Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Dead Rising

Dead Rising: Chapter 2

by Spyash2 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-07-21 - Updated: 2014-07-21 - 8973 words - Complete

Dead Rising

Chapter 2

Dempsey stared at the blonde haired kid sitting in the corner just a little ways away from himself, Takeo and Nikolai. He frowned a little worryingly as he saw the kid glancing rapidly throughout the room. He looked vulnerable and scared, the way he sat there hugging his legs to him.

While he didn't care much for the Russian or the Tojo even he was surprised to see them take an interest in their new resident. The Russian, Nikolai Belinski was his name? He was staring at the blonde with genuine concern, something else that took him by surprise since the Russian didn't seem to care much about anything.

Hell even the Asian, Takeo Masaki, was giving the kid a worried glance every once in a while. And he was as stoic as a brick wall!

Since he was the closest to the kid Dempsey decided to go and move toward the kid and talk to him. He always did have a soft spot for kids. Didn't know or remember why he did though. He just does. When the kid quickly brought his eyes to him when he started to move, the boy's bright blue eyes began to widen in panic and he frantically began to push himself away.

Stopping Dempsey slowly raise his hands to placate the kid. To show that he wasn't going to hurt him and he was a friend. It seemed to work when the boy stopped and stared at him. Contemplatively. Like he were looking for any sign of a lie.

Dempsey with his hands still raised in a calm manner slowly sat down as well as he could without using his hands. He grunted a little in pain when he sat on his backside rather roughly prompting the blonde haired, blue eyed boy to try and stifle a laugh with the sleeve of his bright orange jacket.

Chuckling aloud Dempsey both asked and offered with a warm smile. “So what's your name kiddo? If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine?” He always had a soft spot for children. They always bring out the nice side of himself, no matter who they are, and this child was no different.

The blonde haired kid blinked and stared in surprise. After a moment of silence the kid coughed and replied. “Naruto... My name is Naruto Uzumaki.” The boy answered softly.

Dempsey arched an eyebrow. The kid has surprisingly good English and spoke in an accent similar to Takeo's. But in comparison to Takeo Naruto's accent was much clearer and easier to understand.

The marine smiled and offered his hand. “Well, Naruto, I am Tank. Tank Dempsey. Pleased to meet you.”

It only took a moment but Dempsey saw the look of uncertainty in Naruto's eyes. But after a moment of being left hanging Naruto finally took the offered hand and shook him, prompting the marine to smile even wider which caused Naruto the smile too.

“I am...pleased to meet you as well Tank.” There was a hesitant pause. “Can... Can we be friends?”

Dempsey nodded is eyes softening at how vulnerable the boy sounded. “Sure.” He said to him, still shaking Naruto's hand. “We can be friends.”

What he got in return was a wide thankful smile and a hug.


When Tazuna saw the group coming down from Inari's room, he put the sake he was drinking on the table in front of him and got up from the couch and made his way to them. He stopped in mid stride and went wide eyed when he lay his eyes on the mechanical and futuristic looking staff in Takeo's hands.

“What the HELL is that thing?!” The former bridge builder asked while pointing at the elemental staff with a look of astonishment.

“That 'thing' old man is what we came here for. Never thought I'd see something like that in my lifetime though.” Naruto answered before he stared at the staff admiringly. How could he not admire it? It is made entirely out of metal, AND it is futuristic in appearance.

“The staff? That thing in his hands is the staff???” Tazuna asked with growing disbelief. This was not something he imaged the staff to be. He thought it was going to be an ancient looking wooden stick, not the mechanical monstrosity in front of him!

“Why so surprised? You've seen the type of weapons we carry and didn't show much of a reaction. Why are you looking so surprised to see something like this?” Dempsey asked gesturing to the elemental staff in question.

Tazuna closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Exhaling through his nose he opened his eyelids and stared at the group and said in the calmest tone he could muster. “The reason I didn't show much of a reaction to your weapons, is because I saw similar ones being taken to the Hidden Leaf Village from the Land of Spring.”

Takeo, Dempsey, Samantha and Naruto turned to stare half-heartedly at Nikolai. Him mentioning that Tazuna saw weapons similar to theirs was actually right. With a slight frown pulling at his face Nikolai shrugged his shoulders as if to say “You win some you lose some”.

The group quickly brought their focus back to Tazuna when he continued. “As for why I was so surprised to see that staff. Well...look at it! It's monstrous looking!” He exclaimed in a wild gesture.

“You know, you are living with people who can blow fire out of their mouths like it's an everyday thing.” Dempsey replied pointedly. “So are you really surprised to see something like that?”

Tazuna opened his mouth to reply but quickly closed it again when he realised that the man was right. He was living among with people who can do god like abilities. He saw it for himself three years ago when Naruto was still a loud mouthed brat. So really, he shouldn't be surprised at seeing something like the staff in Takeo's hands.

Tazuna sighed and stroked his beard. “Truth be told I shouldn't be. I live in a world where children are being taught to kill. Where people are now dying every single day thanks to these walking dead...” He trailed off and looked out of a nearby window. Seeing the sky beginning to change to an orange colour the tall tale sign of the sun going down the former bridge builder let out another sigh and brought his attention back to the group. “You all better get moving. It won't be long until the sun goes down again and the dead come back.” He said to them as a reminder, gesturing to the window to show them that the sun was indeed beginning to go down.

