Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Blessing or Burden (joel & Benji Madden plus others)

pt 14 Prom Dates And Secret Admirers

by Reign_Madden 1 review

Ummm the title says it all

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-08-10 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 1426 words

After that things start to improve for you especially at home. Your mum started dating a police officer called Chris. You won't admit it to her but you actually like him. Your last year at LaPlata is already drawing to a close, which means college is coming up. Halfway through the 11th grade, a new girl called Kelly Travis transferred from New Jersey. She hit it off with you guys straight away, and Billy seems quite fond of her. Joel and Paul both have steady girlfriends however, Joel's girlfriend Kara is such a bitch, and you only pretend to like her for Joel's sake, but Paul's girlfriend Lisa is such a sweet heart.

Since the group started to fill out, you and the guys have abandoned your old bench and have adopted a place under a large tree. You hate to admit it but your going to miss this school and the people with the bullshit attitudes when you leave for college.
The guys told you about the band they formed when they were sixteen. They weren't really into it then but now it's all they talk about. They've recorded a couple of demo's and on the weekend you spend hours with them writing letters to record companies and stuffing demo tapes into envelopes. When you're not at school Benji and Joel have jobs working at Target, and you work at the pet store not too far from there.

It's Tuesday afternoon, lunch hour has just started and you're all sitting under the tree, discussing prom.
'So how are we all getting there?' Paul asks running his fingers through Lisa's hair.
'I thought we were all chipping in for a limo.' Billy said.
'We are aren't we?' Kelly answered unsurely.
'Yeah we are definitely getting a limo.' Joel said he had stopped making out with Kara to join the concersation.
'But isn't there too many of us?' he asked looking around at the group.
'No there isn't, I'm don't think I'm going to prom, so that leaves room for Benji and his date.' You answer pulling out strands of grass by your feet.
'WHAT?' Kelly and Lisa shout in unison, 'You have to go to prom.' Kelly stated.
'Why? What's the big deal with you Americans and your prom.' You say jokingly.
'Oh, I can't belie... well I'll tell you... How could you say...argh, I can't even talk to you right now Reign.' Lisa said stuttering in disbelief at the comment you just made.
'She doesn't want to go because no one asked her isn't that right Reign,' Kara said nastily, but smiling all the while.
'Well that's not true.' Kelly said turning to look at Kara 'Reign's been asked to prom by four different guys.' Kelly said not taking her eyes off of Kara's face.
'No your wrong Kelly, Ryan Moorfields asked me this morning.' You say looking at Kara and smiling sweetly. 'So that makes five.' You say smugly you love the look on her face right now it's a mix between frustration and disbelief.
'Who are the guys who asked you? Joel asked you cooly trying to mask his concern.
'Well there's Brad from chem......' you started but Joel cut you off
'No you're not going with him.' He started quickly
'Ok then there's Michael Carson....'
'No not him'
'Robert mason.'
'a.k.a Bombhead, No definitely not' Joel said frowning
'Joel stop.' you say after you name the last two who asked you.
'I'm sorry Reign but your not going with any of those losers.' He said moving to sit next to you.
'Why not?' You say in a little girl's voice
'Because they're not good enough and because I say so, and what I say goes.' He said nodding his head for emphasis and putting his arm around you.
'Well Joel, almighty ruler, I have to go with someone, so when I make a decision I'll let you know and you just have to deal with it.' You say patting his head.
'How come you haven't decided yet, what are you waiting for the whole school to ask you?' Benji piped up. He hadn't said anything since the conversation begun.
'No, I just haven't decide who to go with that's all, I want to have a really good time. So I have to go with the right person.' You finish.
'She was waiting for "the one" weren't you Reign.' Billy said with a laugh.
'Yeah I was but he didn't ask me.' You say avoiding Benji's gaze.
'Ok this subject is boring me.' Kara announced. This happened a lot with her if she wasn't the centre of attention she was bored.

The bell went and you all went your separate ways.
'So you're going with Billy huh?' you ask Kelly as you both walked to English.
'Yeah he asked me this morning. I'm really looking forward to it.' She replied grinning despite herself.
'Argh, everyone has a date accept for me.' you whine.
'Well stop arsing around and pick someone, enough guys have asked you.' Kelly said matter-of-factly.
You stopped in front of your locker, you had to get your English book.
'Go ahead, I don't want you to be late. I'll see you in a few.' You say to Kelly.
You open your locker and gasp in surprise, there's a beautiful white rose corsage inside, you pick up the container that it's in and pull off the attached note.

Please do me the honour of being my date for prom,
I'll pick you up around 8.00pm
See you then.

'What you got there London?' a familiar voice says snatching the note from your grip.
'Hey careful with that Benji,' you say slightly annoyed and surprised.
You take out your English books and put the corsage back inside before closing your locker.
'So you have a secret admirer.' Benji said after reading the note.
'It appears so.' you say taking the note back.
'So your gonna go with this mystery guy.' He asked nonchalantly.
'Maybe, you don't have a problem with that do you?' You ask him innocently.
'Nope' He said holding his hands up 'why should I? I already have a date for prom.' He said switching side so he's standing to your right.
'Benji you can't bring that blow up doll that Joel gave you for your birthday.' You say laughing.
'Ha mock if you will, but I'm actually taking Tyra Ferron.' He retorted.
'Are you serious?' you ask slightly jealous. Tyra was gorgeous, she looked like a gothic porcelain doll she was stunning.
'As a heart attack, you're not jealous are you London?' he asked searching your face for any clues.
'Jealous, why would I be jealous? I have a secret admirer that could turn out to be my prince charming.' You say as coolly as possible.
'Or a toad' Benji said laughing and walking off.
You run to English, you know you're late but you don't care, all you can think about is who your admirer could be. You throw Kelly a note during class telling her all about your corsage and the note, and skipping the part where Benji tried to ruin it for you. The last two lessons fly by and before you know it, your meeting Joel and the others at the school gates.
'I'm so glad to be going home.' Billy says leaning his head on your shoulder. You take him into your arms
'Did you have a bad day lil' Billy?' you say rubbing his back.
'Yes it was awful, I have an essay to write and I don't wanna.' He said crying loudly.
'Don't worry lil'Billy I'll help you.' You offer.
'Oh good I was hoping you'd say that.' He said pretending to blow his nose on your t-shirt and leaning out of your arms.
'Who are we waiting for?' Paul said doing a head count.
'Me' Joel said running up to the group and jumping on Benji's back.
'Argh! Dude, you need to loose some weight.' Benji said staggering under Joel's weight.
'Ohh I want one too' Paul whined. Before Billy could protest Paul jumped on his back. Billy tried to balance himself; you rush over to help keep Billy upright. Just as you get there Billy's legs buckle and they fall on top of you.
'ouch!! Get off me you idiot's' you laugh trying unsuccessfully to push Billy off of you.
There are no more shenanigans on the way and you finally reach Billy's. As the guys rehearse you, sit back think about prom and your secret admirer.

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