Categories > TV > WWE


by tjsparkles 0 reviews

Sometimes all it takes is a gentle push in the right direction to get the ball rolling. Sabin/OC, Shelley/OC.

Category: WWE - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-08-31 - Updated: 2013-09-26 - 3135 words - Complete

A/N: Re-upload. I originally posted this about a year ago, I think. I wrote it for Robin in the middle of the night when I was slightly intoxicated. Posting it again because I like it.

“Do you think Robin likes me?”

Alex reached over and took a fry from Sabin’s plate, dipping it in ketchup before dropping it into his mouth.

Chris made a disgusted face.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full. And because I want to know.”

Alex rolled his eyes before stealing another fry.

“Sorry, Mom.” Chris shot him a look, but Alex ignored it. He wiped his palms on his dark blue Dickies and continued,

“Yeah, I do.”

“How do you know?”

Alex shrugged.

“I just do.”

“But how?” Chris pressed.

“Jesus, Sabin, do you have to question everything?” Alex shook his head in disgust. His best friend’s constant doubts unnerved him to no end. Most of the time, Chris was the optimist and he was the pessimist, but when it came to relationships, the roles were usually reversed. Alex got tired of always reassuring Chris that girls loved him. As if it wasn’t obvious enough by the inordinate amount of female fans that flocked to him as opposed to Alex. Sabin girls were far more common than Shelley girls, despite Alex arguing that the majority of Sabin girls were indeed just that—children. He just didn’t want to admit the truth, and whenever the subject was brought up, he did his best to squash it.

“I’m just saying,” Chris pointed out sensibly. “How can you be sure?”

“Because,” Alex answered as they began walking toward the parking garage, “I’m never wrong.”

“You’ve been wrong before.”

Alex growled under his breath as they approached his truck. After he’d buckled up and started the car, he turned to Sabin, who was fiddling with the radio.

“Stop it.” Alex swatted Sabin’s hand.

“Stop what?” Chris questioned, confused.

“You know what. Stop touching my radio; you know that the last thing I wanna hear when driving down the freeway is 311. Leave my shit alone.”

There were no more words spoken between them, until Chris finally broke the silence a few moments later.

“I’m sorry you’re in a dry spot, man.”

“I’m sure you are,” Alex replied sarcastically, as they rounded a corner. “Here I am, being the best wingman a guy could ask for, and what am I getting in return for it? Jack shit, that’s what. I don’t see you offering to help me out at all. In fact, all you’ve been doing since I met you is cockblocking me.”

“Maybe if you treated girls like actual people and not just as pieces of ass, you wouldn’t be in a dry spot,” Chris replied reasonably.

Alex shot what he hoped was his nastiest look at Chris.

“I hate you.”

Chris broke into a wide grin as he moved his hand up and down in his infamous “dissed” motion.

“Don’t hate, appreciate.”

“Teej, do you think he’s interested?”

Tina looked up from the copy of Cosmo that she was thumbing through. She and her best friend were currently holed up in Tina’s house, the redhead’s gaze focused on the laptop in front of her. Robin had asked the question more than once that day, but this time she didn’t sound nonchalant. The brunette set her magazine down and glanced in Robin’s direction, trying to see what her attention was focused on.

“Sabin?” Tina nodded. “Definitely.”


“Yes, Robs.” Tina squeezed her friend’s shoulder. “Trust me, I know these things.”

“Did he tell you as much?”

“Well, no, not exactly,” the brunette admitted as she kicked off her sneakers and pushed them to the side. “But Alex did.” Before Robin could protest, Tina added,
“And he would know. He is Sabin’s best friend.”

Robin sighed a little as her shoulders slumped in defeat.

“I guess you’re right. I—“she ran a hand through her hair. “I’m nothing special, you know? I’m me. Why would he be interested in me? He dated Traci!”

