Categories > Movies > Nightmare on Elm Street

Guardian of the Nightmare Gate

by Queen_Serenity 0 reviews

A poem about everyone's fave dream demon. Come on, you know who I mean. Written in 2004.

Category: Nightmare on Elm Street - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Published: 2014-02-15 - Updated: 2014-02-15 - 88 words - Complete

Darkness comes
You fall asleep
Looking forward to what
You think will be sweet dreams
And then he comes for you;
The Guardian of the Nightmare Gate
The one with the knived hand…
With the burnt, scarred face
No matter how you run
You can't escape this walking terror
No matter how hard you fight
Only he can win in this nightmare
If he kills you in your sleep
Then never again will you wake
When he kills you in your sleep
Then inevitably your soul he'll take.
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