Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Darkness Revealed

by Annalola 0 reviews

Clara and Draco have nothing in common. They have never uttered a word to each other, never looked each other’s way, nor do they have any interest in doing so. Yet what happens when this unlikely...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Draco - Published: 2014-10-03 - 3513 words

Hey! Our names are Anna and Lola. Basically, we are just two best friends who like to write Draco Malfoy fanfics together. Anna writes Draco’s point of view, while Lola writes Clara’s point of view. We love to have feedback and hear from our readers, so please comment and feel free to send us any messages with questions or thoughts! We hope you enjoy our story!
XOXO, Anna & Lola

Empty eyes stared down at an equally empty plate, my mind drifting between the headmaster droning on and on, and the terrifying, racing thoughts of my own mind. I couldn’t look at him. Throughout the years, I had come to strongly dislike that man up at the podium. Him and all his bullshit. Though cheery and clever as he seemed, it wasn’t hard to look through that mask of a jolly and wise wizard and see what truly lies beneath. An old, rundown man who’s reign of wonder and blind following is crashing down upon him.
I like to pretend my hatred make all of this easier.
But it doesn’t. Nothing can.
As hard as I tried to block it out, bits and pieces of Dumbledore’s speech found their way back the barrier I had made. New potions master, ban on all Weasley products, the usual. But then..
“Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castles walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon, is you.”
I was hit with a sudden chill as those words cut down to my core. Dumbledore finished his announcements, and within seconds, chatter erupted throughout the hall as shimmering golden plates filled with food. Unfortunately I hadn’t had an appetite for some time. I softly shut my eyes, but only for a moment, for it was just then a firm hand grasped onto my shoulder.
“Draco, cheer up, man!” Blaise laughed, “You’re bumming everyone out, at least get something on your plate, fuckin hell.”
I ran a hand through my hair, taking a breath and urging myself to calm down. “Not hungry.” I muttered after a moment.
Blaise shrugged, piling everything he could onto his plate. “Whatever, mate. Just don’t wake me up with that growling stomach of yours.” He bit off a huge chuck of chicken leg. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten those tummy troubles you’re so prone to.” He mumbled with a wink. I could already hear Pansy giggling beside me.
I choose not to respond, for that would only be fueling the fire.
“Aw, come on, I’m only having a laugh.” He added. When I failed to acknowledge him yet again, the boy beside me seemed to grow impatient. With a huff, he voiced, quite loudly, “Bloody hell, Draco, you better not be like this all year! I know even at your best you’re not particularly a ray of sunshine, but..”
“Fuck. Off. Blaise.” I hissed through clenched teeth, still not looking at the boy.
He was silent for a moment.
“You need to get laid, Malfoy. Bad.” Blaise grumbled before stuffing a roll into his face.
It was only moments later when I felt Pansy’s finger slide across the side of my leg, sending a tingle up my side. My eyes darted up to meet hers with my expressionless face remaining the same except for only the slightest hint of question.
The dark haired girl gave me a sly smile followed by a subtle wink. Ever since we had started this on and off “friends with benefits” sort of thing a while back, Pansy seems to take every chance she finds to get us naked. Which I personally have no problem with.
I hadn’t expected it, but I felt a little better. If only the slightest.. Was it the thought if sex in the future? Or maybe that, as pathetic as it may sound, the need for some sort of affection.
I couldn’t help but scoff at my own thoughts. You fucking pussy, Draco. The need for affection…
Although somewhere, deep inside, very deep inside, maybe it was true.