Following his gesture the group of five became alarmed when they saw that the sun was beginning to settle. Cursing loudly Dempsey quickly beckoned the others to follow him and quickly made his way to the front door. The others quickly followed him, with Naruto giving Tazuna a thankful nod for allowing them to search through his grandsons room as he passed by.

“This is just fucking great. We have less time to get this done.” The former marine complained in irritation as he opened the door and made his way back outside with the others.

“What makes you say that?” Tazuna asked, who was now standing behind the doorway to his house. This made everyone turn around and stare at him as if he were an idiot. “What?” He asked, looking a little confused at the looks they were giving him.

Naruto let out a sigh of irritation and said in a rapid, yet, clear pace. “Let me explain it this way for you: this staff is the cause of the mess your village found itself in. Which if you remember your grandson took. To stop this from happening continuously we need to bring the staff back to the place it was taken from. If we do that not only will the dead stop attacking you but they'll leave you alone.”

“Not to be a spoil sport, but if ve stay here zhen ve vill have less time to return zhis staff to its resting place.” Samantha piped up with a single finger raised.

“You'd better listen to the girl!” Tazuna said. “The more time you spend here the less time you have to put that thing back!”

Unknowingly to Tazuna the moment he said that Naruto suddenly had the urge to throttle the man. Since he was the whole reason they weren't moving yet. I mean really, they waste time trying to explain to the man what would happen if they don't get there in time. And he goes and asks even more questions that ends up wasting even more time.

Cracking his neck with a mildly irritated look on his face Naruto took a deep breath, closed his eyes, turned around and walked off in the direction they took earlier. The others quickly followed and when they were out of ear shot Nikolai said; “I think he was drinking. I know when someone was drinking.”

“Because you drink too Nikolai?” Samantha asked.

“Da! A drunk knows when someone else is drinking! Is instinct.” The Soviet exclaimed pounding his fist against his chest proudly.

“Makes sense I suppose. Drinking I mean.” Naruto muttered with a twitching eyebrow. “He did seem a little more...well...stupider...than he did a few minutes ago. Not to mention there was a bottle of alcohol on the table in front of the couch he was on.”

“No way, Naruto!?” The group stopped and turned to see a teenage boy that fit Inari's description standing there, staring at Naruto with disbelieving eyes. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things he added shakingly; “They said you were back from the dead. I didn't believe them at first but...”

Naruto didn't know why but something was compelling him to talk to the kid. Pinching the bridge of his nose Naruto turned his head to look over his shoulder and told the others to go on ahead, and that he would catch up to them later.

“You sure?” Dempsey asked.

Naruto nodded in confirmation. “Yeah. You go and put the staff back. I'll catch up to you in about five minutes.”

The older blonde nodded in response. “Ok. I'll see in you five. Let's move everyone; we have an appointment to keep.” Barked the former marine. Takeo, Samantha and Nikolai nodded their heads and followed Tank as he led them to the outskirts of the village.

Now alone with a someone younger than himself – god that sounded wrong – Naruto rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Despite what people think and what he has done in the past, the present Naruto is inexperienced when it comes to talking to new people and comforting them. Let alone someone who is younger than yourself who looks like they're about to cry.

So facing the unknown Naruto did something he always did: he winged it.

Still rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly Naruto blew out of his mouth nervously. Suddenly he had an idea for a conversation starter. Even if it was pretty lame considering what has been happening for the past week. “So...I know this is going to sound pretty stupid; but how have you been?”

“...Apart from the constant attacks on the village for the past week? Fine.” Inari replied lowly. He then stared up at Naruto imploringly; “Just where have you been for the past three years? Everyone here and back at the Hidden Leaf Village thought you were dead! And if you were alive all this time why didn't you try to send a message!?”

Naruto gave an amused snort to those questions/demands. He can easily answer them, with a little bit of a lie here and there. “'Where have I been for the past three years'? Well, in the order you asked: I was on an entirely different continent on the other side of the world, which is in the same situation here. So no one would have ever be able to find me. Two, I have amnesia and the furthest I can remember is literally three years ago. I only came back here because I recently remembered where I was born.”

Inari blinked and gave Naruto a look over. “That explains why you're dressed so differently.” Then the rest of what he said registered in his head and he stared at the whisker faced blonde with comically wide eyes. “Wait a minute; you have amnesia!? You've been fighting the dead on the other side of the world?!”

“Pretty much.” Naruto confirmed with a small smile. Then as if a switch had been changed he stared down at Inari with a deep frown and hard eyes. The sudden mood shift had taken the younger of the two teens by surprise.

“So care to explain to me why you took a certain staff that did not belong to you?” Naruto firmly asked as he crossed his arms. The tone he was speaking in told Inari that Naruto was being serious.

“It was a dare?” Inari lamely replied. The look he had gotten from the blonde he admired told him that he did not believe him. “Yeah; I thought you wouldn't believe that...” He muttered with a sigh.

