Categories > Original > Fantasy

Darling: Hiddles

by PartyPoisen 0 reviews

Tom Hiddleston sorta story

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Published: 2014-01-20 - 3441 words

In other news actress Locklyn Hart,14, has
lost her brother, James, to a rumored suicide
when she discovered his body last week at
his New York home while on vacation from
the set of her latest, currently untitled movie.
The actress has since flown to London with
the body but has yet to be seen. She is
rumored to have been excused from finishing
her part of the movie until early next year.


Locklyn threw a whiskey bottle at the TV as
she broke down again in tears. She had
gotten home two days after finding her
brother dead in his apartment. Not too long
ago, though it seemed like ages, Locklyn
spoke to her brother James. He told her to go
visit him and Locklyn had gladly accepted
the offer in order to get her mind off her


The young actress was on vacation from the
set for two months in Kansas. Someone
somehow got past security and stole
merchandise from the movie set she was
working on at the moment. The set needed to
order new merch and the insurance on the
old stuff was being a bitch. As a result, she
had two and half months off. So she flew to
New York to see her James, overjoyed about
the chance to see him. But instead of a
happy reunion, Locklyn found her brother
lying there dead on the floor with a gun and a
puddle of blood so dark it was nearly black.


Locklyn flew his body out to London two
days later and ever since, she refused to
leave her house. She had an assistant get
her alcohol and then she’d coldly dismissed
her. She ignored her phone and didn't allow
visitors to come over as she sat in her living
room filled with empty bottles. The once
spotless, neat living room had been torn up
when she got so frustrated and tore
everything down and punched all the walls.


"First my boyfriend and now this," she
slurred, her head lolling on her shoulders as
if she’d lost control of her muscles. Suddenly
she tensed and threw the whisky bottle at the
wall shattering it into a million pieces.
Locklyn immediately regretted wasting all
that good alcohol.


The woman got up and walked to the kitchen
to get a new bottle to numb her further, and
was displeased to see she was out of the
numbing liquid. Locklyn had no choice but to
go and buy some for herself since her
assistant had quit the day she had
purchased the excessive amount of alcohol
for her now previous employer.


Locklyn grabbed her wallet, stuffed it in her
back pocket and stumbled her way to the
front door. It was raining but the woman felt
so hot from drinking that she didn't bother
with a coat.


Making her way to the store was tricky. First
she couldn't get the key in the hole to start
her car, then she locked herself inside her car
and forgot how to open the door. She was
going to call for emergency services when
she realized she forgot her phone at home...
Ten feet away. When she finally made it to
the store after her little fight to get out of the
car, she was turned down and told she was
too intoxicated to be sold alcohol. She was a
lost soul in need of being self medicated.


All Locklyn could do now was cry her way
back home until she would be sober up
enough to come back and get those
jackasses to sell her what she needed. With
tears streaming down her face, she made her
way toward her home and crossed over the
bridge that went right over a deep pond. She
stopped in the middle of the bridge to look
over the railing at the dark water and how it
glistened up at her. The deep water below
was as dark as the blood on the floor of
James’ apartment.


A car drove by, casting a ray of light on
Locklyn and the pond, and the woman saw a
reflection of herself in the puddles. She gave
a small, sad smile to her own reflection
before climbing on the railing and looking
down once more.


Her family blamed her for her brothers death
and she understood why. She threw her petty
problems at him, always expecting him to
listen and not once did she question whether
he really had the strenght to carry her
problems on top of his own. She was
shocked he didn't off himself sooner and
couldn’t understand why he waited so close
to the holidays. Their plan was to celebrate
Thanksgiving with their friends from New
York since they didn`t

celebrate that in London.


Locklyn was so in her trance that she didn't
realize that a car had stopped and someone
hopped out and ran over to her. It wasn't until
a vise-like grip wrapped around her wrist that
she noticed what was happening. She jerked
her head to the side to see her attacker and
met the eyes of a man dressed in navy jeans
and a white, soaked shirt. In the darkness,
and through her still buzzed state, she
noticed that his eyes were a beautiful blue


"Go away,”Locklyn snapped at the strange


"No. I won't. Not until you get down,” he
replied calmly.


"Don't you understand English? Go away!
Leave me alone,” she snapped back at him


"I understand English perfectly, sweetheart.
But you still need to get down or I will be
forced to bring you down myself. Your
choice,” he told her in a calm voice.


His way of speaking and his obnoxious
demand annoyed Locklyn to no end, and she
tried pulling away from him. Obviously he
had no choice but to wrap both his arms
around her and pull her off the railing. She
struggled against his grip but once she was
down she knew lost the fight.


"What is your problem man?!" she shouted.


"You thinking you can do that, that’s my
problem. What were you thinking
sweetheart?" he asked as he crossed his free
arm over his chest. He still had a hold of her
wrist in his left hand well gently scowling at her.


"What is it to you?" she finally asked.


"Come with me. I wanna make sure you see
the light in the morning and that you don`t
come back here." the man replied, ignoring
her question.


