Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Should I?

by davidthesquirrel 3 reviews

A/N: Should I write?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-09-15 - 137 words

Hi you guys!

I haven't gone on this site for months now (I don't know why. I just lost interest in my unfinished stories and it just led to me not writing at all.)

Anyway, I'm unsure whether I should keep writing or not

I'd like to start writing Supernatural fanfiction, so I'm probably going to try to move to AO3, but in the mean time, I want to know what you guys think.

Should I keep writing?

Do you have any requests?

Like, any at all. Literally. I kind of just want to write something.

Please send me ideas for stories and what I should do!

I'd love to talk to all of you again :)

((This was categorized at MCR because that's all I've written so far and most of my audience in in the category))
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