“You got that right.” Naruto stated with a disappointed look. “You know, considering what you did you're very lucky this village hasn't suffered any deaths yet.”

“What I- what do you mean 'What I did'?!”

Naruto was not surprised Inari did not know. The boy doesn't seem to be smart. Though that may be because Inari isn't a full grown adult yet and would therefore not act on his common sense.

I mean think about it: if there is a highly advanced mechanical staff just sitting there in the middle of nowhere. What would you do? Take it or leave it alone?

...Now that Naruto thought about it he would probably have taken it as well. It does look pretty cool.

“You don't know?” Seeing the genuine confusion and cluelessness on the boys face Naruto quickly looked around his surroundings to see if anyone was in the vicinity. Seeing there wasn't he leaned down to whisper in the boys year. “The zombies here are controlled by a spirit; a severely pissed off one at that. They're attacking the village because you took the staff from its resting place.”

“How do you know that?”

“Remember the group I was with?” He received a curious nod from Inari. “Well the girl is special, because she can communicate with the dead. The spirit who you accidentally pissed off showed her what the staff looked like and you taking it. And we have until the sun does down to bring the staff back or the dead will come back to attack the village again. Do you understand?” He asked the young teenager patently.

Inari slowly nodded his head to show he did understand. Then he scrunched up his face in thought and looked towards the sky. They were talking for about 5 to 10 minutes and the sun was quickly going down. Which meant Naruto and his new team would have a few hours until the zombies came back from the dead once more.

Naruto seeing Inari look towards the sky followed his gaze and smiled faintly. Straightening himself back up Inari brought his focus back to the older teen when he pat him on the shoulder and found the whisker faced blonde looking down at him with a soft reassuring smile.

“I'm going to have to get going now. I have less time to reach the others and return the staff now than I had before.”

“Will I see you again?” Inari asked with a pleading look.

Naruto looked away looking a little uncertain; but answered truthfully “With what my group and I are about to do? Probably not.” Rolling his shoulders Naruto hefted the M-14 and began to walk off in the direction Samantha and the others took earlier. He kept on talking even as the distance between himself and Inari grew.

“The dead are difficult to defeat. Once they learn to adapt to your method of attacks they adapt to it. So the likely hood of us surviving is very slim.” The distance between them was steadily growing bigger as Inari strained his ears to the brink. “The only thing we can do: adapt as they do. Only then can we survive.”

With those parting words said Naruto sprint his way through the village, to the barricade that would take him outside of the village itself. All the while Inari stood there in the same spot pondering on Naruto's words, then he turned and made his way home.

The boy was worried about Naruto and his new comrades. But he had faith in that the hero of the Wave would pull on through in the end. He had given back his faith and strength in the village 3 years ago and he would use that faith and strength to help keep the village up in their vigilance for any more undead attacks.

If he did not have faith in Naruto and his new friends, then who would?


Several minutes later we find Naruto sprinting through the woods with his assault rifle in hand. The blonde was keeping a fast pace while expertly dodging and weaving his way through trees, branches, logs and shrubbery as he came across them. Never slowing down and never faltering.

As he ran the whisker faced blonde began to think; what would happen once they return the staff to its rightful place? Would they be instantly teleported to another location like the several dozen times before? Or would they be rewarded with something that can help them immensely in their fight against the overwhelming numbers of the undead?

Nevertheless whatever would come once this was over and done with is bound to be interesting. But he finds out that the 'reward' is them teleporting to another location that is already overrun with the undead then he will fucking call it.

It wasn't long that he ran across Tank Dempsey himself who was leaning up against a tree, fiddling with his M-16 while he waited for him to catch up. Seeing Naruto approaching Dempsey pushed off the tree trunk and said, “It looks like you took the scenic route, eh?”

Slowing to a walk so he and Tank could walk side by side Naruto slung his M-16 over his shoulder and shrugged while shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. “Yeah, well, you know me Tank. I do love seeing the sights.” He replied in a joking manner.

“Oh I know what you mean.” Dempsey said in mock seriousness. “There is nothing like seeing the breathtaking scenes like Shangri-la.”

Naruto even though he knew Tank was just messing around, he nodded in complete agreement. “Yeah. But then again, nothing else we've seen beats seeing the earth from the moon.”

“Or seeing it blow up.” Dempsey pointed out plaintively.

“Yeah there is that too.” Naruto said mournfully. Seeing the planet blow up because of their actions was both breath taking and heart breaking to watch. “But who else apart from the five of us can say we watched the earth blow up?”

Dempsey was silent. The kid had him there. Takeo, Samantha, Nikolai, Naruto and himself are the only humans to have seen Earth blow up. While the planet wasn't destroyed – completely – it was shattered into multiple large fragments; so they were still able to return to Earth. The only problems they faced were the thousands of zombies that came as a result to the missiles hitting the planet.

The two spent their time walking in contemplative silence until they reached the clearing where the others are. Naruto blinked when he saw something that wasn't there before. The dying husk of a land that was there before, now had a pedestal that was of a similar design to the elemental staff right in the middle of it. Along with that there was a faint aura like glow surrounding the already dead land, the dying or the already dead trees and the pedestal itself, giving it a holy like aura you would often see on angels.

