Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Trying To Escape The Inevitable


by CosmicZombie 31 reviews

New chapter coming to you guys very, very soon- please read!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-08-27 - 267 words

Hi, anyone remember me?

I'm so incredibly sorry it's taken this long for me to even write you guys a note to update you on what's happening. I won't bore you with the details as to why I've been off FicWad for so long, because the main thing is that I'm doing a lot better now and I've been writing the next chapter to this story. I seriously can't live without writing, without this story and without you amazing, lovely people who have stuck with this through everything. I promised you I'd finish this story and I will; how could I not?

I know it's been almost five months, so I hope at least one or two of you are still reading this and forgive me for how long I've been away. Like I said, I won't bore you with why I've been absent, but please just know that my reasons have been perfectly valid, much as I wish they weren't.

Needless to say, I am very busy with my new schoolwork at the moment too, so I can't update as much as I like. However, I promise you guys that this next chapter will be up by this Sunday. I don't break my promises, okay?

I'm so excited to continue this- I miss it and you guys so much it makes my heart hurt.

Please don't give up on this, because I haven't.

I hope you guys don't hate me too much. Thank you so much for all your words of encouragement and support. I honestly can't explain how much they mean to me.

Lucy xoxo
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