Categories > Original > Drama > To The End

Chapter Four

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-09-07 - 1187 words

Andy was the first human I'd brought into this messed up world. Through a complete accident, too. I remember that day far too well.

"Arthur!" I called after him as he turned to run away. He looked at me over his shoulder. The boy he held by the throat was still thrashing. He was alive.
[/I broke into a sprint, ready to save the boy. But, before I could reach them, Arthur bit into the boy's neck, throwing the boy at me.

[/The boy hit me hard, but I caught him. Arthur laughed and ran away after he threw a dagger at us. I moved just in time, throwing my hand over the boy's back.

[/I didn't even flinch as the dagger sank into my hand, the tip poking out through my palm. The boy was hardly breathing.

[/Carefully, I lowered him to the ground, laying him on his back. His eyes were open, but I wasn't sure if they were seeing. "Hey." I said, pulling the dagger out of my hand. "It'll be okay." I pressed my hand to his neck, ready to heal him.

[/He gasped, his back arching. "I know it hurts, but you'll be okay." He screamed, barely heard over the roaring fire Arthur had started.

[/Under my palm, I couldn't feel his wound healing. I moved my hand away to see the bloody bite marks still there and open. "What?" I asked myself, wiping the blood away with my hand. "Why isn't it healed?"

[/The boy was still screaming, thrashing on the ground. I put my hand over his heart. It was beating wildly, out of any kind of pace.

[/I heard his joints cracking and bones snapping as he thrashed hard, banging himself against the ground. After a second, he fell silent and still.

[/Under my hand, his heart was hardly beating. He was hardly breathing. I thought he was dead. "Kid. Hey, wake up." I shook him.

[/His eyes opened, as white blue as mine."What happened?" He asked, his voice smooth. I fell back, my head spinning. "Who are you?" He asked.

[/"My name is Izzy." I said, not sure what to do. How the hell is he alive? Why are his eyes like mine? "Are you okay?" I asked, looking over him.

[/His neck was healed, the blood just painted on his pale skin. "I think so. Why is everything so bright?" He asked, covering his eyes.

[/I had to laugh. "I'm not sure what happened, but you're funny." I bit my lip. "And, if I'm right, you're not exactly...the same." I said slowly.

[/He dropped his hand, his blue eyes meeting mine. "What do you mean, not the same?" He asked, his tone soft.

[/"Well, I think you may be like me now." I picked up the dagger and cut open my palm. I let the blood roll over it, making him gasp and stare. "Give me your hand." I held mine out.

[/He stared at the blood, his bottom lip shaking. "I...." He started to say something, but he grabbed my hand and licked the blood off of my skin.

[/I bit my lip as he did so, hoping this wouldn't kill him. He lifted his head once my hand was clean of blood. "My stomach is burning." He said softly. "Ugh why am I so hungry?" He wrapped his arms around his stomach, hunching forward.

[/"Do you feel any different? Like you're cracking?" I asked, staring at him.

[/"No. I feel like I'm starving to death." He said through clenched teeth. I touched his shoulder lightly.

[/"I guess you're not exactly like me either." I said, studying him. "As far as the hunger goes, you get used to it." I held my hand out to him. "Bite my wrist." He looked up at me. "Trust me." I smiled.

[/His cheeks grew pink. He took my arm gingerly and bit into my wrist. I grit my teeth as he took blood from me. After a shorter amount of time then I'd thought, he let go of me. "Better?" I asked as the wound healed almost instantly.

[/"Yes." He nodded. "Thank you." He breathed. I stood up. He looked up at me.

[/"Come on." I smiled at him. "I guess you're with me now." He stood up. "What's your name, anyway?" I asked.

[/"Andy." He said, touching his neck. "I feel weird." He whispered.

[/"It's okay. This is weird. I don't really know what's going on, but I know one thing." I looked at him.

[/"What's that?" He asked, his eyes bright.

[/"You're not human anymore." He blinked.

[/"Somehow, I'm not scared. I feel safe with you." He looked away. "Like I need to be with you."

[/"I wonder what you are." I touched his cheek with the tips of my fingers. His skin was warm. "Follow me." I ran through the dessert, heading North. He was right beside me the whole time.

I pulled away from his neck. "Thanks. For everything." I hugged him tightly. He held me, his arms strong.

"Thank you. For letting me be with you." He breathed.

"I'm sorry." I've said this to him more times than I could count. "For everything." He tipped my face up.

"It's not your fault, Izzy. It's Arthur's." He kissed my forehead. "But if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be with you now."

"You remember." I breathed. He nodded, a smile on his face. "How much?" The others left the room silently.

"Him choking me. And biting me. And throwing me. Then your face, over me." He touched my cheek, "I thought I was dead and seeing angels." He laughed softly. "But then when I woke up, you were still there. You saved me from dying." He got onto his knee.

He held my hand tightly. "And that day, I swore to myself that I would keep you safe. My dearest Izzy." He beamed up at me. I smiled back. "And I will. Until I die." He stood up.

"You're not going to die." I said, tears in my throat. Upstairs, the doorbell rang, echoing through the house.

"Izzy! Your dad is here!" I wiped my eyes roughly and took a deep breath before I turned to the stairs.

"Wait." Andy caught my hand. He turned me to him and licked my lips. "Blood. Go ahead." He shooed me up the stairs.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Always." He smiled back. On my way up the stairs, I realized something.

"Well, so much for band practice." I sighed heavily. Though it had been a cover to get Jack to not follow me, we really needed to practice.

"Hey dad. What's up?" I asked, waving Matt away from the door. Dad looked at me closely.

"Izzy, I need to talk to you." He whispered.

"About what?" I asked softly.

"There's been a string of murders. And the guys back at the station say that the path follows the path your tour bus took to get back here." He said, looking over my shoulder. "They think the killer is after you or one of the guys."
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