After the feast, I couldn’t bring myself to go straight back to the common room. The first day is always chaos. Absolute, screaming, drunken chaos. It becomes quite apparent that the common room was not meant to contain the entire house full of hyped up, soon to be drunken teenagers seeing each other for the first time in three months. By the next morning, a heavy silence falls over the common room, except for the pitiful moans from the kids who have never experienced the joys of a hangover before. Laughing at those poor little souls had become a tradition of Blaise’s and mine…
But not this year. Or at least, not tonight.
Mindlessly, I made my way out to the courtyard where I took a seat on the edge of the fountain. The chill of the young night easily passed through my jumper, sending small pinprick shivers over my skin. It felt good in a way; like a reminder that I’m still in my own skin. It brought me down to earth and allowed my head to focus on something other than thoughts. I closed my eyes and focused on the gentle yet brisk wind passing over me. I lost track of just how long I kept my eyes closed. Though it seemed like a while, moments seem to be passing by slower every day. And yet everything’s happening so fast. As I ran my hand over the rough, worn texture of the eagle statue beside me, my sleeve managed to slip down just enough to see peek of black ink. My heart seemed to drop at just the mere sight of it.. Slowly, almost cautiously, I lowered my arm into my lap and made a quick glance around to make sure I was completely alone. My fingers played nervously with the hem of shirt, then inch by inch, I tugged up the fabric until the mark was fully revealed. The one thing that kept me bound to the Dark Lord. Sentenced to do his bidding until his sick mind is satisfied. I traced the mark a few times, taking note of every bump, every, every line.. I could even swear I saw the thing twitch a few times…
I took a deep intake of breath; This is an honor Draco. He chose you. Not any other, you. I repeated the thought over and over, drilling the idea into my head. It’s an honor. You were chosen for this. Think of how proud father and mother will be…
Not bothering to push back down my sleeve, I rested my elbows on my knees and ran shaking hands through my hair and hung my head down until my chin rested upon my chest. I can do this. I breathed, my voice not any louder than the wind. I can kill the headmaster.
Hours passed as I sat there, back pressed against one of the broken columns. My eyes wandered, but saw nothing. For in those hours that seemed to blur into a short moment, I was completely immersed in my mind, convincing myself that everything would be fine.
With a new found sense of determination which acted as a great mask for that every growing weight upon me, I made my way back to the common room. It’s guaranteed anyone below the age of 14 is passed out by now. And of course, as I stepped though the doorway, the floor and couches were littered with children, all sprawled out in positions that were definitely going to result in some sore necks in the morning.
The soft green glow of the common room sent a rush of comfort through me. And though it only lasted for a moment, it was greatly needed.
“Eyyy! Look who finally came to join us!” Blaise seemed to come out of nowhere, giving me a firm slap on the shoulder. I give him a nod, and continued on my way to my dormitory. “Draco, what the fuck! The Party’s jus’ gettin’ started, mate!”
“Mhm. Why don’t you celebrate with another drink.” Blaise somehow found a way to be even more talkative than usual when he’s drunk. The only way to shut him up? More alcohol.
“Thas’ the spirit!” Blaise raised his empty glass to no one in particular as he stumbled around, almost tripping over some passed out girls arm.
“Fucking idiot..” I spoke, knowing my friend would be too out of it to comprehend my words.
Upon entering the dormitory, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room, but I could make out a faint figure on my bed.
“Hey Draco. Took you long enough.” Pansy’s smooth voice sang out from across the room. Of course. But what the hell, at least I would fall asleep faster this way.
Without a word I walked over to the bed. The girl sat up, pushing back her shoulders so her chest would seem more substantial, just before I grabbed her by the shoulders and roughly brought her mouth to mine. Now he could only hope that pleasure would be enough to clear his mind, if only for a moment.


The room buzzed with anticipation.
A small, scrawny girl made her way to the end of the Great Hall. She bit her lip uncertainly, placing herself beneath the Sorting Hat. Awaiting her fate, her foot tapped repeatedly against the floor and she squinted her eyes uncertainly as the hat quietly considered its decision.

I watched as the girl squirmed in discomfort.

She was nervous.
A faint smile crossed my lips as I recognized her nerves all too well. Small, runt-like and anxious, five years ago I was almost identical to the girl who was now being sorted.


As the Sorting Hat shouted its final decision, the crowd broke into loud cheers. My eyes glazed over as I stared off into the distance, and suddenly I was brought right back.

Five years ago.
September 1st.
It was my first year at Hogwarts.

