Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're All Just Melodramatic Fools, But At Least We Have Great Taste!

Eargasms, Nutella, and Sloppy Kisses

by Kaleidoscope_Eyes 1 review

“I was hungry.” “What for an elephant? That’s a shit ton of Nutella!”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-10-08 - 1293 words

By the time we got back to my place we were all stoned out of our minds. Frank was laughing uncontrollably in the front seat, Gerard was…well I’m not one hundred percent sure what Gerard was trying to do. He just kept moving his hands in a wave like motion. It was weird…It was weirding me out…like a lot.

“Ok everyone, out of my car! C’mon!” I said loudly, hoping it’d wake them up a bit. The world was pretty fuzzy when you were that high. No one made a move and I sighed.

“Livie! Livie let’s go to my house,” Frank exclaimed.

“I’m not wasting anymore gas, Frank. C’mon.” I got out of the car and walked around to the other side. Both boys were being a fucking handful. I pulled Frank out of the car then Gerard and practically dragged them into the house. I can’t imagine what the neighbors were thinking.

“Gerard, you have legs fucking use them.” I was getting really irritated with this. We should not have let him smoke so much. I remembered the first time I got high. I was about like that. “Gerard I swear to fucking god just walk god damn!”

I dropped him on his ass and looked around for Frank. “Frank you asshat come help me with Gerard!”

That little fucker did some dumb shit when he was high; the least of all was play hide and seek. Seriously every time. “You’ll have to find me first!” His voice came from one of the bushes in front of my house.

I let out and exasperated sigh and pulled him out of the bush. “The boy forgot what legs were,” I said, gesturing to a laughing Gerard. Frank only stared and started laughing.

“He’s higher than a kite!”

“No shit! Now help me!” We both pulled Gerard up and walked him into my house.

“Where to, Captain?” Not sure how that nickname started but Frank liked to call me captain for some reason.

“Let’s just go to my room.” We carried Gerard up the stairs without falling (which was a feat, as he wouldn’t stop laughing and almost tripped me) and dropped him on the floor of my bedroom. “You sir, are cut off.” I said to the still laughing Gerard.

“I’m sorry guys,” Gerard said through peals of laughter, “everything just tickles.”

I snickered, “Oh, you’re one of those then.”

Gerard seemed to be settling down and sat up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Just how some people react.” I shrugged and fell onto my bed. “Hey Frankie hand me my iPod.” When he threw it to me I plugged it into my speakers and closed my curtains. The room fell into darkness just the way I liked it. The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete by Smashing Pumpkins started playing and I closed my eyes and let the sound wash over me.

“Ugh Liv I’m hungry,” Frank whined.

“Then go make some food,” I mumbled in return. Once Frank left it was completely silent aside from the music playing. I closed my eyes once more and let the soft tones take me away.

When the song was over I heard rustling from the floor. Suddenly Gerard was at my side. “Hey Liv,” he whispered, “are you awake?”

I opened my eyes and turned to him slowly. “Yeah. Why?”

“You just looked asleep.”

“This is what I do when I smoke.” I explained.

“You fall asleep while listening to music?”

“Oh my word someone wasn’t listening then.” I scooted over and patted the bed beside me, gesturing for him to lay down. “Now close your eyes and just listen.” I turned on one of my favorite songs and rolled over onto my side to watch him.

I could tell he was unsure of what to expect. I mean when a weird chick tells you to close your eyes and listen what are you supposed to expect? The answer: something fucking amazing. I would not steer him wrong. Ok maybe I would a little…

“Swallow and chew, eat you alive, all of us food that hasn't died. And the light says.” The song reached the second chorus and my whole body thrummed in anticipation. The instrumental part started and I felt it everywhere.

This song was fantastic for that. It was like the music wrapped you in everything wonderful. You felt the drums pounding inside you and just ah! It was amazing. I closed my eyes and let it fill me. I started breathing heavier. I felt Gerard right next to me and I knew that he was feeling the same way.

When the song ended I opened my eyes, still breathing heavily. Gerard had turned onto his side as well and his face was inches from mine. I still felt the music everywhere, especially between my legs. I stared at him glancing between his eyes and lips.

I shook my head and sat up. That was the only problem when you were high; you got extremely horny. Or at least I did. I shook my head again and looked at Gerard. He was still staring at me intently.

“So yeah…That’s what I like to do.”

We sat in an awkward silence before Gerard spoke up. “What song was that?”

“Mosquito Song by Queens of the Stone Age. It’s great isn’t it!” I said loudly, thankful for the distraction.

Just then Frank walked into the room carrying a jar and plastic knife. “I found the Nutella.” He dipped the knife in and stuck it in his mouth happily while I just stared at him in disbelief.

“Frank did you double dip?”

He looked at me eyes wide, knife still in his mouth. “…No,” he answered, very obviously lying.

“Oh come on, my mom hates it when you do that!” Seriously, the boy did it with fuckin everything. I’m no germaphobe or anything but my mom hated that shit.

I got up and took the jar from him. “God damn Frank how much did you eat?” It was probably half empty now and I’m almost positive that was a new jar.

He shrugged. “I was hungry.”

“What for an elephant? That’s a shit ton of Nutella!” I handed it back to him. “Just take it.”

Gerard started cackling from behind us. It was weird as fuck. Frank and I just stared at him confused. “What the fuck dude.”

He started shaking his head laughing hysterically. “You guys are just like an old married couple!”

“You bet your ass we are!” Frank shouted, grabbing me and laying wet kisses all over my face.

“Oh my god, get the fuck off me Frank!” I pushed him away and wiped the slobber off my face. God damn how much saliva could that boy generate? The both of them were laughing their asses off at this point. I just stared at them and shook my head. “You two are fuckin weird.”

Ok I have a lot to say to you all. First, I am SO sorry that it's taken me forever to update this story! I had a lot of shit going on and it got really hard for me to write but I'm good now.
Second, I want to thank GunnersFan and Mirazal for commenting on my last note and wishing me well. That really meant a lot to me and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. You two are stellar!
I don't know when I'll update this story again but I'll do my best! Please rate and review, I'd really appreciate that. Have a wonderful day my lovlies!
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