Categories > Movies > Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie's Real Test

by Buttsex_R_Us 0 reviews

What if, during the tour of the factory, Mr Wonka, Charlie and Grandpa Joe visited one more room where Charlie could have possibly been eliminated?

Category: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-10-16 - 242 words - Complete

mr wonky, Grampa Jo and charly waltzed sexily threw the fatry.'is jus threw hear" mr wonk sed and opend a big dor. thay al wolked in2 th, rom and locked a round.. "'dis is mi favrot rum' mr wanka sed.'wow' carly sad, 'wat d yuo us ths romm for' assed grampy hoe entusiassdicklee. 'dis es the pleasur rum' mr wunka repled an ponted 2 a huge sine dat sed te plesure rom. 'wut dus tht macheen du' churle sid an pinted @ a big masheen."dat iz te plasur macin. ''; mt winky sad sexily an loked at carlo and grined bigly. 'an i wont yu too test it'' 'okai den' sed chily and jamped int te mashing. 'wot doi du now'' 'wat 4 mee' repped mr wonko an den he jompd intoo da mashin nekkid. 'wy ar your nekkid' assed carli 'why aernt yuo' reped mr winka 'okai den' repped chile and becam nekkid to. 'les git sum funcky musik on' sed mr Wunki and plaid his floot an den sum oomp loomys apperd and stated singing we cnt stap bi milee siris. 'iz tim for yuor rel test charl' sid mr wonker sexily 'okai den' reped charlt and den thhey had hot butsecks an afer too hors grumpy yo wolked in2 da machin And sadd 'wut is takeing u su lang' "join uz' sed carlos 'okai den' reppeled grampy jojo ad becum nekkid to an tey al had a treesum sexily .
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