Categories > Original > Poetry

Poem From A Broken Mind

by The-Talking-Pillow 0 reviews

The summary is the title.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Published: 2014-04-04 - Updated: 2014-04-09 - 79 words - Complete

Falling endlessly,
Occasionally feeling the brush of reality passing by,
The whirring in my stomach kept on fluctuating,
Nightmares and visions,
Friends and Family,
Strangers and the smell of baking,
Everything was freezing hot,
Burning horrific images in my mind,
The way she left my side and ran into the road,
Buzzing, blurring,
Sound of a lorry,
The smell of baking,
Hands all over me, suffocating me,
Then I woke up.
Waking was the worst nightmare of all.
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