Categories > Cartoons > Tiny Toon Adventures > Who Framed Buster Bunny?


by TTAFanatic13 0 reviews

Me, Buster, and Jessica are captured by Doom. Who Can save us now?

Category: Tiny Toon Adventures - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-06 - Updated: 2006-08-06 - 1027 words

The Acme factory. Eric is being frisked by the weasels.

Smart Ass: We searched Bunny Boss. The will aint on him.

Doom: Then frisk the woman!

Greasy: I'll handle this one...

Greasy rolls up his sleeve and puts his hand between Jessica's breasts. There is a snapping sound and Greasy rapidly withdraws his hand with a man trap on it.

Greasy: Yaaaggghhh! Yaaaahshamatalla! Yaaggh!

The weasels start laughing.

Eric: Nice booby trap.

Doom wacks Greasy into a pile of boxes spilling false eyes all over the floor.

Doom: Do they have the will or not?

Smart Ass: Nah. Just this stupid love letter.

Doom: No matter. I doubt if that will is going to show up in the next 15 minutes anyway.

Eric: What happens in the next fifteen minutes?

Doom: Toontown will be legally mine. Lock, stock, and barrel.

Buster drives out of Toontown in Eric's car which is in bad shape. He spins it round to a stop in front of Benny.

Buster: Benny! Is that you?

Benny: No! It's Shirley Temple! [Getting up on his rear wheels and limping across the road.] Aah! Ooh! Eee!

Buster: Jumping Jeepers. What happened?

Benny: Doom grabbed your wife and Eric and took them to the Acme factory.

Buster: The Acme factory? I know where that is. Get in.

Benny: Move over Buster. You've done enough driving for one night.

The Acme Factory and Stupid and Wheezy have just broken through
one of the walls. Rays of light shine through and Faint music can
be heard.

Stupid: Er. Toontown's right on the other side of the wall Boss.

Doom: You see Mr. Bunny? The successful conclusion of this case draws a curtain for my career as a jurist in Toontown. I'm retiring. To take a new role in the private sector.

Eric: That wouldn't be CloverLeaf Industries by any chance?

Smart Ass: [Waving a gun at Eric] Eh, eh!

Doom: You're looking at the sole stock holder.

Buster and Benny pull up outside the Acme Factory.

Buster: Benny. You go for the cops. I'm going to save my wife.

Benny: Be careful with that gun. This aint no cartoon you know. [Driving off.] This is no way to make a living.

Buster tries to open one of the windows but it is jammed. He leans against it.

Buster: Wouldn't you know? Locked.

The window suddenly swings open and Buster falls through.

Buster: Waaaaaaaggghhaahhaahhaaa!

Inside Buster falls into the toilet and it flushes sucking Buster
Inside the factory Doom walks up to a large object covered by tarpauling. He drops a silver tray onto the floor pulls it aside and opens a valve releasing a green liquid onto the tray which starts to corrode.

Doom: Can you guess what this is?

Jessica: Oh my God It's DIP!

Doom: That's right my dear. Enough to dip Toontown of the face of the Earth! [The cover is removed to reveal a large machine.] A vehicle of my own design. 5000 Gallons of heated Dip, pumped at enourmous velocity through a pressurized water cannon. Toontown will be erased in a matter of minutes.

Jessica: I suppose you think no one's going to notice Toontown's dissappeared?

Doom: Who's got time to wonder what happened to some ridiculous talking mice when you're driving past at 75 m.p.h.?

Jessica: What are you talking about? There's no road past Toontown.

Doom: Not yet! [Starts slipping on the eyes] Several months ago I had the good providence to stumble upon a plan of the city councils. A construction plan of epic proportions. They're calling it, a Freeway.

Eric: A Freeway? What the hell's a freeway?

Doom: Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, straight, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of
the past.

Eric: So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this Freeway? You're kidding.

Doom: Of course not. You lack vision. I see a place where people get off and on the Freeway. On and off. Off and on. All day, all night. Soon where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations. Inexpensive motels. Restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tyre salons. Automobile dealerships. And wonderful, wonderful bill boards reaching as far as the eye can see... My god, It'll be beautiful.

Eric: Come on. Nobody's gonna drive this louzy Freeway when they can take the red car for a nickel.

Doom: Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the red car so I could dismantle it.

There is a rumbling sound and Greasy looks down at the manhole beneath him.

Greasy: What the... Aaaaaagggghhh!

The manhole shoots into the air as a geyser of water bursts out
of it sending Greasy into the air and he clutches onto a net full of bricks hung from the ceiling. From the hole comes Buster.

Buster: Aaaaaaaaghhhhh! O.K. Nobody move. Alright weasels, grab sky or I let the Judge have it. You heard me I said drop it.

Jessica: Buster! Darling!

Buster: Yes, it's me my dearest. I'd love to embrase you but first
I have to satisfy my sense of moral outrage.

Doom: Put that gun down, you buck tooth-ed fool.

Buster: That's it Doom. Give me another excuse to pump you full of lead. Thought you could get away with it didn't you?

Above Buster Greasy gets out his knife.

Buster: Ha! We Toons may act idiotic but we're not stupid. We demand justice. Why, the real meaning of the word probably hits you like a ton of bricks!

The bricks fall on Buster and Greasy smirks from the net.

Jessica: Buster! Buster, say something.

Buster: Look! Stars! Ready when you are Bugs. Hoo hoo hoo.

Doom: Tie the love birds together. Put them up on that hook. Use that escape proof Toon rope.

Psycho: I'm gonna kill the rabbit! Heh heh! Eh Heh heh!

Jessica: Oh Buster. You were magnificent.

Buster: Was I really?

Jessica: Better than Goofy.

Greasy starts up the Dip vehicle.

Jessica: Buster darling. I want you to know I love you. I've loved you more than any woman's ever loved a rabbit.

Doom: It's over Mr. Bunny.
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