Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angels And Demons


by drtylttlscrt 4 reviews

""The colour of blood... OK, I'll try this... um, what did you say it was called?" questioned Gerard. "An apple." answered Frank, as if he was talking to a 2-year-old."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-02-17 - 1574 words

Frank led Gerard to his house, and they kept themselves well-hidden from everyone else. Frank never really had any friends, so it's not like he had any to lose if he was caught by anyone, but he still didn't want anyone to know that he was actually letting a real, genuine fucking vampire into his own home. Frank shook as he crept home with Gerard, twitching uncontrollably and looking around him, paranoid that someone was going to spot them both. Gerard, however, acted more naturally.
"Frank, try to be calm. I understand that you're worried, but just try to chill out a little. You'll feel a lot better." assured Gerard, who noticed Frank's obvious anxiety.
"Coming from you, Gerard!" whispered Frank sternly. "You're the whole reason I'm so paranoid right now, I thought you'd be a little more worried than me!"
"Mmm... no, not really." replied Gerard nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway, this is your house, right?" he asked, pointing to the first house they walked past.
"No, Gerard, I'll tell you when we get there." answered Frank, still shaking. He then suddenly stopped walking for a moment.
"Umm, Frank, I thought you said this isn't your house..." said Gerard. "Umm... Frank?"
"Oh, my fuck... I'm actually doing this, I'm actually letting a vampire into my own motherfucking home..." whined Frank through gritted teeth, realising what he was doing and that he couldn't turn back now or change his mind.
"Frank, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I just want to - " began Gerard, but Frank interrupted him before he could finish.
"I know that, Gerard, this just seems so fucking unreal! First, I get those voices in my head day and night, now I'm letting a vampire into my house... ugh, you're right, let's just go."

They soon arrived at Frank's house, and nothing in the house was the least bit familiar to Gerard.
"Frank, what's this?"
"Huh? Oh, that's a vacuum cleaner, Gerard. I use it to clean the floors in my house."
"Umm, OK... what about this?"
"That's a cupboard. I keep stuff in that."
"What kind of stuff?"
"Stuff in general... what are you, like, 5 years old?"
"28, actually. All this stuff is just so new to me..."
While Gerard was looking through the various things in Frank's house, Frank walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
"Hmm..." hummed Frank quietly, deciding what to give Gerard to eat. He pulled out an unopened packet of cheese, closed the fridge door and walked into the hallway, where Gerard was rummaging through the cupboard.
"Gerard? You done invading my privacy?" asked Frank jokingly.
"Privacy? Frank, all that's in here are really old shoes." answered Gerard, laughing, walking out of the cupboard, closing the door and observing what Frank had in his hands.
"What's that, Frank?" he asked curiously.
"Cheese. It's really good, you wanna try some?" requested Frank, walking closer towards Gerard and handing him the cheese.
"OK, I guess..." answered Gerard a little reluctantly. He fumbled with the packet, trying to get it to open.
"Umm, Gerard, you want me to open that for you?" asked Frank to Gerard, who was holding the corner of the packet in his index finger and thumb and shaking it in an effort to get the cheese to "magically" fall out.
"Nah, I got it." he replied, quickly raising the packet to his mouth and ripping it open with his razor-sharp fangs. "Ew, Frank, that stinks! Is this really what you humans eat all day!?" he complained as the pungent aroma of cheddar cheese filled the air.
"Yeah, cheese isn't for everyone. Still, you should try some. You might like it." said Frank, but Gerard handed the cheese back.
"Yeah, I'm not going to do that." he replied, scrunching his nose up in slight disgust. "Where does cheese even come from?"
"Errmm... let's try something else, shall we?" requested Frank, taking the cheese from Gerard's hand, walking into the kitchen, putting it back in the fridge and getting something else. "What about... an apple? You'd love apples, I'm sure."
"Do they stink?" asked Gerard.
"Nah, not until you bite into them, and then they smell pretty good, actually. Here, try it."
Frank handed the red, round apple to Gerard, who took it by the pip and waved it in front of his face like a hypnotist waving a pocket watch.
"The colour of blood... OK, I'll try this... um, what did you say it was called?" questioned Gerard.
"An apple." answered Frank, as if he was talking to a 2-year-old.
"OK, I'll try this apple, but what if I don't like it?" asked Gerard.
"If you don't like it, I'll get you a napkin to spit it out in, now can you please just try the apple?" demanded Frank, who was fed up with how picky Gerard was acting. "Oh, and you can't eat the pip. That's the... little brown thingy at the top."
"OK... I'm going to try it now." Gerard finally confirmed, raising the apple to his face and sinking his dagger-like fangs into the red flesh of the sweet, juicy apple. The juice poured out onto his lips and into his mouth, and he took a full bite of it after deciding he liked the taste of it.
"Mm." he hummed in satisfaction, chewing the apple. He then swallowed it with a large, loud gulp and wiped the juice from his mouth on his black sleeve that now had a small, damp stain on it. "That's pretty good."
"See, I told you you'd like it. So, umm, do you want anything else, or are you good with just that apple for now?" asked Frank.
"I'm good, thanks. Vampires don't really need to eat or drink that much." answered Gerard, yawning as he spoke and stretching his slender arms out above his head. "Can I, err... can I sleep here for a while, please? I have to sleep during the daytime, remember."
"Yeah, I dunno about that. Why can't you just go back to the forest?" asked Frank.
"Because I'm tired, you have food here, and you don't want me killing any more people for their oh-so delicious blood, do you?" asked Gerard, raising his thick, black eyebrow at Frank and taking another bite of his apple. Frank sighed and answered him in a fed-up-sounding voice.
"Fine, go sleep on my bed upstairs, or just on the sofa in the living room, I don't care."
"Thanks!" shouted Gerard happily, dashing upstairs fast, flinging Frank's bedroom door open, slamming it shut and jumping on the bed. He quickly tucked himself under the soft sheets, rested his head on the comfortable pillows and shut his large, blood-red eyes that seemed luminous. He took one more bite of the delicious, red apple still in his ghostly-white hand, put it on the matress and fell into a relaxing, deep sleep in no time at all.

