Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > She Always Gets What She Wants

Chapter 34

by xFuRiEx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2014-04-14 - 3084 words


Hello! Yes, I've been a total stranger. I haven't updated this in forever and I have no idea whether it still has any readers, but here it is, a new chapter. Here's hoping it doesn't completely suck.


P.S. I added the lyrics to the song,She Always Gets What She Wants by Prime Circle, which I used for the title of the story at the end of the chapter. The song didn't serve at all as inspiration for the story, but I do think it's quite fitting :P



"I'm curious," I began to say, glancing at Brittany from the corner of my eye. The late afternoon sun shone through an open slit in the curtain and fell down on us where we lay comfortably in her bed just talking, following of course what had been quite an /eventful/afternoon. The teen's head shifted on my bare chest in order to look at me.

I wasn't sure exactly how to go about this whole thing. I wanted to know about Kasey and Jill without giving anything away to Brittany. Don't ask me how I planned on doing that, because it was practically impossible.

"Does Kasey have a boyfriend?" I finally asked knowing full well what the answer to the question was.

Brittany stared at me questioningly. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Like I said," I shrugged. "Just curious."

"Why?" she reiterated.

"No reason, really."

Silence stretched between us and Iregretted ever opening my big mouth. We've been so comfortable and peaceful all afternoon until I had to ask that stupid question. Why could I never think before doing?

Brittany shifted again and I looked down at her. She opened her mouth uncertainly then closed it again.

"What is it?"

"Well, I'm not sure about this so I don't want to say anything, but... I'm going to trust you not to tell anyone that Itold you this, but I don't think Kasey is ever going to have a boyfriend."

I gaped at her in astonishment. Did she really think that little of her best friend?

"Like I said I'm not sure, but I think Kasey is into girls."

If possible my jaw dropped even more.

"You mean like a lesbian?"

"Possibly. She might be bi or even straight for all I know. I could be completely wrong about this. I just don't think guys are at the top of her list."

"How did you know?"

The teen shrugged, "I just do. She's my best friend and I'm not stupid. Contrary to what anyone might think, I do actually care about the people around me. I take note of their actions and Kasey likes checking out girls as much as she does guys."

"Wow," I murmured in shock not because she cared, but because she seemed so cool about it. "Have you asked her about it?"

"No way! That would just be weird."

I frowned deeply. "Why? Do you have aproblem with homosexual people?"

"No, not at all. I say to each his own, but how would this sound, 'Hey, Kasey are you a lesbian?'? It's awkward. Besides, Ifigured that she would tell me if she wanted me to know. Until that time I will pretend not to know a thing."

Bullet dodged, I thought, relaxing back into the pillows. Of course, life was never that simple.

"What did you mean when you asked how I knew?Did you know?"

"Know what?" I acted stupid when in truth Iwas panicking. I couldn't spill my guts, because Kasey would never forgive me. Given the fact that she wasn't my girlfriend, that wasn't such a big deal, but the point remained that she was finally starting to like me and why would Iwant to go and ruin all of that? To top it all off, Brittany would be pissed that I knew before her. This could end very badly if she didn't stop prying immediately.

"Come on, Frank. There's a reason you asked me about this in the first place. Do you know something that I don't?" Brittany wanted to know pointedly.

"Why would I know anything? It's not like Kasey and I talk. You know she doesn't like me." I never thought that would actually turn out to be a good thing.

Brittany looked at me suspiciously. "No, you definitely know something that you're not telling me. And as a matter of fact, Kasey doesn't have a problem with you. She's not as against the idea of you and me lately as she used to be at one point. What am I missing?"

I couldn't hide the guilt any longer.


"Ugh, Kasey is going to hate me," I groaned. "But you seem cool enough with the possibility. You have to promise me you won't say anything, though," I begged, shifting onto my side and causing Brittany to practically sit up. "She cannot know that I told you this otherwise she'll go back to hating me again," I practically whined.

"Just spit it out!"

I also sat up, turning to face her properly and crossing my legs.

"Okay, so remember the other night when we all went out, when we celebrated the band?" I felt like a gossiping teenage girl.

She rolled her eyes at my question. Of course she remembered. It was the night I confessed to loving Amy.

"Anyway," I continued almost excitedly."Before the whole blow up of almost everything, I went to the bathroom..." I stopped talking, because of my giggles needing to escape.

"Do I have to listen to this?" Brittany asked looking grossed out.

"It's not like that," I assured her, still chuckling to myself, remembering the incident with Jill and Kasey. "I caught Kasey making out with... Shit, I am so dead for running my mouth like this..."

"Quit stalling and tell me," she urged anxiously.

"Kasey has a girlfriend, alright. And you'll love her. I dare say she's beautiful and quite perfect for Kasey too. You should totally see the two of them together," I rambled, more like gushed.