“That wasn't there before.” Naruto said in a bland tone. Considering what he had seen already and what he had done to get this far, seeing something like this did not have the impact it should have had on him.

“It appeared before us vhen zhe elemental staff vas in close proximity.” Samantha explained to him so he could catch up on what he had missed when he was absent. “I think ve need to put zhe staff on zhe base of zhe pedestal?”

Naruto nodded at Samantha's words and scratching the side of his face as he stared at the pedestal seriously. “It appeared out of nowhere?” At Samantha's nod Naruto nodded again and added, “If that's the case then we should do it. However, we need to prepare ourselves just in case something we don't expect happens.”

“Like what comrade?” Nikolai asked.

The blue eyed teen sighed and palmed his forehead as he stared at Nikolai in disbelief. “Think about it everyone: what happened to us when we completed an objective after solving a tough puzzle or something similar?”

Takeo, Dempsey and Samantha were the ones to have gotten it moments after the words left Naruto's mouth. Nikolai still intoxicated by alcohol was unable to think properly.

“We get taken to another place that is overrun with zombies. And we get disarmed as well, so we're reduced to only using a pistol!” Dempsey answered with a deep scowl.

This revelation made Nikolai widen his eyes in realization too and his eyes then narrowed dangerously. There was no way a freaky spirit was going to take his PPSh-41 away from him!

“Yeah. Another possibility is that we may end up separated from one another.” As the group conversed with one, Takeo was frowning as he stared down at the elemental staff in his hands. Scowling lightly he looked between the pedestal and the staff multiple times before he put on a look of determination.

Making his decision he wordlessly made his way to the pedestal staff in hand.

“Takeo?” Naruto called out questioningly upon seeing the samurai moving to the pedestal with a purpose.

The others stopped their conversation and as one looked at Takeo who was now standing in front of the pedestal and while they couldn't see it, the former Imperial Officer had a conflicted look as he looked between the staff and the pedestal. He was beginning to second guess his decision to put the staff on the flat top of the pedestal.

His instincts - which was rarely wrong - was telling him that something about this was off. But yet there was also something that was compelling him to put the staff on the pedestal.

“Takeo?” Naruto called out again uncertainly. The samurai turned to look over his shoulder and saw the concerned look on Naruto's face. “Are you alright?”

“Yes. I am alright” Takeo answered and brought his gaze back to the pedestal. “I am merely...conflicted.”

Naruto shared a look with Dempsey, Nikolai and Samantha and brought his attention back to the former Imperial Officer. “Conflicted about what?”

“On what I should do.”

Naruto scratched his left cheek in thought before sharing a meaningful look with the others. Gesturing to Takeo with a jerk of his head, Naruto moved to the samurai and stood by his side and placed a hand on the man's shoulder.

“Put the staff on the pedestal Takeo. Whatever happens we'll be ready for it.” Naruto said, and to emphasize his point he brought his assault rifle which was hanging from his shoulder to his front and raised it ready to fire at anything that would threaten them.

“The kid is right, Takeo. Go on and put that staff on the pedestal. We'll be ready for anything.” Dempsey spoke up and like Naruto, he too was ready to pull the trigger on his assault rifle at anyone appearing threatening to them.

Knowing their shoddy luck, the second Takeo puts that staff in place, they will suddenly be attacked by zombies from all sides. And truth be told that was likely to happen to them anyway; even if this spirit watching them had no hostile intentions toward them or not.

Nodding at their support Takeo cautiously moved to place the staff upright on the pedestal. While he did this Naruto, Nikolai, Dempsey and Samantha quickly moved to make a defensive perimeter around Takeo. So if they were attacked they would be able to cover one another from all sides.

When Takeo put the elemental staff on the pedestal something happened. Something that took them by surprise, but happened so quick they were unable to react. The moment the staff was placed on the pedestal it began to sink in. While that happened the pedestal itself began to vibrate and glow brightly. The aura surrounding both the pedestal and staff and the environment around them had brightened so much that the group was forced to cover their eyes or risk themselves blindness.

The aura expanded outwards like a dome slowly arching past the trees. In the distance the villagers in the Land of Waves saw the aura of light and they all stared with their mouths agape in sheer awe at what they've seen at the light show. Moments later the dome exploded and a pillar of light shot towards the skies shocking the villagers from the suddenness of it. After what seemed like hours – which in reality was only a few seconds – the pillar of light slowly faded away and dispersed into air.

At the centre where the pillar of light originated Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, Samantha Maxis and Naruto Uzumaki were nowhere to be found. The pedestal and the elemental staff were gone too. The dead earth and shrubbery that was there before was now filled with life as if the land there wasn't rotting away moments before.

By the time the villagers came to see what had happened they would find no evidence of Naruto or his group being there. To them it would be like they had just upped and vanished without warning. It would also be the last time that the Wave Village would be attacked by the undead on their soil.


One week later in Konohagakure no Sato, Tsunade Senju the Fifth and current Hokage was doing the thing that was the bane of all Kage's across the Elemental Nations: paperwork. For once however instead of the towering stacks of paper that usually finds its way on her desk, she is only signing a few of them which is less than she would normally receive during the week. And unlike the sheets of paper that is mostly filled with requests, these ones had contained information regarding the undead or any strange events that occurred that maybe related to the outbreak.