12 hours later

"Gerard. Wake up." demanded Frank, lightly shaking Gerard's broad shoulder in a bid to wake him up. "Gerard, come on. Wake up."
Gerard's sharp, red eyes then slowly opened a little, and they looked quite tired as the lids were barely even open at all.
"Mmm, Frank... can't I sleep f'r a while longer?" he asked groggily, his voice sounding slow, quiet and hoarse as if he couldn't even be bothered to talk.
"Come on, Gerard, it's gone 10pm. Shouldn't you be getting back to that forest?" asked Frank in a somewhat impatient tone.
"Mmm, why can't I stay here f'r a while?" asked Gerard tiredly.
"Because this is my home. Not yours." answered Frank sternly.
"Mm..." groaned Gerard, fed up, sitting up, grabbing the apple and getting off of Frank's warm and comfortable bed. "What are you getting so worked up about? Is it those voices?"
Frank paused for a few moments before answering. "Actually... no. They keep going away for some reason... the voice of the angel has already gone, and the devil keeps coming and going. It's hardly said a thing since I've met you, though..."
"Maybe it's..." began Gerard, who hissed quietly yet intensely, giving Frank goosebumps all over as the cold, white fog came out of his mouth and filled the now-freezing air around them both. "...because they're scared of me."
"Yeah... yeah, maybe it is..." replied Frank, who then thought to himself for a couple of seconds, before speaking again. "Tell you what, you can stay here for a while."
"Really!?" yelled Gerard in excitement. "Thanks, Frank! But wait, what about when you have work tomorrow morning? Humans have jobs, right? Should I go back tomorrow?"
"Umm, I don't actually have a job." admitted Frank shyly, scratching the back of his neck and looking down at the floor beneath his feet. "I explained the situation with the voices in my head making me stressed and violent, so I get paid without having to work."
"Oh, cool, so how long can I stay here?" asked Gerard, who was obviously hoping for Frank to say something along the lines of "As long as you want".
"Look, I dunno yet, but you can stay the night... on one condition." answered Frank.

"Go on..."

"You have to sleep on the sofa downstairs."

"But I'm nocturnal, remember? I'm just gonna stay up all night."

"Oh, yeah... alright, well you can watch TV, if you like." offered Frank.
"What's... tee-vee?" asked Gerard cluelessly.
"Come on, I'll show you."
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