Categories > Books > Dracula > Seductions of the Dark

Chapter Three

by rainia_nytewolf 0 reviews

Same as first.

Category: Dracula - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-09 - 516 words

Chapter 3

"OK, we're here. Now what?" Alexia asked, still trying to get used to the feeling of being in a European car. "And why on earth do these people drive on the wrong side of the road?"

Rainia laughed and shook her head. "Well, why they drive on the wrong side of the road, I'm not too sure, but we're heading to Transylvania."

"Dracula Land!" Alexia said with a giggle, looking at Rainia.

"Yeah, Dracula Land." Rainia said, maneuvering the car through the busy streets of Bucharest.



"Do believe in past lives?"

"Sometimes, why?"

"Well, maybe that dream you was related to your past life."

"What'd you mean?"

"Well, I was thinking about it on the plane. The way you described it, it was like you knew the person embracing you."

"Yeah, it did seem that way in the dream."

"So maybe you knew this person in your past life."

Rainia raised an eyebrow at her friend. "So you're saying that I knew this person once."

"Yeah, or maybe you were even their lover or something to that effect."

"I suppose it's possible, I mean, anything is possible." Rainia replied with a shrug.

"Well while you drive, I'm going to write in my journal." Alexia said, digging her journal out of her purse and opening to a fresh page.

(A/N-Here's where Alexia starts writing in her journal. I'll let you know when it's finished.)

Dear Journal,

Well, Rainia and I are in Romania now. God I hated the plane ride but I kept my mind on other things, like Rainia's dream. She said that she was standing outside of Castle Dracula and smiling as if she was happy. Then someone walked up behind her and put their arms around them. She said she couldn't see who it was but she could hear their voice.

I was wary of it at first, not really sure how to analyze it. So I concentrated on that during the flight, which was helpful. I didn't even feel the slightest bit scared. I think she knew this person in her past life and in this life he wants her back. But this time, her wants her for eternity and beyond. It gave me goose bumps when she first told me about it.

I never really believed in vampires and such until I met Rain. I remember when we met it was in middle school, 6th grade to be exact. Rain was in the school play, and I was on the set crew. We hit it off instantly and got in trouble a lot because we always were talking in class. It's funny the things you remember when it seems like you're going to lose this friend forever.

(A/n- Alexia's journal ends.)

The Carpathian Mountains loomed in the distance, a rather intimidating sight seeing as Alexia had only seen mountains in photographs. "We almost there?"

"Yeah...then we got a bit of a drive until we hit Castle Dracula. There is a small town before that where we'll stop for the night."

"Sounds like a plan."
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