Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses

So Axl Smiles

by PoisonPumpkin 0 reviews

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2014-01-16 - 333 words

So Axl Smiles

Duff’s pov
So tears can fall from those emerald green eyes that are usually so clouded with haze and hurt and unreadable things. Only I’ve ever seen his eyes light up and to roll back as he moans. I’m the only one to know him like that and he still treats me the way he does. I know all that he’s been through and I want to forgive him but I don’t know if I can.

Axl’s pov
I’m pleading, begging for once in my life. Duff’s too good for me to amazing maybe I should let him go. I hurt everyone that I’m around, I’m poison and I know it, I sink to my knees tears still flowing from my eyes shaking all over my body. I thought he would go, leave me like everyone else. But then I feel hands on my shoulders and I flinch automatically.

Duff’s pov
I pull Axl to his feet and hug him close to me. He’s whimpering and rocking back and forth and clinging to me and I hear him whimpering sorry sorry sorry, over and over again. And I hold that broken boy in my arms and I promise him that I won’t let him go and I mean it.

Axl’s pov
I hold onto Duff slightly and I’m still sobbing. I don’t even know why I don’t want Duff to leave like so many others. But I care about him much much more than any other person I’ve ever known or been with. I love him and I tell him so.

Duff’s pov
I lean down and kiss the redheaded boy and wrap my arms around his skinny waist pulling him close and up against my body. And I promise him that I will love him and will never leave him and I wipe away his tears so Axl can smile.
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