Categories > Original > Romance

First and Last Meeting

by DarkEyesDarkSong 1 review

Just a little blurb I wrote a while ago.. ^^ Not sure about the title, anyone have a better idea? -Darkie

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-02-07 - Updated: 2014-02-08 - 400 words - Complete

"Damn, what time is it?"
I roll over to check the clock. It was 9:00, Friday. I realize that this room doesn't look like my dorm, and then I remember: Oh yeah. I'm in a hospital, possibly dying. Oh joy. After a while, maybe 30 minutes, maybe 3 hours, someone comes in. It doesn't sound like any of the nurses or doctors, so I roll over to look. It can't be her...
"T-Tyler?" She manages to choke out between sobs
"Madilyn.. How did you-"
She runs over and hugs me before I can say anything. I pick her up, and set her on the bed.
"What are you doing here? How did you even know where to look?"
She shrugs. "A lucky guess. I can't believe're.."
"Dying." I finish. "Yeah."
Madilyn hugs me again, and this time I kiss her. We sit like that for a while, both crying. I was crying for her, because I knew I didn't have long to be with her before...
Then Cassidy walks in. Madi and I look up, and she yelps.
"What the HELL is going on and who is that girl?!" Cassidy demands in her usual tone.
"It's Madilyn."
Cassidy backs out of the room. Good. Madilyn hugs me tighter and starts crying harder. We just sit there, her crying and me humming to her, trying to calm her down. She eventually falls asleep on me. Before I know it, I doze off also.

It was a while before I woke back up. I heard the life supports machine going off, and cussed.
"I don't want to leave her.. This can't be right."
I start feeling numb, and my breathing gets harder.
"No.. No.."
It wakes her up.
"Tyler? What's happening?"
I look at the girl I've loved for 5 years, and sigh.
"It's my time, I think."
She looks confused.
"Wait.. You're.. NO!"
I start slipping away. She kisses me, and I know her face'll be the last thing I see.. Strangely, I'm okay with this whole dying thing, as long as Madilyn's with me through it.
"Madilyn.. I love you.. I always will."
She looks up and sobs.
"That was the first thing I heard all that year to make me happy.. I love you too, Tyler. I always will."
I grin, and close my eyes. Death isn't that bad, now, because I know she loves me and I love her..
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