Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Never coming home, never coming home.

by TheSharpestL 0 reviews

Based on The Ghost Of You music video. Enjoy c:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-11-11 - 1250 words - Complete

A/N;; Hola :3 been a while. Badly written, not spell checked, may not be historically correct but here it is and enjoy!

The attack on Pearl Harbour shook them all and even before that they knew that the Germans progressing through France could put America in danger. Gerard had heard it all on the radio. Roosevelt had set a speech up the next day, declaring they were at war.

'I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.'

Within a short time, Germany declared war on the USA only four days after the attack of the harbour and well, that was why Gerard was where he was.

"You're doing it for you country, Gerard." His mother assured, squeezing his arm. "I don't want you to go but it's the honourable thing." The blonde woman smiled at her oldest son.

The male's eyes flickered over the line of young men at the recruiting office, most looking nervous and way too young to be signing up which made Gerard cringe yet he joined the line. For his country, right? He couldn't say no to his mother and he was sure they'd be made to at some point during the war anyway.

Mikey watched as his brother moved closer and closer towards the sign up desk, fear rising up inside him, making him feel sick.

"No. You're sixteen." She knew her children well enough and it was bad enough she was encouraging one, let alone both.

Mikey let out a noise of protest. "But Gerard, he cou-" He received a dangerous look and closed his mouth sharply.

Gerard turned around and gave his younger sibling a reassuring smile. It was gonna be fine... Mikey would be safe. He wasn't old enough. Gerard was glad for that at least.


The officer asked, glancing up at Gerard blankly.

"Uh, um, Gerard W-Way."

The brunette spluttered, his hands shaking.

"How old are you?"


The officer wrote it all down and ushered him away to another imitimdating male. And that was how it started.


After weeks of training and being told 'shoot and avoid death', Gerard was ready to go to war on the beaches. Mikey had signed up behind his parent's back, to be with his brother and also do his country proud.

The boat journey was the scariest part at first. Gerard sat by his brother whilst it rained and the boat rocked, making many other men vomit from sea sickness and ever growing fear of what they had to face. Omaha beach was their destination.

"When that door opens, you fuckin' run. You get cover and you kill those bastards." Their Sargent called and Gerard felt the bile rise in his throat.

He didn't want to kill people. He didn't want people he'd known from the, training to be killed and he didn't want Mikey at risk; that's what scared him most.

"I'm scared." Mikey whispered to his brother, clutching his gun tightly to his chest.

A short boy who was no way eighteen locked eyes with the brothers and gave them a sympathetic look. Gerard was sure his name was Frank or something but the boy was clearly on the verge of tears himself, clutching a Catholic cross which was attached to his neck by a thin chain.

The strong sea stench made Gerard's stomach churn and the sight of the beach ahead made him want to grab Mikey and swim back to New Jersey.

"I know, Mikey. I'll keep you safe. I promise." Gerard said quietly, tapping his foot at the bottom of the boat, sick with fear and nerves.

He'd never killed someone before.. He'd never even considered it. He's just been taught how to fire a gun and expected to aim for German men, who no doubt have families at home, waiting and praying for them.

"You shouldn't have signed up." He hissed, almost angry as he watched the beach draw closer. For a moment, Mikey almost looked sorry for doing it but he wasn't going to leave his older brother alone to fight. He'd sworn to stand by him and that was what he was doing.
Gerard just adjusted his helmet which felt like it was constricting his head so much it would pop. Seconds. Seconds away from all the people he'd grown to know in his group to run to their deaths.

"You keep running forwards, understood? Don't you dare turn back." That was the last thing the Sargent said before the door dropped down and smashed into the sea, sending the vile salt water over the soldiers and into their mouths. Then they were running through the water to the sand. Already they were being fired at, the repetitive noise of gun fire ringing in Gerard's ears.

He ran his way to a large metal cross like object with held barbed wire, trying to shy away from the gunfire. He raised his gun, firing some shots blindly; he had no idea if he was getting anyone or if he was just wasting bullets. He looked back behind him at the few still bodies scattered and a few of the younger soldiers hiding, unmoving due to the fear.
Sand thrown up beside Gerard, causing him to jump and crawl to a slight dip in the sand where other soldiers were crouching and shooting.

He stayed on his stomach, staying low to the point where he got a bit of sand in his mouth. He wasn't bothered, too busy desperately searching for Mikey amongst the bodies and the moving. "Where's my brother?!" He yelled at the guy next to him. He felt like he was going to vomit or cry or even both. His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest.

"I don't know!" The guy yelled back, trying to shoot the enemies down. Gerard rolled onto his back, keeping his head down and scanning eagerly for his younger brother.

After mere seconds which felt like a lifetime, Mikey popped out from behind a similar piece of metal that Gerard had been behind.

"Mikey!" Gerard yelled, his eyes growing wide as he watched his brother stand and run in pure sight of the enemy fire. "Mikey, no! Get down!" He screeched.

It happened just as quick as this had all started and Mikey was on the floor. It took Gerard a few sickly long moments to register it all; watching Mikey's body fall like a rag doll. His ears were ringing and for a moment he just felt weightless. Empty. Like a ghost. A medic, Raymond, ran over to Mikey, trying to stall and treat the wound.

It then started to become real again; loud bangs and gun fires filling his ears. He hadn't even registered that he was screaming for his brother, the men around him holding him down as he tried to scramble and reach his brother.

Mikey's body was squirming and Gerard could just hear the pain escaping his lips until his body fell limp.

Gerard watched helplessly, watching the medic shake his head, move the bandages off the wound and flash Gerard a apologetic look.

Gerard just felt... Devastated and lonely. Angry. He started at his brother's corpse moments longer before he rolled on to his stomach, grabbed his gun and got up, running towards the enemy line.

So this was war.
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