my parents?

'What? Why?' I asked angrily.

'Your real father. I know this won't make a lot of sense to you right now, but your father's on his way here.' She began, but as soon as the door opened, nothing more had to be said. I've always had my hair too long, and it's always annoyed me. I guess now I know why. Jared Padalecki was my father.

So, that's the first chapter, and it's frickin' awful in my opinion! I don't know if I might rewrite it or not, but I wanted to give you guys something. I'm exhausted right now. However, I hope you like it. AJ, I'll be sure to use you. In fact, anyone who wants to be in it until it's too late, like when this has been finished, but still. Yeah. I've missed you guys so much too! It's been ridiculous. I've been thinking about you guys and how you all were. Anyway, be sure to tell me the truth about this chapter using the review system, and if you had such strong feelings about it, rate it too. Goodnight guys! Enjoy reading! :D
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