So far Tsunade and the other Kage know there are 6 different types of undead:

The walkers. The slow and stumbling zombies are generally easy to kill. Just stay away from them and bombard them with jutsu after jutsu from a distance. They don't appear to show any sign of intelligence and would take punishment after punishment with no concern for their body until they drop.

The runners. The faster and slightly smarter zombies. The runners appear to have some form of intelligence as they would often dodge the jutsus launched at them. When they're alone they are not a problem but when they are in groups they can prove to be a bit too much to handle for the genin.

The sprinters. A more deadly and faster version of runners. They're able to keep pace and catch up with ninja in all ranks. They usually appear in large groups and it is recommended that any ninja who encounter these type of zombies to engage them with extreme caution.

And then there are the animals. They are a special type of zombies that most people have difficulties with. The dogs from hell, upon seeing them appear in a ball of electricity for the first time, were thought to be summon animals. But when they started attacking the ninja and civilians, and ripping them to shreds in front of everyone that thought was quickly tossed aside. It wasn't long until they saw other zombified animals such as monkeys.

The element users. These zombies are able to use a single element such as fire and wind, and are immune to said element. Not to mention the fire user is impervious to damage and the wind user can blind and disorientate you with the element it uses. And the electric zombie literally not be touched or it would shock people, or absorb the electricity shinobi and kunoichi use against it like Ay found out when he tried to take on.

And then there is what the Kage have dubbed as the 'Super zombies'. Zombies who are literally almost impossible to kill and have freakishly inhuman strength, durability, unlimited stamina and speed.

Despite their differences they all have one thing in common: they slowly adapt to their every move with each encounter and they become more and more difficult to kill.

When the undead first appeared out of nowhere it was thought that Orochimaru was to blame for their existence. His crimes and conducting twisted experiment on the people he kidnapped was well known throughout the Elemental Nations and wasn't that far fetched to assume that he had something to do with it.

That assumption was thrown out of the proverbial window when it was discovered that Orochimaru himself was researching in how to permanently kill them with little success. While he was obsessed with immortality he knew what kind of threat the undead are to the living and was trying to come up with a solution to deal with them in a permanent manner.

During the early days of the zombie attacks, his research on the zombies he had managed to capture was invaluable to the alliance as the notes entailed on how to effectively kill them and detailed on what would happen if someone was bitten. In the early months of the zombie invasion, destroying the brain or severing the head from its shoulders were most effective in reducing their numbers.

It was also discovered by one of Orochimaru's experiments that if you were bitten by a zombie then there would be a 50/50 chance you would die within hours to several days. After that your body would reanimate almost instantaneously and would crave for living flesh while being reduced to your primal instincts.

After another meeting between the five Kage, Orochimaru was offered to join the alliance and help them in the fight against the undead. Orochimaru while reluctant had agreed to join the alliance out of self preservation.

What Tsunade was doing right now was reading a report concerning the event that had happened the week before. A strange energy, unlike anything they had seen before, appeared out of nowhere near Wave Country and then vanished as just as quick as it appeared. Then the very same energy appeared once more, only this time within Wave Country itself.

She sent a recon team there to see what the situation is. When the team she sent there to investigate arrived, it was revealed that in the previous week Wave Village was under attack by the undead for the past week. Then one day a group of five people appeared at the Great Naruto Bridge. On the day they arrived they somehow stopped the constant night attacks on the village before they mysteriously vanished in a blinding flash of light.

They later learned that these people had appeared just hours after the mysterious energy signature came out of nowhere, and mysteriously vanished when the second energy appeared in Wave Country.

When asked who these people were all they were told was that they came from across the seas and had contraptions on them that looked way more advanced than anything they had seen. They also gave a brief description on what the five looked like; saying they all had worn clothing that looked really out of place. They were never seen again after they mysteriously vanished.

Her attention was taken away when she heard someone tapping on the window behind her. Frowning the curvaceous woman turned in her chair to the window and arched a single eyebrow when she saw a bird with a message tied around its leg. Frowning a bit more Tsunade got up out of her chair went to the windowsill and opened the window. She untied the message from the birds foot and sitting back in her office chair, opened it with a furrowed brow.

As she read her expression slowly changed from being indifferent to shocked disbelief.

When she reached the end she slammed the letter on the desk and abruptly stood from her chair. “Shizune! Get in here!!!” The bodacious blonde bellowed frenziedly.

Not long after she yelled out to her assistant, a fairly pretty young woman with long straight shoulder-length black hair, dark eyes and carrying a piglet slammed open the office door and entered the room. She wore a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings that is held closed by a white obi.

The woman known as Shizune stared at her master with wide eyes and asked frantically. “What is it Tsunade!?”

Tsunade handed her the letter she received; Shizune took it and slowly read it. While confused at first after she read it, her head snapped up to stare at her master with wide, yet hopeful eyes. “It this accurate? Because if this is then...”