"Hell no! I don`t go with strangers." she
panicked as she tried to get her arm back
from his grip..


"Either you go with me or I will call the
authorities, tell them what happened and
they will cart you away to a funny farm." he


Locklyn just huffed as she agreed to go with
him. If she was gonna be murdered she
might as well be murdered by someone
attractive right? She climbed on the
passenger seat after the guy held the door
open for her. She didn't look at him for half
the drive, but only stared out of the window
at the scenery flying by them. It was so silent
that she jumped when he cleared his throat
and then spoke.


“Hi. I am Tom. Tom Hiddleston,” he
introduced himself.


"Locklyn Hart."
"Beautiful name, sweetheart. Unique."

"Okay. Where do you live?" He asked as
simply as if asking how her day was.
"I am NOT telling you that?" She snapped at
him, crossing her arm over her chest.
"Two words Sweetheart. Funny. Farm." He
smirked slightly.
She didn't back down and he just smiled at
her pissing her off beyond belief.
Taking a girl to a funny farm. Enjoying the
rain and smiling at her. She is ...
He started
to sing/tease.
"Go straight. The house with the rover out
front and white fencing."
He started to drive again. At the corner of her
eye she seen him now looking serious again
and the bubbly smile he had was now gone
from his face as they pulled up up to her
house and got down. Now sobering up she
could smell the nastyness of the house and
the deep alcohol scent mixed with bile that
she figured she had purged up.
"Sorry for the mess.... and the smell. it has
been a hard time for me lately...." She said as
she walked her way up stairs as he wondered
around the house.
She was half tempted to call the police on
him but he seemed to know what he was
talking about and it seemed with her still a
little buzzed and the way of the house that he
could easily convince them that she was
insane. She didn't have to wait long upstairs
for him to follow and eventually find her in
her room sitting on the bed.
"Pack up Sweetheart. You're gonna stay with
me for a bit." He said looking at her straight
in the eye.
"Why? Why do you care enough to let a
totally stranger go with you and not worry
about me potientally murdering you? I am not
a random pet you find on the road." She
asked him as she looked up him confused.
"Cause. I hate to see someone suffer and I
feel like it is my job to help. Plus you were a
lost pet that I shall claim as my own." He said
Looking at him now she seen just how
beautiful he was. Tall, alot taller than her 5'6
height, with short strawberry blond hair and
his eyes were even more remarkable now. So
deep and bright and they looked like they
were looking into your soul.
"I am no one. Just a random person having a
hard time."

------------------He had put up a "I don't give a damn" face
order when she refused to go with him and
he had packed for her much to her shock. He
took her bags down to his car and walked
back in to her shocked state and simply
grabbed her arm and threw her over his
shoulder before taking her to his car with
"Just so you know, I hate you Hiddleston."
She whinned from the seat next to him.
He chuckled at her but didn't reply. His own
house was to far from her own, maybe only a
half an hour drive give or take. His home was
much fancier than her own but she wasn't
going to let him know how much she was
loving it.
"Okay a quick tour." He clasped his hands
together smiling at her. "Living room. I have
many movies and CD's but I am not sure
what you like but here it is. Kitchen is this
way. You are free to use it and any time you
like if you clean it up afterwards. My study is
off limits. The rooms", He lead up stairs as he
rushed around the house with her, "are these
rooms. My room is off limits of course, this
will be your room." He announced
He stopped and waited for her to go inside
the room. The walls were bare pearl white
with a large king sized bed with lavender

