Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Sort of Bond

Chapter 27

by Balder 4 reviews

Christmas with the Weasleys.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2014-10-15 - 3039 words

A Different Sort of Bond

Disclaimer: I do not own the Potterverse!

Chapter 27
The next day around noon they went to the squib run warehouse to pick up their purchases along with the head butler. Daphne could legally apparate, being of age, and had actually learned the previous summer. She brought Harry along of course.

"Gerald," she said, handing the butler the antique port set. "This is very fragile. Please take great care with it."

"I shall ma'am," he said. "Shall I wrap it for you?"

Daphne paused for thought, "Yes, and please label it 'From Harry and Daphne'." She looked at Harry, “If that's okay by you?"

Harry nodded, "Sure."

"Good," she replied. "The rest of these are not so fragile so we can carry them back ourselves and I'll wrap them personally."

"Very good ma'am," Gerald said and apparated away with the wooden case.

Daphne apparated back to her estate with Harry and walked up to the front door, "Add this to the list of things access to your magic makes easier." She opened the door and took Harry's arm as she entered. "I suppose I should stop listing all the positives but you have no idea how frustrating it is to know so much magic that you can't make proper use of. Not that I wouldn't love you anyway of course."

"Oh, of course," Harry agreed with a smirk.

"I would!" she protested then realized he was just teasing. She slapped his shoulder, "Prat!"

Her aunt entered just then and smirked, "I see I'm just in time." She walked over and hugged them both. She took the packages from Harry’s, "Can I see what you got?"

Daphne smiled, 'Sure, let's head to the study and I can show you everything while Harry reads in a corner."

Helene grins, "Something he shouldn't see?"

Daphne nodded and winked at her aunt where Harry couldn't see, "No, but he seems to turn red anytime I start discussing lingerie so I doubt he'll want to hear the two of us talk about it."

"I'd go get a sandwich while you talked but ..." Harry trailed off.

"But you're stuck with the old ball and chain?" Daphne replied smiling. "Not to worry, we have servants for that sort of thing. If I may speak for you?"

Harry was still uncomfortable at the idea of being served but short of firing them all, which he couldn't do, he didn't have much choice. He nodded to Daphne and she sent to the kitchen for lunch, "We'll be in the study, have them bring us three of those lovely roast beef sandwiches they make with cheddar and horseradish and some cold bottles of root beer."

Helene added, "None for me please. I already ate." She looked at Harry, "Harry, if you'd prefer lager rather than root beer with your lunch Anders just brought up a barrel of his homebrew. He says it's been stored in the cold room long enough and it’s ready for drinking now."

Harry looked at Daphne and raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged, "One pint won't kill you. Just remember to tell him what you thought of the taste and be truthful rather than flattering."

Helene nodded, "He does prefer truthful comments. He says it helps him refine the brew."

Harry nodded, "Then I'd like a pint of that with my sandwich, thank you."

The servant bobbed her head and left. Daphne led the way into the study. Harry took an easy chair in the corner of the room by the bookcase while Daphne and Helene sat by the bay windows.

Daphne pulled out the bra, "Isn't this the prettiest bra? And I didn't have to charm it to fit either!"

"It is very nice looking," Helene said. "And I know you have trouble finding things that fit in magical shops. Do the muggles have more variety then?"

Daphne grinned, "Much more! I think it's because they can't change the color or size after it’s made, so they make them in all sizes and all the colors of the rainbow. Mind you this was a very high end store."

"I've heard muggle clothes are cheaper both in price and quality," Helene said. "Obviously I was misinformed. This is certainly high quality, but what did it cost?"

Daphne converted in her head and said, "Twenty galleons or thereabouts. Not the most I've paid for a bra but not cheap either. If it charms easily and wears well I'll buy more of the same."

"If you do get more tell me, and I'll come along," Helene said. "But first show me the rest."

"Of course," Daphne said. "Harry got Fleur a Christmas present from both of us now that he knows she'll be there but Gerald brought that back and will be wrapping it."

Helene nodded, "What was it?"

"A wooden gift box containing two bottles of really old port, a crystal decanter, and two glasses," Daphne said.

"He has good taste," boomed a voice from the doorway. "But then that doesn't surprise me," Anders said as he came in bearing two tall glasses nearly full of beer. Kitchen staff came behind him with two large sandwiches on plates and two small folding tables. One went and set up a portable table near Harry and another by Daphne. The second put a sandwich down on each table and then they both left.

Anders said, “I heard the staff were going to decant the first glass of this and I decided to join you.”

Harry smiled, “Good, then I don’t have to hear a recap of the things we just bought.” He took one of the glasses and took a sip. He grinned, “That’s so good! It’s crisp, clean and leaves no aftertaste. I taste a bit of honey too right?”

Anders grinned back, “Yes, it’s a brown lager that’s got some honey in it.”

Daphne brought out the robe and said, “Quick before they try to get us talking about it too. Look at this.”

“Ooh, that’s a lovely blue,” Helene said. She reached out, “May I feel it?”

