Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bromance or more?

Bromance or more?

by Punk_Fizz 1 review

Gerard And Frank have been best buds for long enough, but what happens when Frank starts getting weird feelings for Gerard? Frank becomes even more confused when Gerard wants to start a band.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [Y] - Published: 2013-08-31 - Updated: 2013-08-31 - 912 words - Complete

Haha, okay. Just got that out.
I'm pretty excited, not only because of that, but because I get to see someone special today.
I walk towards my locker, and unlock it, to put random stuff in it.
"Hey Frank" Gerard says, with his arm against the locker, next to mine.
"GERARD!" I scream, and leap into his arms.
"Woah, woah, back off, dont want any girls thinking theres something going on, bro"
"Oh yeah..." I say, and back off.
I wish there was something going on.
"We're gonna be late for the first class, which by the way, I dont know which class it is!" Gerard says, as he pulls me towards nowhere.
"Wait, wait. We have to get to the library, because thats where we'll get our schedules from" i tell him, and then take his arm and pull him towards the other direction.
We reach the library, to only realise that we both have biology first period.
"This is gonna be good" he says, and winks.
I'm sitting in class with Ray across me, and Bob next to me.
Mikey is the badass in our class.
"Take out your textbooks, you'll have to study from pages 35-80" the teacher announces.
Fuck. Thats alot. Maybe I'll study after school at the library?
after school
After bio, I didnt see Gerard even once. Thats weird. Oh well, I'm heading to the library.
As I sit down, i see a familiar figure run in, and sit next to me. He starts laughing and I just stare at him.
Ergh. Why does your body have to be so perfect?
My pen drops onto the floor, and under the table.
"Wait, I'll get it" he says
"No, I'll get it" i say.
Within in a second, we're both under the table. I hit my head, and fall onto my back.
"Are you okay?" He says, still laughing. He then bends over me, with his chest infront of my eyes, and grabs the pen, and gets up, from beneath the table.
That was the closest his chest has ever been to my face.
I quickly get up and run out, and as I'm running, i hear him screaming :
"Wait Frank! You forgot your notes and everything!"
Knowing the fast runner that he is, he jumps onto my back, and I fall onto the grass.
"Why are you in such a rush?"
He's sitting ontop of my crotch, and I can actually feel myself arouse.
Fuck. I hope he doesn't notice.
"And why are you so red... And why THE FUCK AM I SITTING ON YOUR FUCKING ERECTION?"
My eyes widen, and tears start to fall out of my eyes... This is so embarrassing.
"Wait... Its that cute girl we saw at the library, right? I was gonna ask her out but you can have her."
Phew. That was close. I dont even know which girl hes talking about, cause the only person i saw was him.
"Err yeah.." I say.
He bends closer, with his mouth just above mine.
Fuck, hes gonna kiss me.
"i knew it. But hey, we need to study. Dont let that girl get in the way" he says, and Leans back.
I push him off me, and he starts to teasingly cry
Thats so hot.
I ran home. I cant deal with this.
next day
As i sat in history class, I saw him sitting infront of me.. Well, not infront, but next to the person infront of me... He started talking to Mikey, and casually he caught my eye, and I blushed. I couldn't control my feelings. I wanna tell him. But then I'd be called a faggot and i totally dont want that type of crisis in my life right now.
I love everything about him.
His face.
His name.
His personality.
His personality is the best, hes so funny and has the cutest laugh ever.
Since Bob, my Bestfriend from the previous city, came to my school, life has been pretty awesome. Well, I now have someone to tell my feelings to, so that makes it awesome.
Gerard stood up, and smiled at me, and then ran outside.
He ran back into class and sat at the table next to me.
He continued writing the notes down, and I finished writing them, so i just layed my head on the table, and looked at his precious face.
Frank Way.
I love the sound of that.
I hope he doesn't look at me.
He's talking to Mikey again, I cant believe him. His voice is so amazing. I close my eyes, as I hear voice... He's talking about some book.
The class is so noisy, but his voice is the only voice I hear.
I'm gay.
Its official.
My dirty little secret.
Why does this have to happen to me?
"hey stranger", Gerard says and pokes me with a ruler.
I slowly open my eyes and let out a huge yawn, pretending that I was sleeping.
I've been ignoring Gerard for some time now, and i guess he has noticed.
"hi..." i say, as Gerard pokes me harder.
What an awkward hi , but hey.
I ignore him again, cause Gerard started talking about something else .
I take out my iphone and start texting Bob.
"Meet me at the restroom" Bob texted back.
Looks like its time for me to get my beating.
For being gay.
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