Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > More to Love


by lalatherapist16 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-09-07 - 859 words

The sound of the bell made me jump out of my haze. Walking out of the door, someone tripped me from the side.

I went flying, my papers fluttering through the air. Strong arms caught me. I looked up to see Frankie, glaring over my head at whoever had tripped me.

They ran off. "Are you okay?" He asked, helping me gather my papers. I stacked them and tucked them inside of my notebook.

"I'm fine." I said, looking away from his searching honey eyes.

"Hey, about before, don't be." I looked at him, knowng exactly what he meant. "Don't be scared." He took my hand, making me jump. "I'll walk you to class." He smiled at me.

"But your class is on the other side of school." I protested, not pulling my hand out of his. He proceded to drag me through the packed halls and to the door of my next class. "Everyone's staring at us." I whispered.

"So?" He shrugged and hugged me. "See you later." He smiled at me and left.

I walked into the room, on cloud nine, and took my seat. Girls instantly swarmed me, poking me and asking if that was my boyfriend.

Ignoring them, I smiled and rested my chin in my hand. Through the rest of the morning up until lunch, Frankie walked me to classes and sent me mixed messages.

Did he like me? Or did he LIKE me?! I couldn't tell. He hugged me, patted my back and ruffled my hair.

What does that mean? My brain was buzzing with these questions until I sat next to him at lunch. Gerard sat with his back to the lunch room, studying us with his sharp green eyes.

"I want to start a band." He suddenly stated, flicking a black fry across the length of the tabel, landing it in the skirt of a passing girl. "And I want you two to be in it." He pointed the end of a normal looking fry at me and Frankie in turn.

"Why?" I asked, ripping my sandwich into bits. Frankie swiped one off of my brown bag and popped it into his mouth. I followed suit, the peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth.

"Duh!" He pointed at me. "You play bass." He turned his skinny finger onto Frankie. "You play lead guitar. I sing. All we need is a drummer and a rhythm guitar player and we're good!" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's almost like..." Frankie looked at me.

"It's like..." I said, having a feeling of what we were all wanting to say. We looked at Gerard, who grinned.

"Like it was supposed to happen." We said together and laughed.

"Okay, I'm in if Frankie is." I shrugged.

"I'm in. And what exactly are we going to call ourselves?" He asked, taking another bit of my sandwich.

I sighed and slappd the back of his hand. "It's not like these are hard to make. Jeeze I make you one if you want."

"But I like stealing yours." He beamed at me. I sighed again, sliding my bag in between us.

"We'll share. But I'm making one for you tomorrow." He laughed and poked me in the side, making me jump and turn red.

"Will you rip it up for me too?" He breathed into my ear. I supressed the chill that ran through me.

"You have two working hands." I rolled my eyes. Gerard sat watching us, his eyes narrowed.

"But it's cuter when you do it." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Nope. Not gonna." I said through grit teeth. He whined.

"Fine." He sighed and looked back at Gerard. "Who stabbed a fork in your leg?" He asked, waving a plastic one in the air.

He really did look like he was in pain, his face pinched up and his eyes closed. "I got it!" He gasped, making me jump almost out of my seat.

"The clap?" I asked, making Frankie laugh and cover his mouth.

"No smartass." Gerard threw a fry down my shirt. I fished it out. "The band name."

"Which would be?" Frankie asked, leaning forward. His face was totally serious, making me melt.

I love it when he gets like this. It's so rare. "My Chemical Rmance." Gerard smiled as the first bell ending lunch rang.

"I like." Frankie slapped the table, sending the bag and a napking sliding away.

"I do too. But what made you think of it?" I asked, crumpling up the bag. He gave me a knowing smile.

"Every day life." He got up, grabbed our trash and strode over to the trash can and out of the lunch room, leaving me and Frankie alone.

"What do you think he meant by that?" Frankie asked, looking at me.

I blushed and grabbed my bag. "No idea. We need to get going to choir or we'll be late."

"Okay." He grabbed his bag as well and stood next to me. I led the way out of the lunch room, wary of the other kids around us and feet jutting out in front of me.
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