Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Closet Space

by atomiclithium 1 review

Gerard and Frank get stuck in a closet together.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2014-07-01 - 606 words - Complete

Please, I'm begging you. Go to this party, make some friends.

I groaned at my mother's words, no interest in going anywhere where there was people. She once told me that humans are supposed to be social creatures, which summed myself up as non human. I believed it.

"Please, like I'd make friends there anyway," I muttered, slumping myself over the counter in the kitchen. She smirked and continued to stir the spaghetti in the pot.

I was notoriously an anti social child. The only person I'd communicate with on a daily basis was my brother, Mikey, and even then, the only thing we'd talk about was comic books and video games.

To please my mother, because I probably didn't very often, I decided to go to this party that I was mysteriously and suspiciously invited to. The boy who invited me, Frank was his name, was very enthusiastic about inviting everyone in our English class.

The boy dressed similar to Mikey and I. Black, tight pants and an old timey band tee. His personality, on the other hand, was wildly different than ours. He was boisterous and flamboyant- and openly gay. No way was I ever going to be as open as he was.

As I arrived to the party, assuming it was Frank's parents' house, I walked in to the front door and immediately wanted to walk back home. By then it was too late. I got sucked into the crowd and pushed towards the middle of it.

Oh, god. Get me out of here.

Looking around for someone I knew just to make my standing around less awkward, I spotted Frank, laughing with a couple of other guys. I wondered if one of them was his boyfriend, but quickly forgot the thought. He spotted me, waved excitedly, and made his way through the crowd.

"Hey Gerard! I didn't think you would come!" Frank shouted over the loud dubstep music. I had a hard time hearing what he was saying.

"What?" I asked him to repeat. He smiled and shook his head, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the horde. He took me upstairs and into a secluded bedroom, no where near where I wanted to be with a sexy man.

"Can you hear me now?" Frank joked, smirking at his own humor. I took a seat on the bed and huffed nervously.

The bed was an awful choice to sit, and I clenched my teeth as he joined me. He bounced a few times, making my anti social tendencies more awkward.

"So, I... uh," I started to say, until I heard a giggly couple make their way down the hallway. Once I heard the doorknob rattle, I inwardly shrieked and grabbed Frank by the hands and dragged him into the open closet. Just as I shut the doors, the couple entered the room.

"Oh, shit," Frank giggled, pressing his ear to the door.

"You pervert!" I said, smacking his shoulder. He flinched and focused his attention back on me.

"So, what do you want to do while we wait?" Frank asked innocently, even though the thoughts going through my head were not so innocent. "Wait... I know."

Before I could react his lips were on mine. At first it was sloppy and I hated it. But then it turned sweet, perfect for my first kiss. We continued until his hand grazed my waist, and I pulled back.

"I- I don't know," I mumbled, feeling like a complete idiot. Frank simply chuckled and removed his hand, instead placing it across my cheek.

"It's alright. I knew you were gay from the start."
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