“It's the genuine thing Shizune.” Tsunade replied, now that she regained her calmness and sat back down in her chair. “What is in that message matches to what we know of the 'Mysterious five' that appeared and vanished just a week ago in the Land of Waves. One of the five is described as a young, blue eyed blonde teenager in olive coloured trousers, black boots and a light green jacket. If he is part of their group then his friends should know of it.”

“Then I will send for them.” Shizune asked before she turned to hurriedly make her way out of the office.

Tsunade nodded before she added as a last minute thought. “One more thing: get the Jonin's Kakashi, Asuma, Guy and Kurenai to come here too. They need to know – especially Kakashi - that the brat is alive and well.”

Shizune nodded and went to call for the now defunct Team Kakashi – with Sakura as Tusande's apprentice and Sasuke betraying Konoha to go to Orochimaru for power and Naruto's presumed end at the Valley of the End, (his body was never found) Kakashi's team was no longer in service – along with Team Guy, Asuma and Kurenai.

Almost twenty minutes later all of the assembled people who were friends with Naruto, along with their teachers' were in the office standing at attention. Even Kakashi who was known to be a very laid back individual and to be a few hours late to every meeting was there on time.

Tsunade stared at the assembled ninja with a mastered blank expression, allowing none of the ninja assembled in front of her to know what she was thinking. Gazing between them the Hokage nodded to herself before starting off.

Tsunade put her arms on the desk and leaned forward with her fingers intertwined. “I have asked you all here regarding recent information coming from the Land of Waves about the people we have dubbed as 'The Mysterious Five' that has mysterious appeared and vanished a week ago.”

Hearing that the assembled ninja straightened themselves. If they weren't paying attention to her before then they were now. The 'Mysterious Five' was as the name suggested a mystery to the ninja of Konohagakure. As the Hidden Village closest to Wave Country they were the only ones to have sent a reconnaissance team there to investigate.

Other Hidden Villages such as Kumogakure and Iwagakure have also felt the disturbance this mysterious energy had caused, but being far away they were unable to send aid to help them in their investigation. To keep their allies in the loop Tsunade sent information regarding the 'Mysterious Five' to them to let them know who they should look out for concerning this group.

Which wasn't much in the first place.

“What is this information you have received Lady Tsunade?” Sakura Haruno, Tsunade's second apprentice asked respectfully.

Tsunade took a moment to prepare herself for the outcry from her subordinates once she reveals the information to them. She knew how affected the brats friends were after he was presumed M.I.A during the Sasuke Retrieval mission and them re-classed to K.I.A once they never found his body.

“The information I received is about the 'Mysterious Five'.” She began and inwardly smiled to herself when all the Jonin were staring at her intently now. “It came from Tazuna himself and regards the identity of at least one member of this group. The information on this person is accurate considering it matches to what we know already.” She grabbed and held up the message in front of Kakashi. “I think you Kakashi should read the message considering it concerns someone you once knew.”

Kakashi narrowed his one good eye in confusion. “Someone I once knew?” He murmured curiously as he read the note. Who did he know that is part of the Mysterious Five? Not one minute later halfway through reading the whole thing did Kakashi's lone eye widen to epic proportions. He shakingly tore his eye away from the letter and to Tsunade in a pleading manner.

Tsunade nodded in confirmation to the unasked question. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for the outcry she was likely going to receive from this next bit. “Yes. Naruto Uzumaki is alive and is one of the members of the 'Mysterious Five'.” She dropped the bomb on them.

The room was filled with shocked silence before it was broken with all of Naruto's friends talking loudly all at once. The Jonin while shocked were more reserved and held their tongue and waited for their Hokage to speak.

A few minutes of patently enduring the loud commotion Tsunade twitched and quickly and firmly held up a single hand in a 'Stop!' gesture with a no nonsense look on her face. “One at a time please! I can't hear what you are saying if you are all talking at once!” She admonished them.

Once she had gotten her subordinates she had picked the first one of her ninja to speak who stepped forward in a respectful manner. Hinata Hyuga. While she was a timid girl who had a lack of self-confidence growing up, she had gained a lot of confidence fighting against the zombies along with her comrades.

Taking a deep breath Hinata Hyuga began to speak. “How can N-Naruto be alive? Lord Jiraiya said his name was marked off from the Toad Summoning Contract, which only happens when a summoner dies!”

Being a Clan heiress and being friends with Sakura who learned under not one but two people who also had a summoning contract, Hinata was able to learn the basics of what would happen to your contract if you died. Being marked off is the result.

Tsunade shrugged her shoulders helpessly. “Even I don't know that. Naruto's name was marked off the summoning scroll. I saw it myself. However I can assure you that the information is accurate. Tazuna says he talked to Uzumaki himself and even had the same facial features. The spiky blonde hair, the blue eyes, the whisker marks on both cheeks.”

“I don't understand, if Naruto was alive all this time then why didn't he come back to us?” Sakura asked with narrowed eyes and mounting frustration. Her hands were clenched at her sides and the skin around her knuckles were turning white.

Kakashi put a hand on Sakura's shoulder to calm her down. “I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Isn't there Tsunade?”