“Traci is a ho-bag,” Tina replied, wrinkling her nose. “A slutfaced ho-bag with a horribly botched boob job. Plus, she’s not the brightest crayon in the box.”
“But she’s—“

“Not his type,” Tina finished, smiling slightly as she patted Robin’s shoulder. “And Alex told me that their relationship was one-sided anyway. She treated him like a puppy dog.”

“How could you do that to him?” Robin exclaimed in disbelief. “He’s gorgeous, and perfect, and…what’s wrong with her?”

“The herpes probably went to her head.” Tina smacked her best friend with a pillow. “Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”

“Where are we going, Alex?” Chris questioned as they passed by Alex’s house. If his best friend had had any detours in mind, he hadn’t divulged them. And on top of that, Alex had bobbed and weaved out of traffic and sped like it was the end of the world and he was indulging his fantasy as Evel Knievel. Chris hated riding with Alex, and when he did, tried to make sure he was driving most of the time.

Right now, he just wanted to get back to Pinckney in one piece.

“Hmm? Oh. I told Tina that I’d meet her at Meijer. She wants to pick out some things for her bedroom.”

Chris arched a brow as he searched for any telltale signs that Alex was lying. He was disappointed to find none, but still thought he could get Alex to flub up.

“You’re a terrible liar.”

Alex shrugged.

“If you say so. But I’m not lying.” And technically, he wasn’t. Tina really did want him to meet her at Meijer, and she really did want to pick out some things for her bedroom. Alex just didn’t add that Robin was going to be with her. To himself, he chuckled as he pictured what Sabin’s reaction would be when Tina pulled up with Robin.

“Teej, where are we going?”

“To Meijer,” the brunette replied as she turned a corner. “I told Alex to meet me there so I could pick out some stuff for the bedroom.” She tapped her fingernails against the steering wheel. “I need some sheets and maybe a new mattress.”

Robin snorted.

“Did you two break it already? You move quick—you’ve only lived here a month.”

“No, we did not break the bed,” Tina huffed, but her cheeks were red. “It’s just worn out.”

“That’s what she said.”

Tina glared at Robin, who cackled at the look on her best friend’s place.

“Teej, you’re purple.”

“I am not!”

“Are too.”

“Damn it, I am not!” Tina pulled into the parking lot of Meijer. “Good, they’re already here.” She parked the car and opened the door to step out.

“Yes, you are—“Robin’s voice trailed off when she realized what Tina had said. “What do you mean, they’re here?”

Tina walked over to the familiar truck and pounded on the door, motioning for Alex to open.

“What did I tell you, huh?” Alex smirked as he stepped out of the truck, coming face to face with Tina. “If there’s going to be any banging—“

“Oh, shut up, Patrick,” Tina answered, addressing Shelley by his given name to purposely piss him off. She rolled her eyes as she looked past him and waved at Sabin.

“Hey there. I got a surprise for you.” She smiled brightly. “Why don’t you follow me?”

Chris looked at Alex, who mouthed; “Go,” before unbuckling his seat belt and following Tina. Robin hadn’t gotten out of the car, thinking that Tina would come back and tell her whether or not she wanted her to. Chris followed closely behind Tina, trying his best to pay attention to what she was saying.

“Now,” Tina stated, as they approached the car. “What I’m going to do is go into the store with Alex, and leave you here.”

“Leave me here?”

Tina nodded.

“We shouldn’t be very long. I’m just gonna leave you here with Robin, okay?”

His blue eyes glanced into the car, where Robin was still oblivious to the situation, and then back to Tina.

“Chris? Can you handle that?”

Chris immediately snapped back into reality.

“Huh? Oh, oh yeah. Absolutely.” He nodded to affirm the statement. “Take as long you need.”

Tina smiled and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.

“She really does like you, you know. So don’t be nervous.”

“I can’t help it,” Sabin admitted sheepishly, feeling his throat constrict. “I don’t want to mess anything up.”

“You won’t, I promise.” Tina smiled again. Chris nodded and walked over to the driver’s seat. Tina was almost out of earshot when he yelled, his tone almost a laughing one,

“Don’t get kicked out!”

