Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Burst Reality

The Reality of Death

by Myrddin-Ignis-Magus 4 reviews

Harry makes a friend for eternity.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2013-12-18 - 3983 words

Burst Reality

Chapter II

The Reality of Death

Harry Potter sat straight up in his bed, which was really just a mattress on the floor of his small cupboard, hidden away under the stairs. He was breathing heavily with sweat drenching his face and thin PJ's. It must have just been a dream, a weird dream for sure but a dream nonetheless.

His thin blanket fell off his sweaty body, and he tried desperately to calm his shaking body. He doesn't want to wake anyone if they're not already awake or his punishment will be worse than anything. They're lazy and hate being woken if they don't have to be, especially his cousin and uncle.

He sighed tiredly when he started as he noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses, but that wasn't what was startling. He could see clearer than he had ever wished. It's dark in his cupboard and still he could see even through the dark.

He knows his glasses have never been really good, just cheap reading glasses his aunt bought at Pound Land for, yep, one pound. Though, they had been better than nothing, but now his sight was clearer than he had ever dreamt possible.

The only reason his aunt bought him them glasses was because the schools nurse gave him a simple test as he was having problems reading the white board from the front of the class and discovered his bad eyesight. He had felt thankful, and annoyed as she could notice his bad eyes but not his bruises.

He just sighed and shook away those bad memories. He could guess that Dumbledore was the person who dumped him here in this purgatory, so maybe it was Dumbledore who was making adults oblivious to his pain. If Dumbledore really is that naive, or in Harry's words stupid then maybe he sent him here for some stupid reason.

Harry knows he'll just have to bide his time and wait. He'll find out what had happened, and why. If his guess is right and Dumbledore sent him to these, 'people', the Dursley's and was letting them get away with hurting him, and even helping them in whatever magical way, the Old Man will suffer his vengeance.

Neither Tempus nor Realitas said he couldn't get back at the people who have wronged him. He can at least try to find himself some form of justice in this small and cruel world. He could perhaps curse the Dursley's bloodline with terrible herpes or crabs or something for all the pain and anguish they've caused him, right?

He thought back to his 'dream' as he shivered in the cold of his sweat. It could have just been a normal, yet weird dream, right? Then how does he explain his better than perfect vision suddenly? Then he doesn't think he has a good enough imagination for his mind to come up with Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and then all of the time and reality travel stuff."

It was with a groan and a few cranks of his muscles that he noticed the white markings on his right hand, like tribal patterns. He moved his hand slightly, they caught a bit of light from the gap in the doorway, and half of them turned blue, near black.

He had told hold back a gasp as he watched them fade away. It was as if his own body was shouting, here moron, here's your proof. He shuddered and flopped back down onto his flimsy 'bed'.

Thinking, he has had a lot of practice, but this was different. This was about the freaky stuff his aunt and uncle hated. Magic, time travel, other worlds, the things he knew should be science fiction, but now realises are fact. It muddled his mind. What else could be real? He supposes vampires and werewolves, but what about aliens?

He tried to shake off these thoughts of the impossible, but now he's thought about them he knows out there in this world and infinite others are infinite possibilities. He supposes reality and time are like a river with infinite streams cutting off into infinite rivers, and each one creates a different reality or time line where things only went slightly or vastly different.

It hurt his head just thinking about it, but it was as if he understood his own simplistic analogy to be somewhat true. It could be his new position as Lord of Time and Reality (he won't be calling himself a god just yet) that allows him to understand, at least in part on a subconscious level.

He realised with these powers, he could just leave couldn't he? The Dursley's couldn't stop him, or find him if he didn't want. He could leave this earth altogether. He could leave and never come back.

Well, he would never come back to the Dursley's. He has a special person to always return for. He'll just have to find her, and his heart seemed to pound in his chest, agreeing with him.

How can he miss someone he has yet to meet? He asked himself this question a few times before the answer just popped into his head. They have met. They just haven't met yet, but to them time doesn't exist normally. Now he's confusing himself further. He'll have to try thinking about the logistics less or he'll always be wondering how when it shouldn't matter as much as he can.

He jumped after a few more moments of thought. Sitting up ramrod, he heard a loud and annoying banging on his cupboard 'room' door.

"Get up you lazy boy!" his aunt screeched at him from the other side.

He could have snorted and retorted that his cousin isn't up yet, and that he isn't going to be making breakfast for you. Harry's been making their food for years now while only getting scraps for himself. They call him useless yet haven't complained about his cooking in years.