“Yes there is Kakashi.” The woman replied in confirmation. “From the letter it is said Naruto has amnesia. I don't know the severity of it. But...” Feeling her voice trembling she abruptly cut herself off to collect herself for a moment. Taking a deep breath she continued. “But from I have read, Tazuna says one of the 'Mysterious Five' explained that the furthest Naruto can remember is three years ago.

“Which is around when he went missing.” Might Guy said, in a serious tone.

Tsunade nodded once more in confirmation. “It is safe to assume that Naruto does not remember any of us. From what Tazuna was told the only reason he came back to the Elemental Nations was because he recently remembered where he came from.”

Asuma rubbed his bearded chin with a thoughtful frown. “If Naruto is part of the 'Mysterious Five' what I want to know is where did they meet? Where did the other four come from?”

Tsunade shrugged her shoulders helplessly. “That is something I want to know too. Tazuna described the other four as being 'foreigners'. And given what we already know of them it is safe to assume they do not come from the Elemental Nations. We would have known of them otherwise.”

“Tazuna says they all had weapons similar to the kunai launchers. ” Kakashi stated as he continued to read the letter with a furrowed brow. He had seen the kunai launchers in action when he and his team had taken a mission over to the Land of Snow, now known as the Land of Spring, three years ago before this whole zombie invasion began.

Not to mention Konohagakure had gotten several hundred of them over the years thanks to their alliance. “He also says they looked a lot more advanced and slim in appearance.”

“Do we know where they are currently?” Kurenai asked.

Kakashi shook his head negatively. “Unfortunately, no. I was part of the team who were sent to gain information on the strange energy readings that appeared near Wave Country the week before. The 'Mysterious Five' appeared at the Great Naruto Bridge, shortly after the first burst of that unknown energy appeared. Then when the same kind of energy appeared again the five vanished not long after. They were never heard or seen since.”

“So we know Naruto is alive but still don't know where he is.” Kiba stated with crossed arms. Shaking his head Kiba looked at Tsunade and asked. “What are our orders lady Hokage?”

“For now we do nothing. Without knowing where Naruto is we won't be able to find him and bring him home.” Tsunade said before glaring firmly at her subordinates when she saw all but Shikamaru and her Jonin were about to protest. “You may not like it and neither do I. But we cannot forget the fact that none of us has any idea on where Naruto is located. Until we get an idea of his whereabouts or a possible location then all our resources must be focused on the undead. Understand?”

“Yes, Lord Hokage.” The assembled ninja said simultaneously.

“Good. You are all dismissed.”


Naruto blinked and blinked some more at what he saw. Or more correctly the lack of visibility. He looked around and saw nothing not even his comrades. Just a blank white in every direction that seemed to go on forever.

“What- what is this place?” He asked.

“You're tellin' me kid. I can't see shit!” Came Dempsey's unexpected reply and caused Naruto to let out a surprised cry.

“This place is bad for eye sight for this Cossack. I see nothing but whiteness! ...Is Nikolai blinded!?” Loudly cried out Nikolai in despair.

“Nien. I do not think you are.” Was Samantha's calm reply. “Strange... I should be able to see mein own hand and yet I cannot. Curious.”

“Perhaps we are in a realm of some kind?” Takeo suggested.

Samantha made a thoughtful 'hmmm' sound and snapped her fingers in remembrance. “It is possible! If you all remember, ve vere blinded by a blinding flash of light vhen Takeo placed the Elemental Staff on zhe pedestal. Ve may have been taken somevhere!”

“Yeah that's possible, maybe we were teleported?” Naruto suggested. “I mean think about it, we completed a task and stopped the undead from attacking a village when we brought back the Elemental Staff; and then we were all blinded by a flash of light something we all know is related to teleportation.”

To Naruto this seems to be the most logical explanation as to what happened to them. Not to mention this HAS happened to them several times already. But that still doesn't explain as to why they can't see anything.

The group was silent as they thought on Naruto's words and came to realise that the whisker faced blonde was right.

“...That seems perfectly logical.” Dempsey said after a moment of silence. “It's odd that we're stuck in this blank looking place though. We usually get teleported to the next location almost instantaneously.” He added as an afterthought.

Naruto let out a thoughtful sound prompting Takeo to ask, “What is it, Naruto?”

“Hmmm? Oh, nothing Takeo. Just thinking is all.”

Dempsey arched an eyebrow at that. Whenever Naruto thinks it whatever he comes out with gives them a lot of sense of their current situation. “What about kiddo?” The former marine curiously asked.

“I'm just thinking about what Richtofen did.” Hearing that man's name had provoked aggressive growls from everyone in the odd realm.

“What do you mean what that dishonourable man did?” Takeo growled out viciously.

“Just bare with me for a moment everyone, please.” Naruto pleadingly told them. After getting their acknowledgement Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and continued. “Takeo, Dempsey and Nikolai you all remember that Richtofen seemed to know where we were every time we got to a new location right?” Hearing their affirmative grunts Naruto added, “Richtofen, somehow, some way brought us to those locations on purpose. My guess is because we have no idea on what to do, we ended up in this godforsaken place until we find a way to get out of here.”