"Would you like a drink?" He asked when she
finally got over her shock?:
"Yes, please." She followed him to the
kitchen as he started up the stove and pulled
tea out of one of the many cabinets.
"Why do you really care? What can you
possibly want with a15 year old?" She asked
in a low tone.
He kept his back to her as he prepared their
drinks. She didn`t pay attention to his
actions. Him now knowing her age and that
she was a minor, he took pride in that and
felt better about ordering her around. He
didn`t know why he cared..... He just did. He
felt something for her when he seen her on
the bridge.
"I just do. Now shush up and drink your tea."
He commanded.
"I want a reason or I will leave. I am sober
enough to not look like a complete idiot and
there have been worse houses than mine."
He just smiled down at her from his spot
across the kitchen island. It pissed her off
beyond belief as he smiled at her as if they
were having a regular conversation.
"Sweetheart. I WILL get my way. And you will
not be able to threaten me. Plus I will claim
I am relative and if they fall for it, you will be
stuck with me any ways. so don' threaten
me, " He glared at her.
She just pouted up at him but finished off the
tea he pushed towards her. He quickly
washed the cup and and guided her back to
the stairs.
"Shower. Now. Then we will talk. This is not a
request but a demand." He scolded.
She rolled her eyes at him nut obeyed him as
she made her way up the stairs and taking in
her surroundings. The walls were nice
creamish color with blue trumming around it.
She went through her bag and and picked out
a warm outfit which was skinny jeans and a
long sleeved shirt. She was gonna escape
one way or another. She locked the door
before walking into a attaching bathroom
and shyly stripping naked and hopping in the
Tom sat down in his office and called the
authorities like he originally planned and
explained what he had seen and was told
that no one could come out till Monday, four
days later, unless he took her to them but
she would be in a cell those four days. He
thanked them and hung up the phone and sat
back in frustration. He hoped that she would
hurry with her shower so he coukd at least
learn who she was and why she was drunk
and wondering the streets. till then he would
make something to eat or st least heat
something up, like the rice dish he had made
the night before. He went through thr fridge
thst he needed to go through and clean out.
It was started to smell funny and he was not
sure why or from what. He found what he
was looking for and pulled the dish out and
set it in the oven to reheat.
Locklyn threw the simple clothes on after she
got out of the tub and walked over to the
window ledge and looked out. There was no
way of getting down through that way so she
would have to go through the front door
which she did take note of there being more
locks than normal and he would hear her
opening the door and trying to escape so she
would have to wait for him to go to bed and
then attempt to leave and not risk being
caught. She slowly made her down the steps
and looked around the rooms that she had
barely seen on the mini tour. The living room
was huge compared to her own living room.
It was decorated nicely with pics of family
alot with trinkets from movies. Thd couches
were cream and rounding around a little mat
and sat perfectly in front of a tv. There he sat
watching tv and didn`t seem to notice her
standing there so she tip toed away to
continue exploring the house. There was a
study that she didn`t go into but could see it
held books and books along with a fancy lap
top and fancier chairs.
"Off limits for now sweetheart." She jumped
not realizing he had gotten up and followed
"I wasn`t going in." She argued.
"Just making sure darling. Now now dinner
should be ready. Come." She followed
behind him back into the spacious kitchen
where he pulled a dish from the oven and
placed it on the counter before serving
themselves. She sat at the table when he
waved her off and waited for him to hand her
a plate before she ate her fod which was a
rice dish. He sat down next to her and ate his
own food, not looking up at her.
"Where are your parents?" He finally asked.
"Home. They kicked me out of the house so I
went to my house that my brother bought
me last year when I attempted to get
emancipated from my parents like he did."
He looked at her with a slight glare but it
wasn't directed at her. It was her parents
who are assholes for giving her up like
"But it doesn`t matter. I was just a piggy bank
to them so me not being there just means
that they need to support themselves for
once. I wasn`t gonna support forever. Acting
is tough on younger people and I want to
worry about other things." She replied.
He looked up at her at the word that she had
a job and put his spoon down.
"You work?"
"I am a actress. I have been since I was
about three."
He wiped his mouth before getting up to get
something to drink for the both of them. She
didn`t didn`t know why he was being nice
when he had no reason to be. She was
After dinner had ended he had startrd up the
telly and they watched lame shows till about
ten when he yawned and announced he was
going to bed. She thought she was gonna be
left alone but he he stood up and looked at
her till she got the hint and stood up to and
followed him upstairs after he turned the
lights and telly off. He bid her goodnight as
she walked into her room and closed the
door behind her. Now all she had to do was
wait a bit for him to go to bed and be in a
deep sleep to stay asleep. Pacing the room
for half an hour felt like years as she waited.
If he was anything like her brother then he
would already be fast asleep. So she took her
chance and walked from her room into the
hall way as quietly as possible in case he
was a light sleeper.
At night the house was almost pitch black,
even with the curtains at the end of the hall
open. She tip toed to the stairs and slowly
walked down them hoping she wouldn`t fall
or the steps wouldn`t creak loudly. She
stepped on the second to last step and it it
rung out like a dog that had been smacked.
She cursed under her breath and quietly
rushed to the kitchen and looked for a cup
and filled it with water so when and if he
came down she could use the thirsty excuse
and he would hopefully believe her. She
waited a few minutes for him to burst into the
room but he didn`t. In fact she didn`t even
hear movement at all so the coast was clear.
Just in case though she took the cup with
her and walked to front door and tried to
focus on any little noises that signal Tom
was awake. Once she got all the locks
unlocked and she opened the door a crack,
sending happiness through her, she smiled
and started to open the door faster so she
could run but the moment was short lived as
the door slammed. Locklyn jumped and
turned around to come face to face with
Tom. He glared down at her looking tired in
the process. She gulped as he locked the
door behind her and stood straight up as he
pointed to where she was guessing the
stairs. He followed behind her as she hung
her head, not for feeling bad for being caught
but for upsetting him when he was in fac just
trying to help her and she was being a idiot.
He walked her to her room again and glared
down at her as he scolded her for causing
that scene.
"You don`t think I was expecting that?" He
asked. Scolding her.
"Not really....." She spoke.
"In the morning we will settle this. You WILL
stay here in this room till then. I will sure of
that if I have to. The doors lock for the
outside too. Understood?" He asked.
"Yes. Sorry." She was
He closed the door behind him and left her there to make the next move which she decided was to NOT try to escape like that again.
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