Daphne said, “Sure!” She was glad her uncle was distracting Harry with beer talk. Now she could show her aunt the watch she got for Harry without him noticing she’d bought him one too.

While Daphne was showing Helene her purchases and whispering her secret plans for the extra presents Harry was enjoying his beer and eagerly learning about home brewing. He also shared half his sandwich. All of them enjoyed themselves and stayed talking until called for dinner. Anders was happy to have someone "in the family" to talk brewing with as neither his brother nor his wife were interested. Harry was genuinely interested in brewing and planning to help Anders make the next batch. Daphne got a few tips on how to wrap something for somebody in the room without them noticing and even a few tips on how to scandalize a proper British matron. Helene got to catch up with her niece, and had the fun of planning both a fine joke and a shopping spree. She and Daphne planned to take Tracey to this store and see if their maternity clothes were as nice as their lingerie and buy a few things for themselves too.

Dinner was lovely and Anitra Greengrass was added to the list of women planning to descend on Harrods. Harry, hearing those plans turned to Anders, “You know I think we should check to see if they have any brewing supplies.”

Anders replied, “Will your bond with Daphne allow you to wander that far from the clothes areas I’m sure she’ll be in?”

Harry said, “Last time I was there my bond with Daphne seemed to treat each floor as a room so as long as it’s on the same floor it should be fine. Although if you’re with me maybe we can even get them to come with us to look.”

"Not me," Helene said.

Anders said, "There you have it, Harry. If I came it would only be to keep you company. Although if you'd ask if they had such I'd appreciate it."

“If you really want to do that Harry, of course I’ll come with you,” Daphne said. “We can ask if they have any when we first enter and get that out of the way first before we join the other ladies for the real shopping.”

Anders smirked and Harry sighed, “Yes dear.”

The next day was Christmas so after breakfast they gathered up their presents and got ready to head by floo to the Burrow.

"Er, can I hold your hand?" Harry said.

Daphne raised one golden eyebrow, "Why?"

"I tend to fall leaving the floo," Harry replied. "Except when I'm connected to you."

"Not the most romantic of reasons," she said.

"Good thing you aren't the most romantic of girls then," he replied. "It'll do my image good to stop falling out floos, and being seen entering places hand in hand can't hurt either."

She looked at him suspiciously, "I can't tell whether you are serious or making fun of me."

"I might tease gently from time to time but I'd make fun of you Daphne," Harry said. "I never want to hurt you on purpose. I'd just rather not slide of their floo on my ass and get my clothes all sooty. The rest was just me trying to find reasons that would make you agree."

She made a face, "I'm rubbing off on you in a way I'm not sure is good." Then she held out her hand without saying another word.

Harry took it and tossed the floo powder in the fire and shouted, "The Burrow!" Then they both stepped through.

Harry arrived upright but was almost knocked over by enthusiastic hugs. "Happy Christmas everyone!" he said.

"Harry? I thought Hermione said you weren't physically stuck together anymore?" Molly said.

"We're not," Harry agreed.

"Then why is she still holding your hand?" Molly asked.

"Because I asked her to," Harry said.

"Oh," was Molly's only reply. She was soon smiling again and took the sack of presents from Daphne to arrange under the tree.

Soon everyone was seated at the dinner table. Arthur at the head of the table and Molly at the other end. In between sat Ron, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, and Harry along one side and Daphne, Fleur, Angelina, and Hermione along the other. The food was delicious and they talked as they ate. Daphne mostly talked to Fleur but once chimed in when Arthur was talking about the Ministry. Arthur nodded and agreed with her, which made her smile.

After dinner everyone moved to the sitting room. Harry ended up between Daphne and Fleur and joked, "The number of blondes in the Burrow keeps increasing. Quick Fred, now's the time to invite Alicia over." Fred blew a raspberry at him and was scolded for acting childish.

Ginny and Hermione distributed the presents and Harry was surprised to see a small but definite pile in front of Daphne. He whispered to her, "Be careful with any gifts from the twins."

She nodded, "I know." She planned to open the one "from" Harry last. Seeing that people were already opening their gifts she opened the one from Molly first. "Thank you for the lovely sweater Molly," she said. It was green wool with the letter D in silvery wool, "Just the thing to wear in a drafty Scottish castle in winter."

"I'm glad you like it dear," Molly said.

Harry got a sweater in a darker green with a golden H on it. "Thank you Mrs. Weasley."

"You're welcome Harry dear," Molly said.

When Fleur got to her presents from them she looked at Harry, "It seems like a lot. You didn't even know I was here until a few days ago. So I don't believe you had all this waiting just in case I showed up."

Harry grinned, "Your arrival gave Daphne a chance to shop and led to her finding a new favorite store so I guess she figured she owed you an extra present for that."

Fleur chuckled, "Daphne you do realize that usually getting a gift from a couple means they buy one gift from both of them?"