"That bitch! She didn't even say anything about it to me," Brittany grinned. "How long has this been going on?"

I put my hands up in innocence. "I have no idea. You'll have to ask her."

"Why didn't you tell me?" The question was written all over her face.

"Kasey made me promise not to. Something about you not accepting it or something," I shrugged, but immediately had the urge to face palm. There was no end to my verbal diarrhea today.

"I told her about us knowing that she would flip out, which she did, by the way. She could have told me about this. I'm totally cool with her being into girls."

"Maybe you should tell her that?" I suggested.

"I shouldn't have to. I'm her best friend. She should know that I would support her no matter what."

I gave her an incredulous look.


I somehow managed to intensify my facial expression.

"What?" Brittany demanded.

"I'm sorry," I laughed. "But I understand where she's coming from. You've got quite a quick temper and there's no telling when you're going to let it loose for no apparent reason."

"I'm not that bad," the blonde said defensively. "Okay, maybe sometimes I may overreact a little," she conceded somewhat probably seeing that my facial expression wasn't changing. "Usually when I do there's a pretty good reason though," she continued to defend herself.


"Yes! Come on, Frank. Humor me," she finished with a chuckle.

"Okay, okay," I inched closer, taking her face in my hands. "You're not that bad and I mean it." She was a lot less fiery lately than the Brittany I used to know. It was a nice and a welcome change.

"You're only saying that..."

"I mean it. I do," I assured her, kissing her lips softly.

"I want her to tell me..."

I kissed her again, hoping that she would focus her attention on me. No such luck, though.

"I'm her best friend. I don't get it."

I gave up and sat back. "Maybe she's still adjusting to the idea herself." I offered.

"Yeah, and I can help with that," she insisted, pointing at herself.

I sighed quietly. "Stick to your initial idea. She'll tell you when she's ready."

"Fine," Brittany conceded reluctantly, turning to look for her clothes.

I followed suit, putting stuff on as Iwent.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me,"the teen huffed from the other side of the bed.

"Brittany, I promised her I wouldn't." I pulled on my jeans.

"I'm your girlfriend. You tell me everything. The normal rules don't apply to your girlfriend," she stated matter-of-factly.

"I promised precisely not to tell you."

She was quiet for a while after that, allowing me some time to put on my socks and shoes.

"Hey, Frank."


"I have something to ask you."

"Sure, go ahead," I told her, putting on my last sneaker.

"Well," I could feel her shifting on the bed and turning to look at me. "You went to Belleville High so you know the prom rule of no outsiders."

I nodded absentmindedly, remembering that you could only take kids from inside the school. It was some kind of safety precaution they always told us. I thought it was slightly ridiculous, but whatever, that was just me I guess.

"Now, don't freak out until I finish talking, okay," she implored me seriously.

"Brittany, it's cool. I get it. You can't take me and don't worry, I'm totally fine with you going with someone else. I'm definitely not going to expect you to skip prom for me."

"I know that, but I was going to ask you to go with Tray."

I should have seen that one coming. Why didn't I see it coming?

"We talked about it and it made sense that we should go together. We've been friends for a long time and we're comfortable with one another. Also, Tray knows I have a boyfriend so he won't try anything, especially not since I broke up with him to be with you in the first place."

I couldn't believe this, I did, but it was just so unbelievable. I slightly turned in order to meet her eyes as she watched me expectantly almost as if expecting me to explode. It was a fair assumption, because that's exactly what I wanted to do. Brittany knew how Ifelt about Tray. We've fought about him so many times before.

However, I should probably start trusting Brittany at some point or another. After all, she didn't have to be here asking my permission to go with her ex-boyfriend. She could've gone with him without telling me anything, like she'd done before. Instead, she chose to be honest and tell me what's going on. Was I really going to hold on to my petty grudges against the guy or was I going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

She had a point too, she chose me over him. That had to count for something. Besides, it was either Tray or some other horny dickhead that would take her to the prom and as she so rightly pointed out, Tray had all the reason in the world not to try anything.

"Now I know..."

"It's fine. I'm okay with you and Tray going together."

Her jaw literally dropped at my words."Excuse me, what?"

I chuckled lightly, "I said that I have no problem with you going to the prom with Tray."

"But you hate Tray?" she said confused.

"Maybe, but I trust you."

"I didn't expect you to agree so easily. Imean after all that's happened with Tray, I was sure you would refuse. Iwouldn't even have blamed you, him being my ex and all..."

"Brittany," I couldn't help laughing now."Are you trying to make me change my mind, because it definitely seems like it?If you don't want to go with Tray you could always just say no."