“Miss Clarabelle Paisley.”
Professor McGonacall’s voice pierced through the air.
I stared blankly ahead of me. The walk down the aisle to the Sorting Hat felt a thousand feet away.
“That’s you, ain’t it? Go!” a stout and red-faced boy behind me shoved my arm irritably. I shot him an icy glare before letting my gaze settle back on the hat.
My heart hammered in my chest as I walked towards the Sorting Hat.
Why was I so nervous?
Nobody else seemed this nervous.

I finally reached the Sorting Hat. Turning towards the crowd, I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and took a deep breath as the hat was placed upon my head.
The hat let out a small groan of amusement. “Mm… fidgety one you are… Why so nervous, eh?” It let out a dry chuckle. “Ah, I see…. Very interesting indeed…. Yes…” it grumbled something inaudible, taking its merry time as it pondered its decision. Suddenly though, its voice broke through the air, “With a mind like this one, must be…. RAVENCLAW!”

My eyes snapped open and the crowd roared.

“To our new students, welcome! And to our old students, welcome back, to another year at Hogwarts.”

My eyes came back into focus and I snapped back into reality as Dumbledore’s words echoed throughout the Great Hall, causing a loud eruption of cheers among the crowd of students. I watched with semi-amusement as a group of boys hastily shoved each other’s arms out of the way to fill their plates.

“What are they? Animals?” a dry voice spoke beside me, laced with a thick Irish accent.
The voice belonged to the girl sitting next to me. She was short, yet still held a couple inches over me, and unlike me she had curves. The tight blouse beneath her cloak accentuated her hour glass figure. Raven black hair was fastened into two perky pigtails upon her head, the tips of her hair brushing the pale skin of her shoulders. She was unamused as her frosty blue eyes stared blankly ahead at the grubbing boys before us. Her gaze did not waver as she tore off a piece of bread.

Nina Nixon.
The most mysterious, satirical, strange girl you’d ever meet. And also my best friend.

“Or simply pubescent boys.” I shrugged at her, “Same thing, I suppose.”

“Well. Speaking of boys,” Nina raised a brow and nodded behind us, “Here comes one now.”

I turned around in my seat to see an all too familiar face making its way towards us. A tall, lanky boy strode along the Ravenclaw table in an awkward fashion that was almost charming in its own, quirky way. If it weren’t for the laughable height difference between the two of us, you might almost assume that this boy could be my brother. Like me, he had pale skin and red cheeks that looked as if they had been pinched. If he were up close, you would see that he had big, saucer-like green eyes that matched mine. Our chestnut-brown hair could have been identical if it weren’t for the fact that mine hung down past my shoulders in spiraled curls while his fell stick-straight across his face, nearly covering his eyes.

He flipped his hair out of his face and flashed a cocky grin, revealing a straight set of pearly white teeth.

“Well if it isn’t Nina Nixon and Clara Paisley. My two favorite girls,” he bent down to give Nina a quick kiss on the cheek - to which she wrinkled her nose in distaste, and playfully ruffled the top of my hair, creating a large frizz ball on the top of my head.

“Gavin Norwood,” I sighed as I patted down my hair. “As much as I get joy from seeing your lovely face – I can’t say that I’m enjoying my new hairdo,” I shot him a glare.

“There are those cute little dagger eyes I missed so much!” Gavin ignored me and flashed another grin. He squirmed his way in between Nina and I so that he could sit and proceeded to casually wrap his arms around the two of us. “Missed me?” he batted his long, luxurious eyelashes, his delightful smile never fading.

“So very much,” Nina drawled, continuing to tear off another piece of bread with her teeth.

“You, sir, have disappeared an awful lot today. Why on earth didn’t you come and sit with us earlier? We always sit together.” I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him, and then smirked slightly, “Has Gavin finally moved on and made new friends?” I elbowed him gently in the ribs, causing him to squirm and grin.

His eyes held a devious glint. “I went and sat with the boys. You know.... mixed it up a little. Thought it might be good for me.”

“You were flirting, weren’t you?” Nina smirked at him.

“Mmm, she’s right. And I’m guessing it didn’t work out too well, which is why you came galloping right back to us,” I smiled knowingly at him.

