Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personalised imagines anyone?

Kissed by an angel

by FanfictionAnonymous 1 review

Imagine for MCR_VAMPIRE_321

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2014-03-01 - 1014 words


This kinda came out more like a personalised oneshot and it's a little bit short but I hope you like it anyway?

Castiel gazed at the girl from afar, watching her every move intently. Ever since he saw her that day on the bridge, climbing over the railings and looking down into the black water below. He'd been sure she was going to jump but when she smiled and climbed back over he knew, she just wanted to know that she had the strength to jump; that if she needed to one day, she could.

She was sitting in the park this time, the moon casting her in a heavenly glow; but he could see she wasn't at peace. Every tear that fell from her blue eyes had a different story to tell, a tale of heartache that he didn’t understand.
His eyes flicked over her appearance, she was small, thin, fragile but to him she was beautiful. Angelic. The curls of her hair had fallen across the pale skin of her face, shadowing the marks he knew would be there; he'd seen them a thousand times before. He couldn’t bring himself to watch any longer, he had to know, had to find out what was causing this delicate creature so much pain.

Quietly he made his way to her, stopping briefly to look once more before sitting beside her on the bench. At first she didn't seem to notice him there, her shoulders hunched and her hands on her face, but after a moment she slowly turned her gaze to him.

"Hello..." She said, so quiet it was almost inaudible "I've seen you...watching...who are you?"

The angel smiled, turning his gaze away from her to stare into the starless night sky "My name is Castiel and yes, I have watched you. You seem troubled and I felt I needed to watch over you, to see if I could help"

"Not even god himself could save me, Castiel. There's no hope left...not now..." She shivered in her thin hoodie and wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her hands up and down her sleeves "I'm Hozzie by the way, since you weren't going to ask..."

Castiel shifted closer to her, just enough for their arms to be pressed together, so he could hopefully transfer a little of his body heat to her "God xan save anyone, the wretched sinners and the broken..." he turned to meet her gaze and smiled once again "And he could definitely save you. Tell me what has happened to you? Tell me why you're in such pain..."

Fresh tears fell from the girls eyes but her voice remained even, steady as the words spilled from her busted lips

"I had faith once upon a time, my mother died in childbirth and I was raised by my grandparents believing that she'd been taken to help watch over heaven. My grandmother died when I was six and my grandfather fell ill when I was thirteen, which meant I had to go back to my father..." She twisted her face into a look of pure hatred before speaking again, clenching and unclenching her fists in her lap

"He blamed me you know? For her death? He still blames me. For the first few weeks he took care of me, never talking to me, but making sure I had what I needed. Then a few days after my fourteenth birthday I accidentally knocked his whiskey off of the table and he struck me across the face..."

The angel stood quietly and turned to her, holding out his hand and pulling her to her feet. He slipped of the trench coat he was wearing and placed it gently over her shoulders before guiding her along the path and out of the park.

Hozzie walked quietly, keeping her head low and muttering a thanks for the jacket. She didn’t care where they were headed, or even that this man was a perfect stranger, she only cared that for the first time in years she felt safe. She raised he head to see that they were headed onto the bridge, she wasn't sure why but she didn't bother to ask, she just carried on walking beside Castiel.

The angel stopped suddenly when they reached the centre of the bridge and turned to Hozzie, frowning at the bruises around her eyes and the cut on her lip "The first time I ever saw you was here, Hozzie. You looked so at peace, happy even, as you climbed over the railings and looked into the water. I remember praying that you wouldn’t do it, and the relief when you didn’t. I've been watching you ever since..."

"But why? Why me? I'm nothing! Just a wasted life! So many more people deserve to be watched, to feel the safety I feel right now...why me?"

Their eyes met under the silvery stream of the moonlit glow and Castiel found himself reaching out, cupping her cheek and running his thumb under her bruised eye. He swallowed roughly, his throat dry all of a sudden and whispered "Because you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, inside and out..."

His head moved forward before he could even register what he was doing, and he gently pressed their lips together. His hand came to rest on her other cheek and her arms wrapped longingly around his waste.

The kiss wasn't rough or sloppy, just their lips moving gently against each other and hands gripping desperately. There was no lust involved, just longing and need. It was comfort, Castiel feeling a swell in his chest knowing he hadn't been wrong about her and Hozzie knowing that at least one person loved her. And that was enough, just the knowing was enough.

They pulled apart, smiles on their faces and began to walk back from the bridge. And right then Hozzie knew, even if she couldn't see Castiel, she could feel him. That he'd always be watching.

She'd never forget she'd been kissed by an angel.
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