Daphne smirked, "Well when I told him I wanted to get you sleepwear he made me promise not to put his name on it." She paused and whispered loudly, "I think he was afraid of Bill getting mad at him."

Molly looked horrified at that but the younger Weasleys laughed. Bill said, "Don't worry Harry, I won't get mad at you over what your girl buys mine in your name as long as you promise not to be mad at for what Fleur buys Daphne."

Harry grinned and shook his hand, "Deal!"

Fleur opened to package to reveal the wood of the port set, "Ooh la la, cherry wood always feels luxurious to me." She opened it and gasped.

Harry said, "I know your uncle has a vineyard so I figured you'd appreciate vintage port. I'm hoping you'll share some after we're finished opening our gifts?"

Fleur said, "Certainement!" Then she carefully put the box to one side. She kissed Harry’s cheek and he blushed.

"You should kiss Daphne too," Harry said. "It was from both of us."

Daphne snorted, "Exactly what are trying here Harry?"

Fleur laughed musically, "I did not realize my William was so scary but I do believe Harry is worried about making him jealous." She smirked, "Perhaps he'd feel better if you kissed William?"

"No!" Harry said. Then he amended it to, "That's not really necessary. I'm not worried. I just want Daphne to get all due credit for the shopping."

"But Harry," Fleur said. "You are the who remembered my uncle so I think this present must be mostly from you."

"It is," Daphne said. "But he still has trouble accepting praise or compliments." She smiled, "I've been working on his confidence."

Fleur leaned over Harry to kiss Daphne's cheek, "Merci to you then and keep up the good work." She leaned back and picked up the second box that said it was from Harry and Daphne, "Let us see this sleepwear that had Harry embarrassed."

Everyone was watching as she pulled out the sheer blue silk robe, "Ooh, c'est magnifique! It is so soft and looks very comfortable, but I am not sure I could wear it whilst here?"

"Certainly not!" Molly said. "It's practically see through!"

"That's why I added pyjamas," Daphne said. "Also because English mornings are much colder than those in the south of France."

Fleur smiled, "Oh oui, you are correct." She lifted out the dark pink pyjamas and Molly stopped scowling. "These are lovely too. Are those real pearl buttons?"

Harry shrugged, "I dunno. It wasn't too expensive though so don't worry about it."

"I will wear them tonight," she proclaimed.

"I also got something to wear from Harry," Daphne held up a package.

The twins started laughing and Ron smirked, "Nice try Daph. But you forgot we all know Harry well. That look on his face means he's completely surprised so I'm assuming it's the embarrassing thing he thought you were buying for Fleur?"

Daphne pouted, "You take all the fun out things." Then she sighed, "Yes, I was originally planning to give this to Fleur but finding bras in my size that are cute is so rare that I kept it for myself." She kissed Harry's cheek, "Thanks for buying it for me."

"Well can we see this bra?" Hermione asked.

Angelina and Ginny nodded. "Yeah, us girls want to see even if the boys don't," Angelina said.

Daphne opened the present and pulled out the bra, "Midnight blue with purple lace and a purple bow holding the front closed." The girls all passed it around and all of them seemed to like it.

"What store did you find this in?" Fleur asked.

"A non-magical store Harry introduced me to called Harrods," Daphne said. "My mother, my aunt, and I are planning another trip there soon. Would any of you like to come along?"

Fleur and Hermione agreed but Angelina declined. "I've got to watch my spending," she said. She poked George, "My boss is a cheapskate."

"Oi!" George said, "You're part owner too and you pinch a knut harder than I do."

She smirked and poked him again, "Yes, so? I'm the boss and I'm cheap so I spoke correctly."

"What's with all the poking then?" he asked.

"I enjoy it?" she responded.

"I think somebody needs to be pranked Fred," George said blocking another poke.

"I'll help on one condition brother," Fred said smiling.

"And what condition is that brother?" George replied.

Fred replied, "That any consequences fall upon yourself exclusively." That got everyone laughing again.

Bill liked the watch. Especially after Harry explained that it would work in both magical and non-magical areas. Daphne took that as her clue to give Harry the other watch.

"But you already gave me a present," Harry protested.

"That was for Yule," she replied. "This is Christmas. If we are going to celebrate both holidays then I'm going to get you two presents."

"But I only got you one," he protested.

"No," she replied. "You bought me two. You just didn't know it until today."

He chuckled at that, "Yeah okay then." He put on the watch, "Thanks, dear."

There were no other surprises but everyone liked their presents. Everyone but Ginny had a sip of the port. She had been deemed too young but Harry had gotten some despite not being an adult officially until the end of July. Afterward Harry and Daphne packed up their gifts and said their goodbyes.

"It was lovely being here for Christmas again," Harry said while shaking Arthur's hand.

"You're welcome anytime Harry," Arthur said.

After shrinking all their presents and putting them in her purse Daphne took Harry's hand, "Ready to go Harry?"

"I am," he replied and tossed some floo powder into the fireplace. "Greengrass estates," he called out and they vanished into the green flames.
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