Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Sort of Bond

Chapter 26

by Balder


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] [X] [?] - Published: 2014-09-25 - 2853 words

A Different Sort of Bond

Disclaimer: See previous chapters.

Chapter 26
Harry woke up on the morning of the twenty-third and realized Daphne was hugging his face to her chest again. He smiled as he remembered how embarrassed he’d been the first time she did that. He was glad to now have two hands free as he reached up and started playing with her nipples while kissing her breasts all over.

Daphne woke up soon after with a smile on her face, “Thank you Harry. That was a lovely way to wake up. I do need you to let me up now though.”

He smiled and got up, “Sure, I can brush my teeth while you use the toilet.”

She grinned, “You’ve come a long way Harry. I remember that first day. You passed out when I said I had to pee. And the next morning, when I asked you to pass me the toilet paper and you just gaped at me like a fish.”

Harry laughed as they held hands to switch rooms from bedroom to bathroom, “It seems like years ago. You got me out of my shell with a jackhammer but I definitely needed someone to do it. Thank you dear.” He kissed her cheek.

“You are welcome dear,” she replied. “You helped me too. You showed me that there could be good men my age. I’m glad we had that accident and I’m even glad we are still sort of connected.”

“I just hope you continue to feel that way in ten or twenty years,” Harry said.

“I think you’re more likely to get fed up with me but I won’t argue,” she said. Soon they were showered and dressed and on their down to breakfast. “After we eat we can shop for a gift for Fleur and maybe I’ll look for a few things myself. Where did you want to shop? If you’ve no idea I can suggest a few places in Hogsmeade or the alley.”

“Actually I want to shop in the non-magical world,” Harry said. “Have you ever been?”

“Briefly,” she replied. “Just enough to blend in. They might think I’m a country cousin on her first trip to the city but they won’t think I’m crazy.”

“Good enough,” Harry said. “I’m sure you’ll get the hang of things fast. I guess we are dressing ourselves today?”

She smiled, “Unless you think the muggles will appreciate your bare chest?”

Harry chuckled, “I think not.” He dressed in jeans, Basilisk hide armored boots, and a thickly knitted pullover on top of a button down shirt.

“What will you say if somebody asks about your boots?” Daphne asked.

“I’ll say they are snakeskin,” Harry replied.

“Well they do look really nice especially for armor,”she said. “And I can wearing a matching pair.” She smirked, “Maybe that’ll keep at least some of the women away.” She put on her own Basilisk hide boots.

Harry looks at her in skintight denim and vee necked blouse and he snorts, “I think any women there won’t even see me through the crowd of drooling men that will be gathered around you.” He stood on tiptoe to kiss her, “You look hotter than fiendfyre.”

Over breakfast Alexander asked, “What are your plans today?”

“We’re going shopping for a few last minute gifts,” she said. “I might get a few things for myself on the way though.”

“I’m glad the Potters were wealthy,” Anders said grinning.

Harry shrugged, then swallowed and said, “She can spend whatever she likes, I don’t mind.”

Daphne grinned at her mom, “Did you hear that? And he gives great foot massages too!”

Anitra smiled at her daughter, “It seems you got very lucky dear. Have fun shopping today. Maybe I’ll come with you next time.”

“You are welcome any time Mrs. Greengrass,” Harry said.

“Call me Anitra Harry,” she said.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Harry said.

Daphne snickered at that then said, “Eat up Harry, you’ll need your strength.”

He grinned back at her, “Should I be scared?”

“No, but your money pouch might scream,” she said.

He smirked, “We’re shopping in the non-magical world today dear, so it’s my wallet that’ll scream. Which reminds me we need to head to Gringott’s first.”

“To pick up Muggle money?” Daphne said.

“A credit card actually,” Harry said. When she looked confused he grinned, “I’m sure you’ll love the idea once you see it in action. You have letters of credit in the wizarding world?”

She nodded, “Yes, but those are rather unwieldy as they have to specify an amount and are too easy to counterfeit. Gringott’s neither offers nor accepts them.”

Harry nodded, “Well a credit card is the next step up from that. It’s a small square of a material called plastic that has my name on the front and my signature on the back and the part you’ll like best is that its linked to a Muggle bank that is used as a front by the goblins in the non-magical world so I can access as much of my money as I need without having to carry cash with me.”

Her eyes widened, “You mean that it has access to your entire fortune? I hope you put limits on it. Regardless of how safe the goblins say it is it shouldn’t have unlimited access.”

