Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Pretty Little Parade

The Sharpest Lives

by piggletta 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-04-25 - 146 words - Complete

I feel like a vampire. I sleep the entire day. Chemo, puke, sleep. Chemo, puke, sleep. Every few days I'm able to see Wesley. I'm in the ICU now. I have an infection from the chemo. So he doesn't come often. I asked him not to. And I've been here in the ICU for three days. And I haven't even finished three chapters of my book. I haven't opened my laptop. Or even looked at my phone. It's dead I think. I don't know. I keep having this dream. This dream of being in a bar. With a drink in my hand, dancing. Or a dream of popping pills. Except these aren't the pain meds. They're illegal sleeping pills. I used to take them. I used to do a lot of stuff I should've have done. I still do a lot of things I haven't done.
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