Categories > Original > Drama


by BipolarUnicorn 3 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-11-22 - 660 words


Monophobia; the fear of being alone.

She sat straight on her bed and pulling the headphones out of her years. They were at full volume, with the music still playing.

Grabbing her phone from her night stand she unlocked it and looked at her messages.

No new messages.

Sighing she looked over her contact list. Hovering over the number she writes out a text.

"Hey you wanna come over?"

The girl shakes her head and types the message in different variations. She sighs before deleting the draft all completely. Roughly shoving her headphones back in her ears, she collapses back on the bed. Looking at the ceiling tears start to form in her eyes and her throat closes up. Shaking her head she held back the tears and grabbed her phone.

She typed up the message and quickly hit sent without a second thought. She exhaled breathily and her hands shook slightly.

"She doesn't want to hang out with me. She has much better things to do," she thought. Checking her phone, it's been two minutes since she sent the text and no response.

"I fucking knew it," she spoke with a brittle voice, "why would anyone want to hang out with me?"

Climbing off the bed she went downstairs finding the house to be empty. Under her breathe she started singing and grabbed the carton of milk. After taking a swing from it she put it back and slammed the fridge door. Running back up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Once she reached her room she fell on the bed with a plop and grasped her phone in her hand. She let out a shaky breath and unlocked her phone. When she looked at the green messages icon, but what surprised her was the red one in the corner of he icon.

Hastily she clicked on it on the messages and she smiled. Seeing a 'k' when she opened the messages she jumped up bounding down the steps and waiting by the front door.

Waiting downstairs she sat down by her dog and pet him. He was a corgi, a welsh one, and obviously overweight. She sat in the silence and thought about the next few hours. Things that would never happen but it put a smile on her face.

Hearing a knock on the door, she bounded over and swung it open. Her smile widening at her friend in front of her.

"Hey," she grinned.

Her friend greeted her back. They ran up stairs, but not before making some food. They were both more like growing teenage boys eating twice their body weight in food. The time they spent together was blown over with video games and dumb jokes.

As it was nearing late hours and her friend's phone rang, she knew she was leaving.

"Please don't leave," She thought in her head while listening to her friend talk. "I'm not okay when I'm alone."

All she did was grin widely, while her eyes screamed for help.

As soon as her friend's phone vibrated again, signaling her mom arriving to pick her up. Getting up they head towards the door. She opened her door and let her friend out, watching her get in the car, and drive off down the road.

She sighed again, letting her smile fall, and she slid down the door.

Even though the girl broke down in tears, she knows it's all her fault.

She doesn't do anything to get help or talk to anyone.
I don't want help. I don't want to worry anyone.
She isn't good at conversation, even if she knew you for years.
I'm just awkward.
She just wants someone who can she can talk to.
I bottle up everything, it's easier.
Not it's not.

She doesn't want to be alone.
Leave me alone.
She's afraid of being alone.

But she doesn't do anything about it.

a/n-im lame and this is dumb don't look at me
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