“Thank you caring dear,” Harry said. “But don’t worry, I’ve already made sure of that. I can’t take credit for the idea though. Muggle credit cards usually have limits as well. Still I doubt you can spend more than half a million by the end of the month.”

Her eyes widened then she grinned, “Never give me a challenge like that Harry. Still I think I can restrain myself. At least enough to keep your principal untouched if not your interest.” She paused, “And if you make more than that in interest a month then don’t tell me. I’d rather not be considered a gold digger.”

“I’d never think that of you Daphne,” Harry said. “You liked me well before you knew I had money.”

She kissed him then, “Thank you Harry, you’re the best boyfriend.”

“Isn’t he more than just a boyfriend?” Helene asked.

“Not until he gives me a ring,” Daphne replied.

“Well I wouldn’t want to steal any of Tracey’s thunder,” Harry said. “Maybe once she and Neville are on their honeymoon we can visit the Potter vaults and look over the jewelry there? If nothing catches your fancy we can go looking through jewelry shops.”

“No rush,” she said. “I can wait until after graduation unless the goddess saw fit to bless us with a child.”

Harry looked shocked at first, then happy, “I’ve always wanted a family so if it happens I’m happy, but we have a lot to finish first so if it hasn’t happened then I’m happy about that too.”

She snorted, “Alright happy boy, finish your breakfast and let’s get ready to go.”

At the goblin bank Harry picked up two magically weightless bags with 500 Galleons each as well as his credit card. He found out that after signing it he had to imprint it with his magical signature as well. Daphne approved of the additional safety feature but got upset when he handed her the second bag of galleons.

When he held it to her she scowled and said, "My family isn't poor Potter. If you want to buy me things as my boyfriend or fiance that's one thing but I don't need handouts. I have my own money."

After a brief but intense discussion Harry had the second bag of galleons sent back to his vault, "Sorry, I guess I'm still learning how to be a good boyfriend."

She hugged him, "Don't get too upset about it, I just had to make my point. I'm sure many girls would have loved the gesture. I'm just not one of them. Now let's forget about it and go buy Fleur a Christmas gift or two."

Harry nodded and soon they were in front of Harrod's. The trip had been silent but the sight of the store brought a smile to her face.

"I think I'm going to be glad I brought I went to a teller while you went to your vault," she said.

"They proudly boast about having anything you might want and something for everyone," Harry said. He was glad her good mood was returning, "I guess they were right?"

She smiled and took his hand, "I think they just might be but let's go inside and find out."

Harry pointed out a vintage port set to Daphne, "I know one of her uncles owns a vineyard and she grew up learning about fine wines. This is something she can appreciate without it seeming like she is buying from a rival or snubbing locally made products."

A staff member heard him and said, "This is an excellent choice sir! This luxuriously crafted wooden gift box contains two Colheita ports from the 19th century, featuring 1863 and 1896 vintages accompanied by two crystal glasses and a decanter to enjoy the port to its full potential. Shall you take it with you or shall I have it sent?"

Briefly imagining what the delivery man would think of the Burrow or even Shell Cottage Harry grinned, "I think I'll take it with me. That is unless my fiancee disagrees with my choice?" He looked at Daphne.

Daphne smirked, "I don't blame her for snubbing local wines but I can see how that might get her in trouble with her soon to be mother in law. This way she can enjoy a proper drink and its just her enjoying a thoughtful present. If you can remember the name of her uncle's winery I might order her a case for her birthday but it's obviously too late for that now. So yes, buy that but instead of carrying it about the store and disturbing such fine vintages have them send it to us and we'll wrap it and bring it along with us tomorrow." She pulled out what looked to Harry like a business card and as she handed it over asked, "You can have it delivered by tomorrow I trust?"

The man assured her he could and turned to Harry. Harry might be confused by Daphne but he knew exactly what the man wanted. He handed over his credit card and saw the man's smile widen just a bit as he saw it.

"It's fifteen thousand pounds, but we'll include next day shipping and gift wrap for free," the man said. "I'll just ring it up for you, arrange for shipping, and get your receipt." The man lifted the gift set carefully and strode away.

Harry cast a small wandless privacy spell then asked, "What was on that card? Are you sure he'll be able to find the place without magic?"