"No," the teen hurriedly assured me. "I mean, I would rather go with you, but since it can't be you, Tray is the most obvious other choice. I do not want some other guy trying all night to get some, because he is definitely going to be disappointed."

"Are you worried about disappointing some poor expectant kid?" I asked, trying my hardest not to laugh.

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Of course that's not it. Don't be stupid." She crawled over to me, already dressed, and put her arms around my shoulders. "I just don't want to do this if you're not okay with it."

"Tell him I said yes."

"Thank you." She planted a grateful kiss on my cheek and then smiled the most beautiful of her smiles. That smile honestly made my yes totally worth it. She hopped off the bed and looked at me expectantly. "Are you staying for dinner?"

I also got to my feet. "I wish I could, but I'm have plans with my dad."

"Oh yeah. I remember you mentioning it."

"You're welcome to join me," I offered with a smile. "I think it's about time my dad met my girlfriend."

"But your dad knows me," she chuckled.

"When was the last time you saw him, when you were five?"

She thought about it for a second before saying, "Eight, if I remember correctly."

"Then it's definitely time to reintroduce you, especially since you weren't my girlfriend back then," I grinned, wrapping my arms around her.

"I see what your plan is. You just want to show me off to your family."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"No, you go. I'll meet the family some other time. Spend some time with your dad."

I nod and kiss her. "Then I have to run. Istill have to shower and get ready. I hardly think my Dad would appreciate me showing up in my currently state."

Brittany giggled, leading me to the door.


I couldn't believe how good things between me and Frank were going. I definitely couldn't believe that he consented to me going to the prom with Tray. I thought for sure that he would downright refuse. His refusal would have been completely fair too, but he said yes. I should let Tray know when I saw him in school again.

Frank was just out the door when Melania made her appearance.

"Mel, hey, come in. Gerard's not here."

"I know," she replied, following me into the kitchen where I took two sodas from the fridge and handed her one. "I actually came to talk to you."

"Oh?" My eyebrows rose curiously.

"I'm turning twenty one soon and I wanted to ask you if Gee is planning a surprise party. He promised not to, but I get the feeling that he's gone ahead and done it anyway. Obviously he won't tell me the truth so I figured I would ask you."

I couldn't help chuckling over the fact that she thought she could trust me to tell her the truth.

"You can relax. Gee really isn't planning abirthday party for you."

It was the truth. Gerard wasn't planning anything, because I was the one doing all the planning. He wanted to keep his word of not organizing a surprise birthday bash for his girlfriend. We agreed to bypass the promise though by letting me do the planning. It was sly, I know, but you couldn't turn twenty one without having a huge celebration to accompany it.

"Are you sure? Are you lying to me?"

"I swear he isn't," I insisted. "He does have big plans, though."

The girl with the raven hair looked at me questioningly. I had to divert her attention from the real topic, otherwise she wasn't going to let it go.

"What do you mean big plans?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. He just said something about this being a very special birthday, one you'll never forget," I smiled in satisfaction. He did say all those things, but it was all in relation to the party.

Melania's brow furrowed. "This is not good."

"Why not? My brother is probably going to take you out to a romantic dinner or something, you know, maybe get a violinist or something." I giggled at the thought. I doubt my brother would ever go that far. He was romantic, but not over the top.

"Exactly," she muttered, still frowning. "Okay, thanks, Brittany."

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked confused. She suddenly looked spooked as she made for the door.

"Uhm, home. Tell Gee I'll call him later."

And with that she was out the door. That was weird. Oh well, she dated my brother. She had to be weird. I took my soda from the kitchen table and headed back to my room. The bed still had to be made before any of my family members came home. Plus, I had homework to do. I couldn't wait to graduate from high school and be done with the things of a child.


/She always gets what she wants/

/ /

She comes around like a wild fire

And like a moth drawn to a flame

I'm on my way to being burned up once again

And I've been through this before

Oh, a hundred times or more

And she keeps me coming back

What am I waiting for?

She always gets what she wants

She always gets what she needs and more

She always counts out the chords that I'm playing

She always moves to the rhythm she's making

She is...

She walks to the sound of her own drum

One minute she's there the next she's gone

And I'm left to pick up pieces of myself to carry on

And I've been through this before

Oh, a hundred times or more

And she keeps me coming back

What am I waiting for?

She always gets what she wants

She always gets what she needs and more

She always counts out the chords that I'm playing

She always moves to the rhythm she's making

She is...

She is (x3)

My home

She is (x3)


And I've been through this before

Oh, a hundred times or more

And she keeps me coming back

What am I waiting for?

She always gets what she wants

She always gets what she needs and more

She always counts out the chords that I'm playing

She always moves to the rhythm she's making

She is...

And I've been through this before (x3)

What am I waiting for?
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