Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bromance or more?

Chapter 9

by Punk_Fizz 1 review

Erm... Class dance is over?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-09-11 - 943 words - Complete


"No, I dont remember a thing..." I replied.
"Well.... Its better like that", he said.
'Hail to the kiiiiinnggg' started blasting from his phone and all he could say was "Hey! I love this song!" And I just replied with "its your phone..."

~Day is over they go home blah blah ~

Franks POV
Class dance.
Its over now.
It was such a failure.
All the other classes were perfect, and then you get us.
My pants almost fell off, which revealed a bit of my boxers.
I was in front, so nobody at the back had seen, cause it was falling from the front, but the whole grade saw! Ergh.
I'm so embarrassed.
Fuck that.
Before the dance had started, and We were getting ready for it, as in on stage, and we were in two lines, on either side of the stage, Gerard stood in front of me, smiling.
I wanted to kiss his perfect lips.
He then told me to stop stressing, but how could I have stopped stressing when he was there? There wasn't too much space, so Gerards butt was a bit rubbing me... Like that sounds kinky, but I tried to stop thinking about it!
The dance started out okay, but then I started looking all confused and shit and I think we came out 8th out of 9 classes.
Gsjrnekxjendhebdjsnshdjdbvjebdbdvdjaneb we could've done better dhnsbsbdbsvdvsvd.

Gerards POV

Okay, so the dance was a fail.
Fuck. It's Wednesday. So that means...
"Uncle Gee, can I have a sweet?", Franks little cousin asked.
Yes, you've guessed right. I'm babysitting Franks cousin.
It wasnt my idea, but he asked all so nicely, cause he had to go on a date with Arin(he goes on dates with Arin every Wednesday) I don't love him or anything but you should've seen his face. It was adorable. So now, here I am, watching "Barbies fashion show" or something like that with Jamia. She's about 10. She looks a bit like Frank, the same hazel eyes.
"No, sweetheart." I replied. I had to sound nice, otherwise she'd complain about me to Frank. Not that I care what he thinks.
"Uncle Gee, can I sit on your lap?", she asked, and started blushing. She blushes like Frank too.
"Erm... Sure?", I said, and then she got up, and sat on my lap.
"Uncle Gee, I love you.", she said as she nuzzled her head onto my chest. This wasn't a shock since I've known Jamia from the time I've met Frank. She was with Frank that day, and she was so friendly. I've met Jamia now and then, and have babysitted her before. I was only surprised since, she actually told me that. Like, I knew she liked me, but love...? That was too adorable.
"I love you too, Jammy." I responded, with a slight giggle.
"You're giggling like Frank does", she said as she got up and pulled me from the couch and pulled me towards Franks room.
"What are we doing here?", I asked with a slight confused tone, still holding Jamias hand.
She then pulled me in, and went underneath the bed.
"Jammy, what are you doing?" i asked as I bent down.
"I know Frank didnt want me to tell you but I love him and he's the best cousin ever and I don't want to lose him..." She said, as she got up from beneath the bed, with a few blades in her hands.
I gasped at the sight of it, and started shaking.
"Gee, really? I'm only 10 and I'm scared but I'm not gasping like you.."
"I thought he stopped..." I said, as I took the blades from her fingers.
"Me too... But last night, I walked in and he didn't see me, and he was going on about how messed up his life is..." She explained, covering her face with her hands.
"Uncle Gee, do you love Frank?" She asked, as she sat down on the bed.
Do I?
I don't know.
This was suppose to be just a trick.
But I can't stop thinking of him.
His perfect smile. His eyes. Him.
"What is love?", I asked. What was I thinking? What would a 10 year old know about love?
"Well, love is when you care so much about someone to ever lose them. Its the thought of losing them that makes you scared. Its when you hug them, and then you feel a smile on your lips, because you know you don't ever want to let go. Its when you can't stop thinking of them. Every thought is filled with them, and you're scared of someone taking them. Its when you feel safe around them, like how I feel around you, thats why I love you, Uncle Gee", she said, with sparkles in her eyes.
I then threw all the blades onto the bed, and hugged her tightly.
That was the most amazing thing I have ever heard.
"Then yes, I do love Frank."
And now I do know. This isn't a trick anymore.
I need to get my Frank

So I know I don't usually do ANs but I had to say this, but the class dance part is actually based on a true story(my bra strap was falling, embarrassing, I know.) yesterday was the worst day of my life, cause of what had happened and yes, even the part of Gerard and Frank on stage is true, and in this case, I was Frank and Gerard was this person I like... Anyways, the fic isn't even close to over(OH THE HORROR I KNOW), so keep reading ^_^
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