Not only that but they make him do the gardening, clothes washing, wash the dishes, dusting, clean their bedrooms, including Dudley, his cousins second room, and the spare room. They make him clean two rooms that aren't occupied while giving him a tiny cupboard.

It's downright arrogant. Then they have the cheek to call him useless while he's used like an unpaid, mistreated, and underfed slave. The thought made him feel sick to his stomach. They have so much while so many people, him included go without.

To make matters worse, everyone seems to believe everything they're told by these Dursley's. Dudley makes trouble, and then picks on their children and still they believe the Dursley's that it must have been Harry even though the other kids said it was Dudley.

Nobody could mistake the two; Harry's good looking for one, super thin, and has black hair. Dudley is the size of a fat baby whale and blonde. Thinking about it, there has to be some magic at work. The adults couldn't be that stupid, and it doesn't seem to effect the kids.

Though, that doesn't mean the kids would ever play with him. They were too scared of Dudley for one, and even though they know the truth, their parents forbid them from going near him.

"Boy, did you hear me!" she screeched again as he heard some locks clicking. If there had ever been a fire they would have left him in the cupboard to die, and the magic would have got them off. Though, maybe magic would have saved his life. He could only hope.

"I'm up, Aunt Petunia," he replied trying not to sound angry.

She didn't say any more but he was glad to hear her retreating footfalls. He just shook his head free of thoughts as he stripped out of the oversized PJ's and looked down at his naked body. He groaned as he still looked quite scrawny and none of the welts or scars had faded away as he hoped.

He gets all these powers and the scars didn't fade by themselves. He felt a little cheated. Though, he wasn't going to say anything out loud. He should be thankful with all things considered.

It took him a minute to climb into the elephant sided jeans and tie them with string to keep them up. Then he pulled on a blue jumper that near drowned him.

Shaking his head, he said a simple bye (in his head of course) to the spiders before pulling on his oversized trainers and slipping out of the cupboard. The wall was spotlessly clean, as was the kitchen as usual when he entered. They were the few things his aunt ever cleaned as she has some kind of germ phobia about areas people from outside might have touched.

He's surprised she doesn't include him in with the germ bringers. The whole room stunk of bleach and other cleaning chemicals, but he like the other residents has grown used to it. It's not so bad when its lemon scented. The flower scents are truly overwhelming.

It was hard not to give them a dirty look as both Dudley and his Uncle Vernon Dursley were sitting at the kitchen table glaring at him as if it's his fault they haven't got breakfast yet. He was quite surprised either are up this early, but looking at the time it is seven. He supposes they're going somewhere.

Holding in his temper until another time, he just grabbed some eggs, bacon, cheese, milk, and anything they had left over that's fattening and whipped up some huge omelets while his aunt just sat reading the newspaper muttering about rubbish that doesn't concern her.

Harry figures if he keeps making them delicious fatty foods like this he can kill them off with severe heart attacks, well at least Vernon and Dudley. Petunia wouldn't be able to cope and then Harry could use his superior wits to manipulate her. It would be his house then and his rules.

"Hurry up with my breakfast, boy!" Vernon bellowed moronically as Harry was pouring his omelet onto his plate. "You're useless, just like those no good parents of yours."

Now that Harry knows the truth, he found it didn't bother him and he remained silent. He just passed his aunt, uncle and cousin their eggs and watched the two fat jerks wolfed them down as if it's their last day. It might have been if Harry knew how to use his powers.

Harry had given them all of the eggs and Petunia had even checked the pan to make sure before he started washing up. Then after he finished washing the dishes his aunt shoved him out the back door to do the gardening.

He doesn't mind gardening, but on an empty stomach it's not the most pleasant thing to do. They normally kick him out into the garden if they want to go out for a few hours. They don't want to leave him in the house to steal food that he knows is rightfully his for all the work he does anyway.

Sighing seems to becoming a habit he realised as the breath left him. He shrugged and got out the tools he needed from the shed and started working. It's not so bad, sometimes he'll even make friends with a tiny critter like a mouse or vole or even the odd mole. They seem to like him, but maybe they can sense the godly blood flows through his being.

"Wow, you are so useless and lazy, little brother!"

He was started as he looked around to a boy leaning against the fence between his house, number four, and next door, number two. He must have been a year or more older than Harry but looked even more girlly. He has brown hair that would hang over his brown eyes if it weren't clipped back.