“Oh my God, we are not going to get kicked out!” Tina yelled back. “How would we do that?”

“Alex has a thing about sex in public places…..”

“We’re not having sex!” the brunette shot back, but Chris just laughed.

“Whatever you say. Be safe.”

“Ten bucks says they’re banging.”

Tina rolled her eyes as she pushed the buggy down the magazine aisle. She eyed the stand critically as she tried to decide which tabloid she was going to buy. She and Robin both had somewhat of a tabloid obsession, one of the many things that they said made them sisters. Alex, however, was thumbing through a copy of Pro Wrestling Illustrated, and groaning because he’d only gotten a paragraph mention, while John Cena got an entire three page spread.

“What do you expect?” Tina asked, as she tossed a copy of Star into the buggy, along with a copy of In Touch. “He’s John Cena. Super Cena, the savior of the company.”

“He does five moves. Five. And his matches last three to five minutes because he blows out. I’d be willing to bet that his sex life matches that.” Alex tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Anyways, I’m freaking pissed. I worked my ass off this year and worked through an injury. I should have a three page layout, too.”

“Then write them a disgruntled letter,” Tina answered, as they crossed into the middle of the store. ”Be sure to sign it Alex Shelley.”

“At least then I’d be getting some exposure.” A beat passed, and then, “Speaking of exposure, when is that gonna happen?” Alex raised a brow, seductively.

Tina felt her face flush for the third time that day, but she tried to remain breezy and nonchalant as they passed by an inflatable leprechaun.

“When you actually learn how to sell a move.” She was teasing, but she hoped that it sounded mean off to get Alex to back off. With anyone else, it would’ve worked. But this was Alex Shelley, and he was not known for just giving up. He brushed off the comment and answered, with a lecherous grin that he was infamous for,

“If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

“Would you just stop already?” Tina sighed as she pushed the buggy down the mattress aisle. “God.”

“I’d rather you call me Alex. I think that we’ve reached that level where we can be on a first name basis.”

Tina was tempted to throw something at him, but remembered Sabin’s advice, and decided not to.

“She’s going to kill him,” Chris pointed out as he pushed the seat back and propped his feet on the dashboard. “If he doesn’t kill her first.”

“Probably,” Robin agreed, as she mirrored Chris’ actions. “But at least they won’t get arrested.”

“I think we’re talking about a different kind of kill,” Sabin grinned. “Or are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Robin outright cackled at that statement and shook her head. The two of them fell into a slightly awkward, yet not uncomfortable, silence for a few moments. Chris didn’t really know what to say, and as he went over potential conversation starters in his head, he found that maybe Alex was right, and he had no reason to worry. So he tried his hardest to swallow his nerves down and broke their silence.

“So…Alex says that you like me.”

“Does he?” Robin arched a brow. “What else does he say?”

“That you think I’m gorgeous.” Chris tried to keep from blushing, but failed miserably. Robin smiled as the man’s cheeks began to redden, and resisted the urge to laugh. He really was adorable. She couldn’t understand how anyone had let him go in the past.

“You are gorgeous,” Robin said. “Cute, cuddly, adorable—you’re a sweetie.”

Sabin blushed even more, and bent his head over.

“Nah….” He paused for a second to work up courage, and then blurted out,
“I bet you’re cuddlier. And warmer.”

Now it was Robin’s turn to blush.


“Yeah.” Chris nodded. “And, you know, you’re pretty. When Alex told me that you liked me, I thought he was just ribbing me. But he says that Tina tells him you gush about me every night.”

Robin bit her lip and looked up at Chris. The distance between them ebbed away slowly as Chris instinctively scooted closer.

“What else has Alex told you?”

Robin could feel Chris’ breath on her cheek as his blue eyes scanned over hers, settling on her lips before he said softly,

“To do this.” His lips slowly closed over Robin’s as one hand cupped her cheek. Robin squeaked in surprise, and remained stiff at first, before remembering herself and kissing the blue eyed man back. She was totally new at this, but luckily, Sabin was an expert kisser, and he took his time, his thumb stroking the redhead’s cheek as he gently signaled for Robin to part her lips. She complied, and Chris slowly slid his tongue into the warm heat of Robin’s mouth, moaning despite himself when his tongue met hers. Robin’s hands came up to rest in Josh’s hair, tugging gently, while they kissed.