The unknown dimension was filled with silence but Naruto knew they were all thinking on his theory. “ an interesting theory.” Takeo finally said, breaking the silence that had been dominating the realm. “A most interesting theory. I would never thought that you would think of this Naruto.”

“When you've spent your time watching and observing you pick up on a few things.” Naruto honestly replied with a chuckle. “I didn't think of it back then because well I didn't think of anything suspicious of him at the time. Not until Shangri-la when he got that rock.”

“So if this theory of yours is right, then what do we do to get out of here?” Dempsey asked.

“We need Samantha's help in doing that.”

“Me?” Samantha said in surprise speaking for the first time since the conversation had started.

“Yes, you Samantha.” Naruto said with so much confidence that Samantha and the others had stopped to listen to what he had to say. “Where we were taken, you followed us in pursuit. You were able to control thousands of zombies before Richtofen took control. You are – no offense – the closest thing to Richtofen we've got right now.

“...As much as it pains me to say it... you are right. Vhat do you need me to do?”

“Can you try to show us the entire continent?”

“I can try...”

Almost 1 minute later a gigantic tactical like map, showing the entire Elemental Nations appeared in front of them. The first thing they noticed was a lot of the Elemental Nations appears to have been reduced to a barren wasteland. Towns and villages were burned to the ground leaving remains of the buildings that once stood there as a remainder to the survivors of what happened there. Much of the landscape was reduced to a barren wasteland, similar to what they have seen when they first arrived in this dimension. The Elemental Nations from their point of view looked like shit. But still better off than Earth.

The Tactical Map was in real time too and they could see hordes of zombies of all types slowly moving across the entire landmass. Infecting and turning other people into zombies themselves. Not only that thanks to the map being there for some reason unknown to them Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, Samantha and Naruto were now able to see one another.

Naruto while he didn't care much about his former home couldn't help but be angry at the state of it. It hit a nerve that this place was being reduced to a wasteland and this world military was steadily losing ground.

The spiky haired blonde narrowed his eyes dangerously at the sight. “Fucking hell. This place is worse off than I thought.”

The others nodded in agreement “Yeah. A lot of the landmass have been reduced to a barren wasteland.” Dempsey said aloud before turning to Naruto. “So do you see anything familiar to you on this map?”

Naruto furrowed his brow in thought as he tried to remember what he had learnt in the academy back when he was training to become a ninja. But with his amnesia it made remembering a little frustrating as the memories of his past is still fractured.

“Yeah. I remember a few things.” The blonde eventually replied as he stared at the tactical map with narrowed eyes. “The Land of Fire my birthplace, and is the largest country on this continent. You can see it here surrounded by massive trees.” He said as the map helpfully pointed out to the group where Konohagakure is.

“Surrounding the Land of Fire are six or seven other countries, several of them have been reduced to a barren wasteland however...” As Naruto said this, the tactical map pointed out to the group where the other smaller countries surrounding the Land of Fire was located by bullet points and showing them names of the country.

The Land of Hot Waters, Land of Rivers, Land of Sound, Kusagakure and Amegakure have all been shown to the group as the ones to have been reduced to a barren wasteland and most likely overrun with zombies.

The hidden village Takigakure was, by the tactical map's point of view, surrounded by zombie activity and the land around it was already dead. It would be a matter of time before the zombies find a way to invade and overwhelm them from sheer numbers. They could choose to go there and help them fend the zombies off if they wanted to.

“To the East is the Land of Earth and the Land of Wind. I can't recall much about them though apart from the fact that the Land of Wind is the Land of Fire's ally. The Land of Earth, has much animosity towards the Land of Fire for a reason I cannot remember.” Naruto paused to take a breather and to allow the map to mark off the other two countries that is on the East side of the Land of Fire.

“To the Northwest is the Land of Lightning and to the West where there are a various of islands is the Land of Water. I can't remember much about them unfortunately.” Naruto finished while the tactical map pointed out where the Land of Lightning and the Land of Water is located to the group.

“A lot of these countries has most of their land reduced to a wasteland too.” Dempsey grimly pointed out. “Although the Land of Water seems to be fairly safe from the onslaught considering where they're located.”

“They'll be screwed if they are invaded by an army of Hellhounds Tank.” Naruto dryly pointed out. “One bite from them and you're fucked, unless you are immune like us.”

“Not to mention they are likely to be isolated from outside world. The situation there may be worse than anywhere else on this fucking map.” Nikolai added in a not so helpful manner.

Takeo rubbed his chin in thought as he stared at the tactical map with a calculating eye. “Many locations are open to us. But we can only choose one. But which one shall we choose?”

“Well...” Naruto began as he stared at the tactical map with a keen eye. “Several countries surrounding the great Five are already overrun. If we want we can choose one of them and search for any weaponry we can use against the undead or we can try and liberate them? Another choice is we can go to one of the great Five, and try and help them fight against the zombies there. But we don't know just how they'll react to five people appearing out of thin air.”

Dempsey nodded his head and as he stared at the different locations the former United States marine stated in a militaristic tone, “So we have locations and points of interest marked out for us. Some are already beyond help and others are steadily losing ground against the undead horde. Question is: where 'bouts do we go to next?”

All Dempsey received was silence as his answer.
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