He's wearing some brown trousers with a white tee shirt and black trainers. He looked thinner and even unhealthier than Harry does. He looked pale and clammy and his breathing looks labored and hard, but he was smirking anyway, as if he found something funny.

"I'm Charles," he introduced himself. "I'm just visiting…" he trailed off into a cough covering his mouth, and when he finished he pulled back trying to hide the blood. "I mean I'm visiting my aunt… she told me about a skinny hooligan that lives next door and causes his poor aunt endless trouble, and about how useless he is, and that he bullies other kids.

"That's not what my cousin says," he added as if he was telling Harry the weather. "She says that your cousins the bully and that her mum won't listen to her. She says that she's heard things…" he trailed off as Harry grimaced.

Harry stood up from his plants and glared as he walked to the boy. "So what…! They'll meet their end eventually!" he hissed out and unbeknownst to him the small spade behind him floated up in his power and crunched in his power. He turned as Charles's eyes widened just in time to see it drop.

"You're a wizard," the boy drew his attention back before coughing. "I-I'm a wizard… but even magic can't cure me. But you probably think I'm crazy."

"Crazy?" Harry asked no one in particular. "No… after all my entire house is buzzing with magic. It's always made me feel uncomfortable, but until today I had never questioned it. Then everyone is cursed to believe the families' lies… well, the adults at least."

"T-they know, and, they're magic haters," he said in shock. "Then… I'll send a message…"

"Dumbledore knows," he said with more venom than he expected.

"You're Harry Potter," the boy said. He didn't ask, he just knew.

Harry shrugged nonchalant. "And you're dying," he said suddenly. He didn't know how, but he knew this boy would be gone soon.

"Yep," he said shrugging. "I've been ill for so long that in a strange kind of way I've accepted it, even welcomed it. I don't think I should have come out here, but… when I saw you I was compelled to. I couldn't believe my aunt."

Harry reached out, shocking him as he touched his cheek looking near the verge of tears. "If think you will be OK in the end, just like me. I don't think death can really be the end, but maybe another beginning. You… you have the blessing of Fate, I'm sure. There has to be more to the world."

Charles smiled and took Harry's hand and surprisingly kissed it making him blush fiercely. "Thank you Harry, I'm not sure why, but I feel more at ease now," he said holding Harry's fingers loosely.

"My mum and yours are coming!"

They looked over to see a worried girl about Harry's age was looking at them from her back door and gesturing for Charles to get in and quick. She gave Harry an apologetic look but he just shook his head and smiled.

"Go," Harry said wiping his tears. "One week… you have one week, and then its over. You should be lucky Charles… you have so long to love your family, your little cousin, your aunt and mother. Don't waste a second because if you do I'll come back to this persist moment in time to kick your ass."

They paused and looked round before laughing as no older Harry turned up. Then Charles surprised him with a quick hug over the fence before smiling with a nod he rushed off to join his cousin.

Harry smiled as he watched them leave, and he grimaced as he saw tears in the girls eyes. She must have heard what he said. He doesn't know how he knows but maybe because he knows time, especially when it's so near to its end. However, she didn't look at him with hate and anger, but she just accepted defeat and gave Harry a watery smile.

It had come true. Charles was still at his aunt's house next door when he passed away peacefully in his sleep. It was disgusting to see the Dursley's getting dressed up to go to his funeral. He watched them leave dressed in black suits, dishonoring a wizard.

Harry was sat around in the garden where he had been dumped to wait when he just stood. He knows he can do it. He can, and he did. He disappeared from the back yard of number four privet drive and reappeared out of nowhere in a cemetery.

He didn't hesitate to look around and he found them lowing a coffin into the ground. He moved closer and didn't even try to stay hidden. It might have amused him, the panic his aunt and uncle went into as they saw their scruffy nephew.

Harry walked up to the grave where he saw Charles' cousin. She gave him a watery smile. Loads of people were starting to talk loudly and rudely about him, but he didn't care as he gave the girl a hug that she reciprocated, and other than Charles, she was the only person willing to hug him.

He pulled back and smiled as he turned to the angry parents and funeral guests, his 'family' included. The grave was already filling itself under the emotions of Harry's magic.

"Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia," he said with a sad smile. "I finally know who I am, and what I am," he said softly causing them to pale in worry. He just smiled at the girl and held her shoulder. "I am Harry James Potter, and I'm a sorcerer, and I think it's high time I leave, and as I do, whatever enchantments have been hiding your abuse of me, and the fact your son is an evil piece of shit will be gone with me."