“Wow,” Chris panted, when he finally pulled away to catch his breath. His eyes were still locked on Robin’s, as the two of them struggled to catch their breath.

“Wow, indeed,” Robin answered. Her entire body was tingling, and her head was spinning, but she couldn’t deny that Sabin was indeed a phenomenal kisser. She made a note to tell Tina later, because she knew she would ask, and even if she didn’t, Robin needed to gush.

Neither of them noticed that they were being watched until a sharp thud startled them.

“Shit,” Chris hissed. He looked over at Robin, apologetically. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She nodded at the door. “You might wanna open it.”

Chris leaned his head against the back of the seat, trying to regain his composure fully. Impatiently, Alex, who was on the other side, pounded the door furiously. Tina glared at him.

“Can’t you just leave them alone?”

“Hell, no.” He shook his head, and then grinned wickedly. “I think they’re having sexy time in there.”

“Oh my God, you are crazy,” Tina sighed, shaking her head. Alex shrugged indifferently and pounded on the door again. This time, he got a reaction, in the form of Chris swinging the door open and glaring at him through narrowed eyes.


Unruffled, Alex questioned,

“Well? Did you get some or no?”

Chris was about to tell Alex that it was none of his damn business, when Robin appeared, just behind Josh. She nodded at Tina, and then looked at Alex.

“Well, if it isn’t Frodo Binks.”

Alex rolled his eyes at the amalgamation of Frodo Baggins and Jar Jar Binks, fictional characters that Tina, Robin, and even Sabin seemed to think he resembled.

“Hey, firecrotch. Did you get to first base with my best friend?”

“PATRICK MARTIN!” Tina exclaimed with shock. “You’re horrible.”

Alex grinned evilly, but didn’t let the issue drop.

“Well? Did you?”

“Did my best friend de-ball you yet?” Robin fired back.

“No, she loves my balls too much.”

Robin snorted.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”

“Oh, don’t mind him, babe,” Sabin said as he casually slung an arm around Robin’s shoulder. “He’s just mad that I can get more action from a twenty second kiss than he can in an entire year.”

Both Tina and Robin roared at that. Alex glared at the brunette, then at Robin, before replying,

“Cram it, Sabin, we both know that’s not true.”

“Who’s the man, huh?” Sabin grinned. Robin giggled and slipped her arm around Chris’ waist, and whispered in his ear,


“Okay, I got everything I need, I think,” Tina said, as she began placing the bags into the back of Alex’s truck. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and said to Robin,

“I’m riding back with Alex—do you want to take my car on and head back with Chris?”

Robin glanced over at Chris.

“Do you mind?”

“Okay, then we’ll meet you back at my place,” Tina replied.

“Sounds good to me,” Chris answered. “See ya then.”

Tina waved them off, and then climbed into the passenger seat of Alex’s truck.

“I still say they got to first base,” Alex said, as he backed the truck up. “Maybe even second.”

“Does your mind ever leave the gutter?” Tina answered, with a sigh.

“When you’re around, how could it?”

The brunette giggled to herself but didn’t say anything as they made their way back to the place that, before Tina knew it, would no longer be hers, as she would be moving in with Alex.

In the other car, Chris and Robin were fairly quiet, but as the car traveled down the highway, Robin closed her hand over Chris’, squeezing lightly and smiling when she saw him blush.

“Thank you,” she said softly. Chris took his attention off of the road for a second, before replying, his smile matching hers.

“You’re welcome.”

They fell into a comfortable silence, Robin’s thoughts drifting to how Chris’ lips had felt against hers, and Chris contemplating whether or not he should do it again when they were alone.
It was safe to say that this was the beginning of something new and somewhat scary, but potentially wonderful.
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