Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Unfinished Tales

Harry Potter, Son of Tiamat

by sharkbait 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2014-06-11 - 471 words

Harry Potter/ D&D Crossover
+Harry is visited by Tiamat after incident in Department of Mysteries. Might or might not be vision rather than physical visitation.
+Tiamat reveals that it was she who gave him the protection which allowed him to survive Riddle's Killing Curse. Done at the behest of his mother who used old magic to beg for divine aid, and one mother to another she granted it in return for Lily's service in the afterlife.
+She concentrates on what his life appears like from another perspective. Shows him the many questionable decisions of people he trusted. Emphasizes how much they take him for granted and use him even if not maliciously. The centerpoint is her version of Dumbledore's mistaken beliefs regarding the 'prophecy' and nature of his scar. How he does care for Harry but also thinks that for Voldemort to die permanently they must both die and has been attempting to make sure they have many potentially fatal confrontations.
+When he is at his lowest and questions why she is even there Tiamat offers Harry another option. She can make him one of her own 'children' biologically and give him the opportunity to go places Riddle can't or won't follow. All she asks in return is that he accept tasks from her to help protect her other children from every so often and promote her worship. He would even get the chance to reunite with his birth-mother.
+Harry accepts. Sudden blinding pain followed by blackout.
+When Harry next awakens it's in his new form with ability to use it, and knowledge of his first task. Mission: Escape Privet Drive, Extract Hoard from Gringotts, Meet a servant of hers with an Offering to help with a rebellion against a tyrannical regime.
+It's disappointingly easy to leave Privet Drive unnoticed.
+Getting to Diagon Alley and Gringotts takes longer.
+Removes all the gold and materials from his vault, then looks for place to spend night.
+Goes to rendevous point and meets with his contact from Tiamat.

+Uses hybrid D&D/T20 system
+Mechanically Harry is a X Y Dragon reskinned with coloration and special abilities of Z dragon.
+His 'blood protection' is a special ability that acts like a permanent Death Ward.
+Wizards are humans that have Wish as an at-will spell-like ability.

More Details
+To escape from Privet Drive he simply uses his invisibility cloak and his broom, flying to London, which takes a couple hours.
+Then he has to find Diagon Alley, requiring he navigate downtown London without being spotted. Get into the Alley, then go to Gringotts. Of all of them this is actually his easiest task.
+Leaves Gringotts with money and needs to find a place for the night. Holes up somewhere via magic to enter a hotel and take a room without anybody realizing.
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