He sneered at them. "Prey to ME!" he hissed causing everyone to flinch. "That I never come back because the day I do is the day I'll wipe out your existences. Good people like Charles suffer and filth like you live, maybe I'll at least even out that wrong."

Harry turned to the girl as she blushed while he kissed her cheek. "Good bye. I'm going home," he said as he felt his power and then, he was gone at random in a splash of power.

Harry felt an odd sensation as the world around him blurred, and he knew he was leaving his world. He felt like he was hurtling uncontrolled through space feeling queasy and disorientated.

Then it stopped as quickly as it came. He fell to the ground dizzily and got a face full of sandy dirt. The young mage looked through blurry eyes around himself, blinking rapidly his eyes began to focus.

He was in a mountainous region of… somewhere with dirt, tuffs of grass and reddish sand on the ground. He could smell salt water in the air and looked over towards the horizon. He could see the deep blue ocean several miles away pooling out endlessly.

It was the first time he had ever seen the ocean this close before. It would be nice to get to visit sometime in the future. He felt quite smug with the way he left, showing magic to all of those muggles. He just hopes that the magic lifts and those people see how 'great' the Dursley's really are.

Looking around he could see there are a few small trees around him with some weird fruit hanging off them. He also noticed in the distance a small village not too far from where he landed.

The village looked quite outdated from what he has seen before, but that could be a refreshing new start.

He knew he must not be on earth anymore - well at least not his earth. The place just seemed and felt very different. It looked to be just after sunrise, and even the sky looked different. The sky housed a rainbow of greens sliding around like a halo.

He finally stood up shaking his head clear but a low and menacing growl made him wheel round in his tracks. Standing in front of him on all four large paws was a monster of a wolf with dark brown fur and large bronze teeth. It has huge claws, and surprisingly pointed bronze horns running down its spine from the tip of its head to the tip of its tail.

Harry gulped as he stared petrified of the beast. He almost, not quite wished he was back at the funeral. Then it charged. It roared its hunger as its claws gripped into the ground during its charge.

Harry put his right arm out to defend himself. The wolf like creature is at least five times his size. It grabbed his protective arm in its monumental teeth crushing his bones and piercing his skin. His blood splattered from his open flesh as he cried out in pain.

An agony could almost relate to the life he's led so far, but not quite. This creature is only after a meal. It doesn't seek pleasure from another creatures pain.

Harry cried out, whimpering as the creature managed to throw him. He was smashed into a large pile of rocks hitting his head. He felt blood trickling from his head wound and was barely able to stay conscious. He struggled to look up in to the fierce creature's hungry yellow eyes. It slowly prowled towards him. He knew he was going to become this things lunch. Harry closed his eyes and readied himself for the worst.


Harry suddenly heard that one word. He grimaced as the wolf started roaring in pain. He opened his tired eyes as the monster was engulfed in a blazing inferno of flames. Its ear splitting screeching only lasted a few moments before it collapsed to the ground… dead, a burnt husk of flesh.

Harry looked up through his groggy with heavy eyelids. The only thing he truly wanted to do was sleep now. His head was pounding and his crushed arm stung with a previously unknown intensity, protesting his wakefulness.

He saw a man who looked to be in his early fifties. He was at least 6 foot tall with short straight brown hair with flecks of grey. He has blue eyes and the weirdest clothes Harry has ever seen. His top has no sleeves, and he wore a strange gauntlet on his left forearm with five gems in it, three of which were green, one blue and the other red.

One of the green gems was glowing faintly for a moment before it stopped. In the man's right hand, he saw a large Double Edged sword; one blade was touching the ground while the other pointed up a few inches taller than him is.

Harry saw the man looking down at him as he collapsed, still looking up. He looked concerned. Then a young woman/teenage girl came around from behind the man looking as if she was about to enter some kind of worry mode.

She has long brown hair that hung below her shoulder blades and sparkling teal green eyes. She looked to be around 14 or 15 years old. She also wore weird clothes, though Harry noted she was very pretty. She has weapons - two long daggers were sheaved on either side of her hips.

The girl finally ran to Harry and knelt down beside him, worry etched all over her pretty face. "It's okay, kid," she said trying to reassure herself as much as him. "You're going to be okay now; we'll take care of you."

Harry felt comforted as she gently turned him over onto his back and stroked his cheek comfortingly. It was then that he let the darkness take hold of him as he finally passed out, and knew no more.

To Be Continued…
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