He looked sheepish. “I may have pulled some of my charm on one of them,” he shrugged. “Conversation ended quite abruptly when I asked him if he’d like a private tour of my bedroom.”

Nina and I broke into hysterical laughter and Gavin simply grinned at us until he eventually began to laugh along as well.
The three of us sitting there – it was just like it was every year. Nina, Gavin, me. We were like a small family, each of us strangely unique in our own ways yet somehow fitting perfectly together like puzzle pieces. I suppose you could say we were misfits of sorts – not just because of our individual quirkiness, but also because of the way we had managed to separate ourselves from other students ever since we banded together in first year. We were three lost souls who linked together the instant we met – and ever since then, we had never really let anyone else into our group.
Then again, no one ever seemed too interested in being a part of it. Though Gavin was a social butterfly and attracted all sorts of people, most people didn’t come too close to us with the cold stare that Nina managed to give almost everybody. The three of us were inseparable, and untouchable.

The rest of dinner continued as it usually did every year. Gavin talked our heads off, Nina told a couple dark jokes that neither of us laughed at, and I mostly dazed off in my own world of thoughts. Gavin mentioned that I was being abnormally quiet and proceeded to pester me, asking if there was something wrong. He was right- usually I was talkative, I’d be cracking jokes, or engaging in a debate with Gavin as I usually did.
This year, however, I was more distracted than usual… and I couldn’t figure out why.
I couldn’t help but feel like something was distinctly wrong.
I couldn’t figure out what, but something about this year felt different from the others.
It wasn’t a feeling of sadness, or anything especially negative – it was simply a feeling of uncertainty. It was a strong instinctual feeling telling me that something was different, that something was going to change, or something important was going to happen…

I had no logical explanation for it, however, and therefore I decided that I was simply being irrational.


The buzz of the crowd grew quiet as Dumbledore’s voice echoed through the Hall.

“Now as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, who like you, sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, slept under its roofs. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name: Tom Riddle.”

A rush of small gasps and murmurs broke out among the students. Nina’s eyes widened and Gavin clutched my arm. I winced in discomfort as his fingers dug into my skin.

“Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name, which is why, as I stand looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact: Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls.” Dumbledore paused, a solemn look filling his eyes, “But in the end, their greatest weapon... is you. There's something to think about… now off to bed, pip pip!”

The room grew loud again as students talked among themselves and some bustled out of their seats.

“What a nice thing to hear right before bed time,” said Nina.

“I really could have done without that,” Gavin frowned and let go of my arm as he realized he was still clutching it.

I looked over at the end of the Great Hall and watched some of the professors conversing. My gaze fell on Professor Snape, who stared grimly ahead.

“Something is not right…” I muttered.

“What’s that?” Nina asked, looking over at me curiously.

I turned towards the two of them and sighed. “Don’t you feel like something isn’t right? Something feels different this year. I don’t know what it is but… there’s something off…” I bit my lip as I realized my words did not make any sense whatsoever.

Gavin and Nina simply stared blankly at me.

I huffed in frustration, “Well am I just mental or are you two going to say something?”

Nina frowned, “I mean, yeah, obviously something can’t be right when Dumbledore starts talking about… well… you know who…” she lowered her voice uncomfortably.

“Alright!” Gavin stood up abruptly, “You know what I think? I think that you’re both mad, and that it’s time for bed. Right? Right.”

For Gavin’s sake, I agreed it was time for bed and the three of us made our way to the Common Room together.

By the end of the night I was back in the dark depths of my dormitory. The lights were off, and everybody else was asleep. Nina snored quietly in the bed beside me. My mind continued to have its usual way of buzzing thoughts, and I felt my chest tighten slightly as once again I was hit with the same unnerving feeling I had earlier. The feeling that something was wrong. Dumbledore’s words echoed through my mind and I tucked my sheets over my head, squeezing my eyes shut as if I could somehow block out my thoughts this way.

Soon enough, my eyelids softened, and my thoughts formed into dreams as I drifted off to sleep.
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