"Give us some credit Potter," Daphne said. "There is a way already in place to order things from the muggles. The address on that card is a warehouse run by squibs. They'll sign for it and put it in a spot assigned to us. An elf will pop to the manor and tell the head butler. He'll apparate over and collect it. If we had house elves then they would pick it up." She looked at his confused expression, "Didn't the Weasleys ever order anything?"

He shook his head, "No, they either made it or did without for the most part. Except for school supplies which they bought in the alley."

She blinked, "Oh. Well now you know. I'll duplicate this card for you when we're back on the magical side. You can use the Greengrass area for now but eventually we should ask if there is a Potter area assigned. Who knows? Maybe there is something there."

Harry shook his head, "I doubt it but we should check sometime. If there isn't one I'll get one so I don't have to inconvenience your family."

She rolled her eyes and was about to respond when she saw the salesman heading back so she settled for casting a wandless finite to cancel his privacy spell.

"Here is your receipt and your card back Mr. Potter," the man said. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No," Daphne said. "I think we'll head off towards women's clothing next. Have a good day."

"And you as well," the man said.

Daphne followed the signs and eventually led him to the lady's lingerie department.

"If this is for Fleur remember to put your name on the card," Harry said. "I don't want her or Bill to get the wrong idea."

Daphne laughed, "Don't worry Harry, I'll be sure to let her know it's from me." She led him over to a black lace bra and started examining it.

A salesperson came over and said, "This is Aubade’s Half Cup Strangers in the Night Bra. Boasting a sultry purple and black lace design, it features underwired cups, adjustable shoulder straps and is adorned with an embroidered rosette to the front. We have matching briefs and boy shorts as well."

Daphne turned to Harry and said, "Maybe I'll get this for me. I can use all the support I can get. Do you like it though? I know you seem to prefer seeing me in red."

Harry blushed a bit, "Anything you want to wear is fine by me dear."

"Well considering that this is nowhere near the elegance or price of what you've gotten her I think I'll take it for myself and keep on looking for her," Daphne decided. Looking around further she spotted a very elegant silk dressing gown in royal blue.

"Ah, a very good choice madam," the saleslady said. "This is Jenny Peckham’s sheer silk long robe. An ultra-feminine style in royal blue, it features smocking to the long blouson sleeves for a touch of dramatic volume and a sash belt to the waist to help define the silhouette. You can slip this robe on over one of the designer’s silk chemises for a boudoir-worthy look."

"Actually this for a friend of mine and I think she'd only wear it when sleeping over at her in-laws so I'd like to get her some nice feminine pyjamas to go with it. She is almost my height, also blond, and nearly as well endowed up top. Do you have anything that looks pretty but won't raise the eyebrows of a somewhat prudish mother in law?"

The saleslady thinks for a moment, "I believe I have it. Come this way." The saleslady places the robe over her left arm where it joins the bra and leads them over to a rack with a sign over it saying "Chanel inspired". She withdrew a set of pajamas and said, "These Olivia von Halle’s exquisite sleepwear are inspired by the lounging pyjamas worn by Coco Chanel. The Coco Cerise silk pyjamas feature a bold cerise hue and white piping along the notch lapels, breast and front pockets and fastened with pearl buttons. A luxurious two-piece pyjama set no rational mother in law could find fault with, especially if topped by the robe."

Daphne smiled, "We'll take the lot!" After Harry paid she led him off towards the men's department. "I need to get something for Bill if I get something for his wife and besides he is helping us with our little artifact problem."

Harry nodded, "Very true. So what shall we get him? I doubt he cares much about clothing but a nice wind-up watch would work regardless of where he was." Electric watches often stopped or gave the wrong time in areas of heavy magic.

"Good idea, Harry," Daphne said. Shortly they picked out a nice Tag Heuer windup watch in stainless steel that was labeled as being shock proof, scratch proof, and water resistant down to 100m.

"I'm sure he'll enjoy it," Harry said after they had paid and left.

Daphne smiled, she had gone with the salesman to the register while Harry remained looking at watches and had bought Harry a watch as well with her own money. She decided that he should have a present from her to open on Christmas even if he'd already gotten one on the Solstice. Maybe she'd wrap the bra up as his present to her as well. She imagined the looks on the faces of Molly and Ginny as she opened it and her smile became a grin.

"What are you thinking that's making you grin like that?" Harry asked.

"I'm thinking I want to take you home and ravish you in bed," she replied. It's wasn't even untrue. She was certainly thinking that now.

Harry chuckled and as he led her out of the store he said, "That sounds like a capital idea!"
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